
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Court ruling stands up to agricultural lobbyists

Last Friday, in a decision fiercely contested by agricultural lobbyists, U.S. District Court Judge Sylvia Rambo ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency’s  efforts to reduce contamination in the Chesapeake Bay... Read more


Massacre hits close to home, points toward gun reform

My phone woke me up Monday morning, notifying me that, as a nationally certified EMT, I was placed on standby for the District. Apparently there was a shooting at the... Read more


Carrying On: Intimacy in the Digital Age

In between researching African Peace and Security Architecture and finding the best rooftop happy hour spots, I spent my summer reading 40 Days of Dating. The blog is a social... Read more


Carrying On: Off-campus, off the mark

“Since 1789, the Georgetown University experience has always included Georgetown.” This is not a comment from a student, nor an on-campus publication. This is a comment from NBC News Washington’s... Read more


Chile provides a path for Latin American liberalism

Massive mobilizations have taken over Chile in light of the 40th Anniversary commemorating the coup d’état that ousted Chilean socialist President Salvador Allende at the hands of his appointed Army... Read more


Entertainment industry should support TV moving online

It’s midnight and you’re bored. You don’t own a TV, so you go to your common room, past loud, drunk floormates to watch the poorly placed TV set, just to... Read more


Students excluded from dorm planning process

This past Sunday, GUSA President Nate Tisa (SFS ‘14) came forward with the news that the University is considering establishing an off-campus residence in order to fulfill the Campus Plan... Read more


Living-wage bill a necessity for the District

On July 10th the D.C. Council approved the monumental Large Retailer Accountability Act, which would require that retailers that generate corporate sales in excess of  $10 billion and occupy a... Read more


Death penalty makes us no better than criminals we condemn

I remember the stutter in his speech, the terror on his face, and the utter desperation in his voice. I remember his torn jeans and old, faded polo that told... Read more


Carrying On: Dynamic in diversity

After two weeks at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in Qatar, I have noticed a stark contrast between how Qatar and the U.S. treat their immigrant workers. From this,... Read more


Common ground: Republicans, Obama can unite over Syria

President Obama’s recent decision to use force in Syria has been met with attacks from both ends of the political spectrum. The liberal left claims military action will lead to... Read more


Trial proves Nazis must remain accountable years later

Sixty-nine years ago, Siert Bruins allegedly killed a Dutch resistance fighter. This Monday, he was placed on trial for Nazi war crimes. No matter how many times people say the... Read more


Revisions to conduct policy leave students in the dark

Last Thursday Vice President of Student Affairs, Todd Olson, sent an email to the student body hailing the changes made to the Code of Student Conduct that have gone into... Read more


Amendment to sexual assault policy insufficient

Over the past year the Division of Student Affairs, along with GUSA, has critically reexamined Georgetown’s sexual assault policies, seeking ways to improve how sexual assaults are addressed on campus.... Read more


D.C. United stadium a burden for the District

With the signing of a tentative agreement with D.C. United to create a new 20,000 seat soccer stadium at Buzzard Point in Southwest Washington, D.C., it appears as though Mayor... Read more


Jeremy Lin proves that Asians can be ballers, too

On Feb. 10, 2012, right after the legendary game against the Lakers in the bright lights of New York City, my future became wide open. Ever since that day, no... Read more


Sexual assault survivors deserve support, not blame

“They call it the ‘Red Zone’—the first six weeks of college, when students are most vulnerable to being sexually assaulted,” I tell my little sister on the morning of her... Read more


Prospects for North East Triangle Disappoint

Administrators and architects unveiled a plan for the North East Triangle, the latest attempt to placate the neighbors by moving students back on campus. The dorm, to be situated on one of the few green spaces on campus, has been a point of contention since plans for it were released in July.


Lackluster advising forces pre-meds to scramble for guidance

As I toured the Georgetown campus as a prospective student, I felt a mixture of awe, anticipation, and mind-numbing fear about what the next few years would bring. But, even... Read more


Gtown Catholic identity strong among diversity

Last June, William Blatty (COL ’50), author of The Exorcist, started a petition to sue Georgetown in canon court to strip it of its Catholic status. Blatty filed a complaint with the Archbishop of Washington, in May, claiming that Georgetown does not comply with Pope John Paul II’s decree on Catholic higher education.