
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


D.C.’s done little to stop AIDS’ spread

The HIV/AIDS rate in Washington, D.C., has reached epidemic proportions. More than 3 percent of the District’s residents have HIV or AIDS, the highest rate in the nation and one... Read more


Angert has a chance to start fresh

When Calen Angert (MSB `11) and Jason Kluger (MSB `11) are sworn in as Student Association President and Vice President, they’ll have a lot on their plate. They’ve promised to... Read more


Give D.C. schools single-sex classes

In recent years, the small but fast growing movement to implement single-sex public education in the United States has been picking up steam. Some elementary and middle schools in Virginia... Read more

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A day in the life of a MidEast border-crossing junkie

In these days of borderless Schengen areas and expressways funneling cars across the U.S.-Canadian border at blazing speeds, the prospect of crossing an international border on foot seems more than a little quaint. Last April, I did so twice in one day.


The “Cuddler” as a joking matter

Though I can’t remember the first time I heard about the assailant who later came to be known as the “Cuddler,” I remember exactly when I heard my first Cuddler joke.

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The U.S. v. nonviolent DNC & RNC protesters

Dear Denver and St. Paul, I can still smell the last whiffs of the tear gas that you sprayed at us, I still see the remnants of it rising mockingly in misty spirals to a backdrop of riot gear, though all that is left of our peaceful protests are the legal battles that began to erupt between you and us protesters in the aftermath of the Republican National Convention and Democratic National Convention.


Liberals for a strong, but intelligent, Republican party

The Republican party is in shambles, and I’m not happy about it—even though I’m an Obama supporter.

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A-Rod’s juiced up stats destroy childhood memories

A-Rod’s steroid use has tainted my childhood memories. The scandal has even, on a certain level, created more of a disconnect with those memories. From now on, I will associate those numbers with a player who dishonestly juiced himself up, rather than with a simpler time, when a Yankees game, my dad, and a box of Twizzlers made everything right in the world.


A break up of operatic proportions

So perhaps a happy relationship was never in the cards for Wagner and me; perhaps there was just too much baggage. We both did what we could. He got me cheap tickets, and I struggled to accept his mythological quirks and overpowering brass section. But in the end, we’re just two very different people. But maybe we can still hang out sometime.

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Sex Positive Week: Events were counterproductive and one-sided

This year, Sex Positive Week only served to promote dangerous stereotypes through events and discussions which are fundamentally inconsistent with Georgetown’s identity as a Jesuit university. Simply put, we deserve better.


Sex Positive Week: sex positivity can be part of a Jesuit education

Sex positivity is a simple yet radical idea that an individual’s right to make sexual choices must be respected. Sex positivity discourages sexual shame and coercive sexual acts, espousing instead safe, healthy, and responsible choices for one’s body and mind.


GUSA no longer moderately enDowd

Since taking office as GUSA president last March, Pat Dowd (SFS ‘09) has handily accomplished what he promised to do in his campaign, creating a Summer Fellows Program, revising Georgetown’s... Read more


D.C. schools trying to spare the rod

In the District, misbehaving public school students often learn more about the plagues of punishment than the power of the pen. The D.C. Public Schools’ current student discipline policy allows... Read more


District given vote at barrel of a gun

Last Thursday, D.C. got one step closer to gaining representation in Congress, as the Senate approved the D.C. House Voting Rights Act. If approved by the House of Representatives, the... Read more


Senate rescues the GUSA election

Like a certain pair of star-crossed lovers, the Election Commission acted with disastrous rashness when its three members chose late Monday night to disqualify two GUSA Presidential tickets. In disqualifying... Read more


More money, more problems at UDC

Over the past several weeks, students at the University of the District of Columbia have risen up in protest against a proposed 86 percent tuition increase. University President Allen Sessoms... Read more


Bagging a win for the environment

For District residents, it just may be time to break out the sustainable shopping bags.  Last Tuesday, Ward 6 council member Tommy Wells introduced a bill to the D.C. Council... Read more


All I need is my bicycle

Last summer, I soaked up Amsterdam for a few days during my oh-so-cliché summer-before-starting-college Euro Trip. I already know what you’re thinking, but believe me: what tickled my fancy most was not the vendors of sexual fantasy nor the urbane denizens of those “coffee shops”, but rather something much more wholesome: the bicycles.

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Recessions take money and might even humble souls

I have given up on the idea of working to become wealthy, or to become powerful; I will work simply to do good, and to do well. If I may grow rich in the pursuit, so be it.


This is not real life

Maybe the whole idea of there being a difference between “real life” and some other form of existence is just a lie we’ve got to rise above. Maybe I just need to grow up.