Articles tagged: union


RA union in full force: GRAC conducts first two rounds of negotiations with university

After a semester of organizing their union, Georgetown’s Residential Assistants (RAs) have started negotiations for their new labor contract with university administration. Members of the Georgetown Resident Assistant Coalition (GRAC)... Read more


Compass Coffee employees attempt to unionize amidst alleged unfair labor practices

While Georgetown students flock to Compass Coffee on Wisconsin Avenue for lattes and a dependably serene study spot, for Compass baristas, work has been anything but dependable or serene.  Compass... Read more


RAs to unionize after resounding victory in election

Georgetown’s Resident Assistants (RAs) voted overwhelmingly in favor of forming a union in an election on Tuesday, one of the fastest RA unionization efforts in the country pending certification, organizers said.


FRESHly organized: Workers unionize at DC’s leading farmers market organization

28 workers at FRESHFARM, a D.C. based nonprofit and the third-largest farmers market organization in the country, have voted to unionize in what they believe to be the first farmers market organization in the nation to do so. 


Howard University non-tenured, adjunct faculty approve new union contract

Professors at Howard University are seeing the beginnings of positive change in their labor negotiations with the university administration. 


Facilities workers ask Georgetown for more transparent communication

While Georgetown relies on its many facilities workers to have a clean and functioning campus, some are concerned about new changes in Georgetown’s policies and lack of communication from their... Read more


These “part-time” professors want Georgetown’s full-time respect

Georgetown employs about 1,000 contingent faculty who are not afforded the same benefits, job security, or voice in department governance as their full-time tenured and tenure-track counterparts.


GAGE claims university is stalling arbitration process, delaying COVID-19 protections for graduate workers

The Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees (GAGE) claims university administrators are stalling ongoing arbitration proceedings, which need to be completed before the union can negotiate further COVID-19 protections for graduate... Read more


Bargaining for the Future

Something deeply important is unfolding on the Georgetown campus this fall: the university’s graduate assistants, represented by their union, the Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees (GAGE) are negotiating their first... Read more


University considers private arbitrator in graduate student union election

Georgetown University will consider a Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees (GAGE) proposal to allow a neutral arbitrator to conduct an election on the recognition of a graduate student union by... Read more


Labor Day Reflections: The Impact of a Union

In the four years that I have been a member of the Georgetown University community, my outlook on life has changed profoundly. Becoming involved with my union gave me a... Read more


Georgetown Graduate Student-workers Need a Union

When many fellow graduate student-workers and I started the Doctoral Students’ Coalition (DSC) over a year ago, I didn’t have a firm opinion about whether graduate student-workers on campus should... Read more


GSC denied access to union negotiations

On Sept. 8, members of the Georgetown Solidarity Committee (GSC) were denied access to observe the negotiations between the University and SEIU Local 1199, a union that represents campus maintenance... Read more