
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


No end in sight for the floundering “War on Terror”

With General David Petraeus, the architect of the surge in Iraq, speaking in Gaston Hall today, questions about the rise of American militarism and misguided nation-building projects loom larger than ever. In replicating the Patraeus strategy in Afghanistan, Obama ignored the lessons of history, the advice of foreign policy experts, and the views of the many Americans and Afghans who are tired of war and foreign intervention. Instead, our president urged U.S. forces to intensify their efforts in Afghanistan as a necessary step in the vague and unending “War on Terror.”


Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Cali anymore

I’ve gotten paler and seem to walk faster. Flip-flops have been replaced by rainboots and Chipotle or Qdoba is really the closest thing to Mexican food I can find. I’m starting to think J.Crew is more of a cult than a clothing store, and I’ve accepted that people actually walk on escalators. I attribute every brain malfunction to frost bite and check the weather report on a freakish basis. I’m from California, and over winter break, I realized just how different my life is on the East Coast.


In defense of satire

I’ve watched the mounting anger over the alleged racism of the Georgetown Heckler with no small amount of concern. As a recent Georgetown graduate and a longtime contributor to the... Read more


Free papers return

The Collegiate Readership Program, which provided free daily newspapers to Georgetown students last year, is scheduled to restart in January after being cancelled this semester due to a lack of... Read more


Low Black Friday turnout on M St.

Both customers and store owners in Georgetown reported smaller than expected crowds this Black Friday.


Administration needs to focus on aid

The Admissions and Recruitment Working Group, one of three diversity working groups commissioned by President DeGioia in April, released a series of promising but imperfect recommendations to the student body... Read more


Obama’s surge: New era for Afghanistan

Taliban fighters have a phrase that they have used to describe their strategy in Afghanistan: the Americans have the watches, but we have the time. They do not need to... Read more


GUSA shouldn’t control student fees

Between finals, basketball season, and impending holiday vacations, Georgetown students would be forgiven for missing the ongoing dispute between the Georgetown University Student Association and club funding boards. But if... Read more


Pimpin’ (yourself) ain’t easy, but is it necessary?

The news all this weekend revolved around Tareq and Michaele Salahi crashing the first state dinner of the Obama Presidency. The couple managed to be photographed with Vice President Joe... Read more


Winless football season leaves one fan with the blues

Georgetown football made history this year by recording its first winless season since the program began in 1874. This unfortunate milestone won’t come as a shock to anyone on campus—members... Read more


The Universal Life Church: When “mister” just won’t do

No one is ever going to address me as Dr. Baumgardner. This is not a surprise, as I have never planned on being a doctor. I don’t have a mind... Read more


Trading candy and costumes for Gatorade and tiny shorts

A child’s greatest nightmare is that Christmas (or whatever respective holiday he celebrates) will somehow be stolen. The fear of losing Christmas compels normally delinquent children to behave kindly during... Read more


Condoms anonymous

Trekking to class a few weeks ago, my condom supply as depleted as my bank account, I was thrilled to spot the H*yas for Choice table in Red Square. I was psyching myself up for my free rubber restock, when I recognized the male figure standing squarely in front of the giant jar of condoms, chatting with the girl manning the table. Let’s just say that he was one of my more dubious decisions from freshman year.


He kept poking me, so I quit facebook forever

“I don’t have a Facebook.” I’ve had to say that every few days for the last few months. It’s been met with every response from “Are you crazy?” to “You’re... Read more


I wish I had as much sex as the people on television

“I’m turning it off,” my mother would say as we were sitting down to dinner. She didn’t care that there were only 2 minutes left of Hey Arnold and it... Read more


Nerds report increase in tail: blame Hollywood

My freshman year of college, I finally came to terms. I decided that it was time to come out of the locker and announce to the world: I am a... Read more


Church shouldn’t abandon D.C. needy

In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” It’s unclear whether the 68,000 people currently receiving social... Read more


Campus plan needs clear priorities

After months of planning, Georgetown’s 2010 Campus Plan is nearly complete, defining what construction projects the University can undertake over the upcoming decade. The plan has laudable new goals, such... Read more


Jesuit massacre sheds light on School

Twenty years ago last Monday, Salvadoran soldiers murdered six Jesuits, their housekeeper, and her daughter in the early morning. The military targeted the Jesuits because they called for peace talks... Read more


The internet brings schools to Africa

Whenever people talk about how modern electronics and the internet have transformed communication, I find you can count on them to use the word “disconnected” as sure as they will... Read more