
DeGioia invites campus community to discuss proposed Title IX regulations

November 30, 2018

University President John DeGioia sent an email to the Georgetown community explaining how the university’s plans to respond to the proposed Title IX regulations released by the Department of Education on Nov. 16.

DeGioia wrote that he had asked Rosemary Kilkenny, vice president for institutional diversity and equity, and Todd Olson, vice president for student affairs, to organize a series of listening sessions to hear what members of the community think about the new regulations. DeGioia stressed that he wanted input from members of the community, inviting them to attend one of three proposed sessions, which are designed to be a forum in which views on the proposed regulations can be discussed by students, faculty, and staff.

“As we consider which portions of the proposed rules to address, and in what matter, we invite members of our community to share their reflections,” the email read.

DeGioia also noted in his message that individuals and groups are able to submit a comment to the Department of Education, and that the university would also be submitting a comment in an ongoing effort to engage with the issue of sexual harassment and assault.

“Georgetown University has begun carefully reviewing the proposed regulations,” the email read. “We plan to offer formal comment on the proposals, either independently or with an appropriate group of peer institutions.”

Students Taking Action against Interpersonal Violence (STAIV), who demanded action from the university when the regulations were announced, released a statement in response to DeGioia’s email in which they said they appreciated the message, but that it might not be enough.

“STAIV appreciates President DeGioia’s message to the student body regarding the proposed Title IX regulations and sexual assault at Georgetown” the statement read. “However, the university is still neglecting to establish a firm position against these proposed rules that would harm survivors and students in general.”

STAIV said in their statement that while the university is making a step in the right direction by valuing more input, there is still a lot more to be done in preventing and handling sexual assault and misconduct.

“We recognize that the University is responding to our demands to facilitate student input,” the statement read. “This work is only one component of addressing issues of sexual assault and interpersonal violence on campus and beyond. In addition to responding to these proposed rules, the university must take action to make our community more survivor-centric”

Inès de Miranda
Inès graduated from Georgetown in May 2020. During her time at the Voice, she served as chair of the Editorial Board and wrote for most sections.

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