
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


Chile provides a path for Latin American liberalism

Massive mobilizations have taken over Chile in light of the 40th Anniversary commemorating the coup d’état that ousted Chilean socialist President Salvador Allende at the hands of his appointed Army... Read more


Entertainment industry should support TV moving online

It’s midnight and you’re bored. You don’t own a TV, so you go to your common room, past loud, drunk floormates to watch the poorly placed TV set, just to... Read more


Death penalty makes us no better than criminals we condemn

I remember the stutter in his speech, the terror on his face, and the utter desperation in his voice. I remember his torn jeans and old, faded polo that told... Read more


Carrying On: Dynamic in diversity

After two weeks at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in Qatar, I have noticed a stark contrast between how Qatar and the U.S. treat their immigrant workers. From this,... Read more


Common ground: Republicans, Obama can unite over Syria

President Obama’s recent decision to use force in Syria has been met with attacks from both ends of the political spectrum. The liberal left claims military action will lead to... Read more


Trial proves Nazis must remain accountable years later

Sixty-nine years ago, Siert Bruins allegedly killed a Dutch resistance fighter. This Monday, he was placed on trial for Nazi war crimes. No matter how many times people say the... Read more


Jeremy Lin proves that Asians can be ballers, too

On Feb. 10, 2012, right after the legendary game against the Lakers in the bright lights of New York City, my future became wide open. Ever since that day, no... Read more


Sexual assault survivors deserve support, not blame

“They call it the ‘Red Zone’—the first six weeks of college, when students are most vulnerable to being sexually assaulted,” I tell my little sister on the morning of her... Read more


Lackluster advising forces pre-meds to scramble for guidance

As I toured the Georgetown campus as a prospective student, I felt a mixture of awe, anticipation, and mind-numbing fear about what the next few years would bring. But, even... Read more


Carrying On: You can handle the truth

Edward Snowden is a controversial figure. Some say he’s a leaker who threatened U.S. national security, while others call him the most notorious whistleblower since Daniel Ellsberg. Either way, the... Read more


GenderFunk a crass caricature of a complex trans identity

Last weekend, students and community members gathered in New South’s Riverside Lounge for GU Pride’s annual GenderFunk. It’s a night of fun, dancing, friendship, and yes, drag. This year’s line-up... Read more


Even gun lovers can support sensible, moderate regulation

I like guns. There’s something satisfying—like the fizz of an opened can of Cherry Coke on a hot summer day—about squeezing the 6lb trigger of an AR-15 and hitting the... Read more


Medical discrimination: Handicapped left for dead

Imagine your doctor suggesting that instead of receiving treatment for a potentially fatal but otherwise treatable condition, you should consider an alternative—death. For most people reading this piece, such a... Read more


Carrying On: Adversity’s afterglow

Last week’s tragedies in Boston and West Texas caused many to reflect on what they have to be grateful for in their lives. It was a time to ponder the... Read more


Carrying on: Not ready to put a ring on it

In the series finale of Gilmore Girls, Yale student and all-around perfect human being Rory Gilmore is proposed to by her cute, well-bred, and douchey boyfriend Logan at her college... Read more


Visceral visuals vital to vanquish varied violence

Monday, violence hit home once again. The explosions that went off at the Boston Marathon eerily mirror the Oklahoma City bombings almost exactly 18 years ago. The images taken at... Read more


Maduro’s win presents a crossroads for next generation

I am many things: a student, a writer, a brother, but I am also a Venezuelan. Being Venezuelan entails a mixture of experiences, misfortunes, and privileges that play a fundamental... Read more


Biracial student snubbed by Georgetown cultural society

Although we live in the capital of a country led by a biracial president, discrimination against multiculturalism is blatantly manifested here on campus. As a biracial student myself, I have... Read more


Pope Francis poised to add to the fabric of the Church

It has been nearly one month since the stunning announcement of the election of Pope Francis to the head of the Catholic Church, the first Jesuit and first Latin American... Read more


Foxfield more than big Derby hats and mint juleps

For a typical steeplechase race of any significant size or importance, the focus of the day is on the horses and the results. The spring Foxfield Races, however, is not... Read more