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Test of Time: Do the Hoyas Have the Pieces to Contend?

The sidelines of a Georgetown men’s basketball team are not meant for the faint of heart. This past week at the Battle 4 Atlantis in the Bahamas, fans saw everything... Read more


University Information Services resolves SaxaNet and Google Apps outages

University Information Services resolved weeklong outages and delays of both SaxaNet and Google Apps on Friday, Nov. 21 after the department identified a broken circuit at one of the university’s... Read more


College Academic Council and Dean Gillis discuss possible four course curriculum

Over the course of the past semester, the College Academic Council and College Dean Chester Gillis have been discussing the possibility of a university-wide change to a curriculum consisting of... Read more


Students push for further changes to university’s Free Speech Policy

Vice President for Student Affairs Todd Olson released updates to the university’s Speech and Expression Policy in an email to the student body on Nov. 17, clarifying the uses of... Read more


City on a Hill: Marion in Ferguson

If death marks the beginning of legacy, Washington, D.C.’s so-called “Mayor for Life,” Marion Barry Jr., started strong. Despite a controversial career marred by crack-smoking and womanizing, the four-term mayor... Read more


Plans for former Jesuit Residence LLC lack concrete, unique vision

Next Monday, the Office of Residential Living will release application materials for upperclassmen interested in living in the refurbished Ryan and Mulledy Halls during the 2015-2016 academic year. The entirety... Read more


Harbin power outage exhibits Facilities Management’s persistent inefficiencies

On the afternoon of Nov. 23, a transformer failure left Harbin Hall, among other nearby academic buildings, without power. The Office of Facilities Management did not successfully restore power until... Read more


Rapid-fire news cycle threatens to dampen impetus for social change

“A potent symbol of a D.C. that no longer exists,” writes a Washington Post article on Marion Barry’s visionary leadership for what was then a racially and socioeconomically integrated city.... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Benoy Behl and the Art of Buddhism

From the moment I entered the Benoy Behl art exhibit, I was mesmerized by the colorful contrast of eye-catching art pieces that lined the stark white exhibit walls. The photographs... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Thoughts Running Through My Head

Running the same route squeezed between the Potomac and the parkway to the tourist filled monuments isn’t exactly escapism. It’s beautiful and enjoyable, but it doesn’t remove you from the... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Weekly List: For your EDM friends

[8tracks url=”” ] You are an Indie Alternative fan. Most people have not heard of the artists you listen to, and you like it that way. Unfortunately, being the one... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Opera Review: The Barber of Seville

Suit up, Halftime. It’s time to get classy and attend a night at the Met. As an aspiring performer and lover of all things classical music, my parents only thought... Read more

Halftime Sports

Can the Thunder Rise Again?

Mere weeks ago, If someone had told you the Oklahoma City Thunder would start 5-12, you’d think they were crazy—or a still-disgruntled Sonics fan. But here we are, just past... Read more

Halftime Leisure

National Geographic: "Food: Our Global Kitchen"

Sitting down at a table in Leo’s with friends, I never talk about where my food comes from. Usually the conversation involves the bad feeling Leo’s food leaves in our... Read more


Fox’s Gotham shows promise

Gotham’s mission — appealing to Batman and DC fans without showing the Dark Knight himself — was always going to be a difficult one. Now that the show has run... Read more

Halftime Sports

MLB Offseason Preview: NL Central

St. Louis Cardinals The Cardinals head into the offseason with a team comprised of excellent young pitching that carries them to the playoffs seemingly every year. After losing to the... Read more

Halftime Sports

Damning with Praise: Rex Ryan

The Jets are the worst New York football team this year…which is saying something.  Wasting away at the bottom of the AFC East at a measly 2-8, the Jets need... Read more

Halftime Sports

Controlling the Game

On Tuesday, the College Football Playoff selection committee released their third weekly ranking. It was, of course, met with harsh criticism from the college football world. Apart from fans of... Read more

Halftime Leisure

How to Appreciate Brisk Winter Runs

The lower the temperature drops, the harder I find it to convince myself to get out of bed when my 8:21am alarm goes off. I don’t know how some students... Read more

Halftime Sports

The State of Hockey Thus Far

Welcome to the 2014-15 Regular Season of the NHL! We’re about a quarter of the way into the season thus far, long enough that success isn’t a fluke and failure... Read more


Curtain Call: The diversity of Georgetown’s theater scene

Few come to Georgetown for the theater scene. Until recently, the university did not even have a theater major or administrative structures to support acting or set design. In spite of... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Five Guys vs. Thunder Burger & Bar: Burger Week

Here we have a true set of opposites—the sloppily satisfying casual dining of Five Guys (Burgers and Fries) and the noveau-hip “serious” patty craft of Thunder Burger (& Bar). One... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Mindy Project Highlights Realities of the Modern Sitcom

What does it take to survive as a sitcom in today’s television world? Can we simply not handle several seasons of the same characters anymore? One of my favorite comedies... Read more