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Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Jets spinning out of control

Over the past few years, I’ve supported Mark Sanchez when others got down on him. Instead, I’ve blamed former Jets offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer and current offensive coordinator Tony Sparano,... Read more


Volleyball keeps losing

The Georgetown women’s volleyball team (6-11, 0-4 Big East) had a rough Homecoming weekend in more ways than one, dropping two home matches in four sets against Seton Hall (15-2,... Read more


College rankings are pointless, not worth it

Last month, Georgetown once again failed to crack the top-20 threshold in U.S. News and World Report’s overall college rankings. (And let’s not even mention Forbes, who placed us at... Read more


National debates need third party perspective

Last night, Governor Romney and President Obama faced off in 2012’s first Presidential debate, but absent from the debate were the two main third party candidates: former New Mexico Governor... Read more


D.C. makes positive move towards autonomy

This week, all 12 City Council members signaled their support for a referendum that would amend the Home Rule Charter to give the District autonomy over its own budget. Although... Read more


The media v. Kirchner: The case for a free Argentinian press

You won’t hear me say this a lot, but Argentinian President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK) has a point about the media. It’s just not the point she meant to... Read more


A college Facebook deserter’s search for friends IRL

Sometimes I look around at my peers at Georgetown and think, “Huh, these must be the people who actually enjoyed high school.” In that, I mean Georgetown students love the... Read more


In an age of ambition, humanity falls by the wayside

In the words of 30 Rock’s Jack Donaghy, “Ambition is the willingness to kill the things you love and eat them in order to stay alive.” This type of cut-throat... Read more


Recruiting goes both ways

Last Friday, like many Hoyas, I managed to overcome some serious pre-post-grad anxiety and make my way to the Fall Career Fair in the Leavey Center. What greeted me there... Read more

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50 Shades of Blue and Gray: Chapter 3

“Brett, Brett!?” My voice quivered with panic as I ran to his side. “Oh my God, man, are you okay!?” But I could tell that he wasn’t. “Don’t touch him,” Corinne... Read more


Toxic relationship: Ecological injustice on the Anacostia

“See that fish there. Back in the early ‘60s or ‘70s, you didn’t see catfish like that.” John Swan pulls his hook out of the mouth of what he estimates to be a 20-pound catfish. For now, it flops around on the grass. “A few years ago you could come down here and stay all day—catfish will bite anything—but you couldn’t hardly catch anything.”


Watchdogs concerned about PNC-GOCard partnership

Georgetown University and PNC Bank have partnered this year, enabling the Georgetown One Card to be linked to a PNC bank account. Though on the surface the move has been touted as a convenience for GOCard holders, consumer advocates have begun to draw attention to the deceptive practices of banks on university campuses.


TEDx brings celebrities and dissidents together on campus

At TEDx this year, Georgetown students can finally realize their dreams of learning what power is. TEDx (Technology, Entertainment, and Design with the ‘x’ denoting an independent event) Georgetown, a part of the larger TED organization, is an event where various speakers will come to Georgetown on Sept. 28 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. to speak about power and its various forms. Launched by Richard Saul Warman and Harry Marks in 1984, TEDx events focus on the concept of “ideas worth spreading.”


Epicurean settles one employee lawsuit

On Sept. 13, judges were supposed to reach an agreement on one of the three lawsuits filed against Epicurean and Co. by workers due to unpaid overtime wages. The hearing, which dealt with one of the complaints filed in 2010, was postponed until further notice.


Saxa Politica: Technological Disconnects

We’ve all seen the signs on vending machines scattered across campus and felt the tinge of frustration and hopelessness. “Out of order,” reads the black box hammered onto an otherwise sleek dispenser. While the uncertainty of being able to purchase Coke at machines in the Leavey Center or in shadowy corners of the campus does not necessarily condemn the GOCard Office, the prevalence of frequently nonfunctional equipment points to a deeper issue with Auxiliary Business Services, GOCard’s parent institution.


Contract reform will increase D.C. corruption

Last week, Councilmember Jack Evans (D-Ward 2) told the Washington Times that he plans to propose a bill that would revoke City Councils right to review all city contracts. Evans... Read more


Epicurean settlement a victory for workers

After at least four employees sued Epicurean and Co. for unpaid overtime wages, the company has agreed to pay two of the workers’ back wages, as well as the requisite... Read more


Ward 8 needs better Anacostia remediation

The Anacostia, otherwise known as D.C.’s “Forgotten River,” stands as testimony to the environmental decay caused by decades of unsustainable fishing practices, industrial dumping, uncontrolled development, and outright negligence. In... Read more


Sports Sermon: NBA players deal with delicate public images

Nike pushed these obvious admirable qualities but also humanized Jordan. After all, to optimize sales on the Air Jordan, it had to tug on the average American’s heartstrings.


Women’s soccer on scintillating Big East run

Only 10 games into the season, the team has already racked up an impressive 31 goals.


Sporty Spice: Replacement refs not popular in Buenos Aires

I feel slightly bad for the new officials—they came into a bad situation and are ridiculed by fans, players, and coaches.


Hoyas prepare for Homecoming game against Brown

“Brown will probably be the best team we have played to date,” said Coach Kelly. “Brown is a contender in the Ivy League each year, so we are expecting quite a challenge for Homecoming.”


Caris and Distaso shine for Hoyas

The weekend was especially big for Charlie Caris, who was in top form as he won both the singles tournament and the doubles tournament.


Pig Iron Theater Company partners with Georgetown

It’s not often that an experimental play touting a mix of Thoreau and reflection on Japanese natural disasters comes to Georgetown’s campus, but one has arrived--an autobiographical piece by avant-garde Japanese playwright Toshiki Okada, Zero Cost House is the product of a collaboration between Georgetown and acclaimed Pig Iron Theater Company. With the company coming to campus straight from the play’s premiere at the Philadelphia Live Arts Festival, the Davis Performing Arts Center will be host to a weekend of actors doing everything from wearing rabbit costumes to playing the ukulele as they ponder Okada’s evolving attitude toward Walden in the context of Japan’s recent environmental disasters.


Lez’hur ledger: Women, diplomacy, and all that jazz at Kennedy

If you just glanced at the ads for the 2012 Thelonious Monk International Drums Competition you might have thought it was going to be just another jazz show at the Kennedy Center—buttoned up and impersonal, but still a straightforward show and contest.