
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Byte the Bullet: Let Students Use Their Computers

So far, my time at Georgetown has been one of adjustment. Like most freshmen, I got lost in the labyrinth as I searched for Darnall’s I-9 office for student employees.... Read more

Carrying On

Carrying On: Getting Comfortable with the Discomfort of Diversity

Tabling for three hours for the undergraduate Japanese club at the student activities fair a few weekends ago made me realize why diversity education is so important to the studies... Read more


Reckless Rhetoric: Why Georgetown’s Apology Isn’t “Reparations”

President DeGioia, in his remarks introducing the measures to be taken to atone for the University’s sale of 272 slaves, spoke of a need to “reconcile” Georgetown’s history of and... Read more


My Relationship with Thesaurus.com: The Road to Linguistic Independence

According to Cosmopolitan Magazine, an unassailable authority on all questions of love and romance, the ability to finish your partner’s sentences is the number 10  sign that you have met... Read more


Pay Attention to the Task Force

The Association of American Universities found that of 27 universities, an average of 23 percent of female undergraduates reported experiencing non-consensual sexual contact. This spring’s Sexual Assault and Misconduct Climate... Read more


Senseless Summer Yates Fees

The many Georgetown students who spend their summers in D.C. can look forward to the benefits of a less crowded campus, fireworks on July 4, and access to Yates Field... Read more


Dear Incoming Students…

Welcome to Georgetown. You have more time left here than any of us on the Voice. That makes us all a little jealous, but we’re trying to channel that feeling... Read more


A Political Coming of Age: Finding Lessons in the Time of Trump

This is a strange time in American politics to come of age. But before we get into that, here’s a little about me: I’m from the Boston area. I’m an... Read more


Cultivating Camaraderie: Addressing Loneliness on the Hilltop

There’s something really impersonal about many of the “back to school” tips and articles circulating this time of year.  They focus on our school-social life balance, our involvement in clubs,... Read more


What Is a University?

It’s that time of year again. Just as we’ve begun to settle into our routines of paying little thought to the academic obligations that await us in Washington, we are... Read more


Climbing the Hilltop: A Senior’s Advice to Freshmen

Ah, to be a freshman again. As a senior, I envy that you have your entire college experience in front of you. You have four amazing years where you can... Read more


Ed Board Slack Chat: Should Jeh Johnson be disinvited?

Welcome to our first ever Editorial Board Slack Chat. Today we’ll be talking about the University’s decision to invite Jeh Johnson, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS),... Read more


Burning Issues: Why Republicans Need Trump

I’ll admit, I was hesitant to put my real name on this column. I worry I’m starting to come off as that rarest of Georgetown students, the Trump apologist. Let... Read more


Burning Issues: The #Chalkening

The death knell of irony may have officially sounded last month. In the wee hours of April Fool’s Day, a group of students slipped out of Darnall Hall to execute... Read more


Let’s Talk About Your Mental Health

We have a problem with how we deal with mental health issues at Georgetown. As students, we seem unwilling to have an open conversation about what mental health is, who... Read more


Troubled Campus, Troubled Lecture Fund

The Lecture Fund’s inviting Cecile Richards, head of Planned Parenthood, to speak on campus is causing pain to significant segments of the Hilltop.  We might wonder, however, whether our troubled... Read more


Lessons from Literature: The Infinite Potential of the Human Mind

“Every man should be capable of all ideas, and I believe that in the future he will be.” ― Jorge Luis Borges, Ficciones Jorge Luis Borges is often considered the master... Read more


Talking Tech: The Man, the Myth, the Legend

He has been dubbed many things: the real life Tony Stark, the modern-day Tesla/Edison, and an antagonist like Hugo Drax and Dr. Evil (albeit jokingly). But if one thing is... Read more


A Tale of Two Rivers: Environmental Injustice in D.C.

There are stark differences between the Potomac River and the Anacostia River. The first, bordering the south section of our campus, is a source of pride for its community. In... Read more


Home Runs and Circuses: A Life at the Ballpark

One of my first memories is from 2001. I was five years old, and it was just a couple of months after 9/11. I was watching the New York Yankees... Read more