
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


Dirty rotten scoundrels on the ‘Riviera’

“You were dealing with illegal drugs. Tell me, as a [former] police officer, how that isn’t being a drug dealer?”


Obsession doesn’t culminate in face paint

I have never been to a Georgetown basketball game. Okay, you can stop throwing things at me now. I watch them on TV sometimes, and I stay vaguely aware of how we’re doing, much as I stay vaguely aware of how much money is on my GoCard. I don’t have season tickets, and I don’t want to go through the hassle of finding a ticket, getting up early, and taking some sort of bus to the Verizon Center. I relish brunches in a mostly empty Leo’s, and the quiet feel of the campus when all the action is elsewhere. I haven’t lost my voice yet, and I have never scrubbed blue facepaint out of my hair (or at least, never for basketball reasons.)


A Valentine’s card to the little people

Sunday mornings are sacred. Whether you welcome the week with mass, mimosas or Meet the Press, those first few waking hours are universally recognized to be a precious time, and barring nuclear disaster or a major sporting event, one’s routine should not be disturbed. Last weekend, throwing caution and luxuriously slow-brewed cups of coffee to the wind, I determined that my civic duty to the voters of Montgomery County, Maryland was greater than my ritualistic weekly reading of Date Lab in the Sunday Post.


Don’t mourn, organize: ten years of GU Solidarity

The Georgetown Solidarity Committee (GSC) is ten years old this year. We are officially a Georgetown tradition; we were invited to table on Copley Lawn during Traditions Day. We’ve done a lot in those ten years. I’m not going to list all of our accomplishments in this column—for that, go to www.georgetownsolidarity.org—but I will tell you why we’ve lasted so long, drawing enough students to our weekly meetings to become a lasting voice on campus.

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Hillary Clinton for President

With the race for the Democratic nomination a virtual tie, Democratic voters need to think long and hard about who they want to be their nominee in the 2008 presidential election. Senator Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) is both better qualified and better positioned than her Democratic rival, Senator Barack Obama (D-Ill.), to be president of the United States.

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Hoping for Obama in ’08

America is not as divided as the pundits would have us believe. Our perceived disagreement stems from a tendency to miss the forest for the trees. We get too bogged down in the minutiae of policy, and in the process we overlook the fact that regardless of ideology, we all yearn for a stronger and safer country that aspires to fulfill its fundamental ideals.


I’ll just have a nosh of that lo mein

The first thing you should know about me is that I’m not really Jewish. Technically I’m Jewish. My parents are Jewish, we watch a lot of Seinfeld and I definitely prefer my bagels with a little shmear, but I was raised in a household where Yom Kippur—the Jewish day of atonement—didn’t exist until my dad went through his midlife crisis


The roommate, the boy, and the wardrobe

Fresh from the shower and clad only in a towel, I saw that one of my apartment-mates had opened her door, so I knew she was awake. I immediately walked into her room and, still dripping, launched into my interrogation. I had gone to bed before she came home, and all I knew was that there was a boy involved. She began her story as she tried to print a paper using my computer and her printer. After a few unsuccessful attempts, we migrated to my room to use my printer.


Once more into the security breach

Like a whole bunch of Georgetown students and alums, I woke up last week to an unpleasant e-mail from Georgetown: my name and Social Security number “may have been exposed” after a University hard drive was stolen. More exasperated than angry—between Facebook, buying things on the internet and the U.S. government’s tendency to lose private information, my privacy is nil anyway—I had an advantage that most students didn’t: a pre-arranged chat with Vice President of Safety and Security, Rocco DelMonaco, Jr., scheduled for later that afternoon.


Never stop exploring the world outside the classroom

We worry an awful lot about our school’s image. You hear concern among students when they talk about friends at Harvard or Yale (the unspoken question being, how do we compare?). You see it in administrative reports when we compare our grade inflation to Princeton’s. You may, in fact, have just read it in several columns recently published in the Voice and the Hoya. As Fr. James Schall sees it, we focus too much on careers and extracurricular activities and appreciate the “life of the mind” too little.


