
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Carrying On: Casting the Oscars in a new mold

Everything seems a little tidier in retrospect, the visceral immediacy of a moment a little muted in its distance from the present. The moment I’m thinking about occurred last summer,... Read more


A stand against religious absolutism begins on campus

Last Thursday, Duke University regrettably reversed its decision to allow members of its Muslim Student Association to chant the adhan, Islam’s call-to-prayer, from the university’s monolithic chapel bell tower every... Read more


Granting diginity in death

Last Wednesday, D.C. councilmember Mary Cheh introduced a bill that may bring “death with dignity” laws to the District. The law will allow terminally ill patients who are mentally competent... Read more


Not-so-good times ahead for Metro

“Look alive, good times are ahead.” Such was the message of the Washington Metro Area Transit Authority—next to a cheery dance crew, no less—in a video advertisement celebrating the opening... Read more


Relearning to read for pleasure, or: how I got lost in a book

Last semester’s finals generated a lot of panic, and in the middle of exam week, I wanted to go study. But not in Lau, or the MSB, or the Healey Family... Read more


Come back, Voltaire: Free Speech in the wake of Charlie Hebdo

The cover of next week’s New Yorker depicts an unsettling version of a familiar image. The Eiffel Tower emerges from a blood-spattered landscape, with its peak transformed into a pencil... Read more


Ouvrez vos yeux: Looking beyond the Paris terror attacks

We don’t care about Boko Haram. Last Wednesday, a series of terrorist attacks in France, beginning with the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris, gripped the nation and the world. Millions... Read more


Carrying On: The Inconvenient Truth about Fossil Free

Climate change is the challenge that will define humanity’s future. Devastating droughts and floods will be more common, and the developing world will be disproportionately harmed. Let me get something... Read more


Congressional meddling on Initiative 71 another case for D.C. statehood

In last November’s general election, D.C. voters overwhelmingly passed Initiative 71, a bill legalizing recreational use of marijuana in the District. Unfortunately, even with the majority support of all but... Read more


Hoya Court meal swipe program a win-win for students and university

At the beginning of last semester’s finals week, Georgetown Dining implemented a pilot program where students with meal plans could exchange meal swipes for food at Hoya Court, which Aramark... Read more


Practical policies will accomplish new mayor’s goal to end homelessness

D.C.’s new mayor, Muriel Bowser, campaigned on a platform that promised to end homelessness in D.C. by 2025. A report released last month by the D.C. Fiscal Policy Institute, however,... Read more

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

I am writing in response to the anonymous reports of sexual assault [reported by the Voice on Nov. 13]. As Georgetown’s Title IX Coordinator, I am responsible for making sure... Read more


If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It: Demystifying Net Neutrality

The Washington Post recently published an interview with billionaire technology entrepreneur and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban. In the interview, Cuban rails against President Obama’s endorsement of “net neutrality,” saying... Read more


Plans for former Jesuit Residence LLC lack concrete, unique vision

Next Monday, the Office of Residential Living will release application materials for upperclassmen interested in living in the refurbished Ryan and Mulledy Halls during the 2015-2016 academic year. The entirety... Read more


Harbin power outage exhibits Facilities Management’s persistent inefficiencies

On the afternoon of Nov. 23, a transformer failure left Harbin Hall, among other nearby academic buildings, without power. The Office of Facilities Management did not successfully restore power until... Read more


Rapid-fire news cycle threatens to dampen impetus for social change

“A potent symbol of a D.C. that no longer exists,” writes a Washington Post article on Marion Barry’s visionary leadership for what was then a racially and socioeconomically integrated city.... Read more


Res Life, administration must address RA sexual assault concerns

An op-ed written by Thomas Lloyd (SFS ‘15) in The Hoya last week about the mishandling of the Milzman ricin incident raised the issue of the unacceptable treatment of Resident... Read more


GU should up restrictions on Greek organizations for students’ benefit

The death of a West Virginia University freshman at a fraternity party last Friday and the subsequent suspension of all WVU fraternity activity has reignited a public debate about the... Read more


GU students must answer call to implement national service year

Joining the armed forces is often considered the pinnacle of service to one’s country. It was therefore heartening to see retired U.S. Army General Stanley McChrystal advocate for an “appropriately... Read more


Building your passion should come before building your resume

Leadership is a quality that almost everyone strives for and sees as an indicator of success. Throughout my life, I believed  being a quintessential leader—an outgoing individual who can rally... Read more