The best part of waking up is a Murky cup

You may be sipping on your daily caramel macchiato as you read this. Or perhaps you are more of a “Beloved” fan. Either way, why the extra flavoring? Can’t you handle the taste of real coffee? Would you prefer to drink straight sugar? I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say that it’s not you; it’s the coffee.


The faith-based fight against poverty

“Poverty is a great enemy to human happiness,” wrote the British essayist Samuel Johnson. “It certainly destroys liberty and makes some virtues impracticable and others extremely difficult.” Johnson’s understanding of the threat that poverty posed to London in the 18th century holds no less true for Washington, D.C. in the 21st.


The pursuit of happiness

I have been told that January 22nd is the most depressing day of the year. Sunlight is scarce, Christmas bills are filling mailboxes and people are coming to the realization that their three weeks of New Years-inspired jogging and Pilates will not actually help them land a model, a professional football player or even a promotion. Forget April, Mr. Eliot; January appears to be the cruelest month.


Buying organic is meating vegans halfway

If you love Mother Earth, good food, animals and being a human, please don’t become a vegan. While adherents to vegetarianism’s extreme cousin claim that their lifestyle, which completely eliminates the consumption of animal products, springs from a concern for animal rights and the environment, a close look at vegan practices reveals them to be largely ineffective in terms of their stated goals. A simple awareness of the benefits of locally-grown and organic food and a dedication to small lifestyle changes is much more beneficial to the earth we all love so dearly.


The necessity of idealism

Though it is hard to imagine, I’m sure I’m not the only person who enjoys the Hoya’s bi-weekly exegesis of the ancient philosophers, penned by the legendary Fr. James V. Schall, S.J. Each edition of the aging Jesuit’s Aristoletian discourse is a treat—like intellectual antiquing—but I can’t help but take issue with the latest dispatch from the Hoya’s correspondent in the 1920s, entitled by their editors “Idealism Root of Political Problems.” (Hopefully, next week Fr. Maher will come back with “Open Minds Lead to Strife.”)

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The Bush Administration changes course

President Bush’s poor planning and lack of intelligent responses to many issues have spawned anti-Bush blocs in America and around the world. From gay-marriage to Guantánamo, his neo-con positions have drawn criticism from personalities as varied as Tim Kaine and Tim McGraw. But recently, Bush seems to have realized that he does not have to do everything wrong. The administration has careened backwards for six years, but it has accomplished enough in the last year to prove that a turnaround, though it may have come too late in this case, is not impossible. Between election coverage and the press’ prejudice against the administration, most of these accomplishments have been overlooked.


Students don’t mess about with careers

Like so many Hoyas, I recently braved the mad post-game rush from the Verizon Center, through the Metro and back to Georgetown with a friend from Beantown. We made it to campus in record time, arriving safe and sound at Rosslyn not twenty-five minutes after Roy made that three in the last five seconds of the game. We didn’t make that kind of time by making nice with the other six hundred Hoyas in Metro Center. But when I balked at cutting off a row of students to be one of the last people to board a train, my friend would have none of it. “In Boston,” she explained tersely, “we don’t play.”


On playing the game and being played

Last week, my life was fantastic. I had just moved into one of Georgetown’s finest townhouses. I was finishing all of my work and getting plenty of sleep every night. Sure, it was only the first full week of the semester, but I was still feeling pretty accomplished.


Election ’08: A Democratic change is gonna come

While Republicans continue to squabble over whether they want their old, white, male nominee to be bald or not, Democrats have an exciting and diverse field of candidates to choose from. The Democratic primary is making history, with the top two candidates representing historically underrepresented groups, women and African-Americans. And with plans to combat global warming, provide universal healthcare and implement landmark ethics reform, Democrats are ready to take action on January 20th, 2009.


Election ’08: A Republican change is gonna come

There is no doubt that the nation is in need of change. Unfortunately, there is a misconception that the Republican Party is resistant to this idea. In reality, the GOP is not against change and being a Republican does not mean being in favor of the status quo.