
A deep dive into the most important issues on campus.


Start me up: The struggles of Georgetown’s tech entrepreneurs

“Our community is not that creative,” Carlos Cheung (MSB ‘13) said of Georgetown’s student body. “if you think about it, how many art majors do you meet here? Let’s be real. We’re kind of like a mill. We build a lot of good people who go into middle-management positions at law firms and banks and consulting. That’s the three major things that a lot of kids end up doing, right?” Cheung became an anomaly among this group, when he left the business track to work for three D.C.-based tech startup companies.


Army strong: The lives of Georgetown’s female cadets

“Sometimes I feel like it is a love-hate relationship,” said Chloé Nalbantian (COL ‘15), a cadet in Georgetown’s Army Reserve Officer Training Corps program. To her, even though the camaraderie and team spirit of the squad is rewarding, the ROTC program is a huge physical and psychological commitment. Cadets need to wake up early in the morning for physical training three times a week while still fulfilling the rigorous academic requirements of both the ROTC program and Georgetown University.


Repairing the irreparable: John Wojnowski’s 14 year protest against abuse

He stands at the corner of Massachusetts Ave. and 34th St. NW, his seven-foot banner reading “NO SHAME OR SENSE: PEDOPHILIA.” The reverse reads “CATHOLICS: COWARDS.” The man stoops slightly while he paces. He periodically flips his sign as cars rush by. John Wojnowski has maintained a one-man protest outside of the Vatican Apostolic Nunciature to the United States for the last 14 years. He clocks at least two hours at the corner each day—5 to 7 p.m., during weekday rush hour traffic—and spends at least two more hours in transit.


What it’s like to be ____ at Georgetown

Hip-Hop Dancer Although few freshmen expect Georgetown to foster a hip-hop culture when they first arrive, Groove Theory has always been a crowd-pleaser among students. The student-run dance team embraces... Read more


Voice Photo Contest 2012

Check out the winners to our annual photo contest!


The Capital Swings: Jazz in the District

"Wait. I hate to do this, but we gotta start over.” Allen Jones is playing his first gig as the leader of his own group. Seconds after dropping his drumstick from the ride cymbal, he and his fellow musicians launch head-on into “Diamond,” one of the 18-year-old’s original compositions. Despite the false start, the crowd at The Dunes receives him warmly.


Under the Bridge: Graffiti at the C&O Canal

“Georgetown was kind of like our showroom.” “George,” who spoke on the condition of anonymity for legal reasons, was an active graffiti artist in the area until he left for college in 2008. “It was prime real estate. If you could hold a good rooftop for a week, two weeks, it was pretty admirable.” Georgetown is home to an amateur graffiti crowd, and their primary territory is the area at the intersection of the C&O Canal, Whitehurst Freeway, Key Bridge, and a remaining abutment of the Aqueduct Bridge. It attracts runners, walkers, and cyclists every day of the week.


Shark Week 2012

Madhuri Vairapandi Julien Isaacs


Spring Fashion 2012: Primary Colors

If vibrant patterns are fashion statements, then their absence can create an equally distinctive look. Solid-colored slacks, skirts, and tops can magnify the effect of your favorite hue from this season’s primary-colored palette—bright reds, deep greens, and Smurf blue. Life is too short for taupe, and browns and greens prove vague and uninspiring.


Justice vs. Jesuit Values: The struggle for reproductive rights

"I was in shock the first time I tried to get my prescription filled as a student, and I was told that I owed seventy-five dollars. I’ve never paid over twenty dollars for it. I was hurt and embarrassed and felt powerless.” This is the story of one of many anonymous law students, explained in a survey-based memorandum delivered two years ago to the University by the Georgetown chapter of Law Students for Reproductive Justice.


Behind the Counter: How the Corp balances its motto of “students serving students” with its role as a social institution

“One of the reasons I came to Georgetown was because of the Corp,” said Stephanie Wolfram (MSB ’13). “I came here during a random weekend, someone was showing me around and showed me the Corp, and I thought it was awesome that students were running this business.”


Lacrosse season preview

7-7. A record like that does not sit well with Dave Urick. The face and head coach of Georgetown lacrosse simply is not used to losing. Now entering his 23rd season at Georgetown, the legendary coach is coming off his worst three-year stretch with the program. He knows it, but he also feels that this group, despite its significant youth, can restore the unranked Hoyas to their proper place in the upper echelon of collegiate lacrosse.


Angel and Comeau look to power strong Hoya attack against Maryland

Despite historically high national rankings and a legacy of league success, the Georgetown men’s lacrosse program, which eked out a .500 record last season, hasn’t done much in the postseason.... Read more


Young Hoyas seek to recapture Urick’s winning tradition

7-7. A record like that does not sit well with Dave Urick. The face and head coach of Georgetown lacrosse simply is not used to losing. Now entering his 23rd... Read more


Meet the issues: GUSA Executive candidates’ platforms explained

The Voice reads the GUSA Executive candidates' platforms—so you don't have to!


The Power of Natsu Compels You: Gravitating toward Georgetown’s most spontaneous theater professor

On the set of her new production, Astro Boy and the God of Comics, creator and director Natsu Onoda Power is full of abounding energy, tempered by disciplined focus. The stage is small and rough, with low lighting, an exposed brick-and-pipes wall, and a concrete floor littered with the organized chaos of a production. In the midst of laughter and the occasional missed line, there is a quieter process taking shape. Onoda Power’s collaborative style dominates the scene.


On the way back: Homelessness in Georgetown

On January 19, Clark Carvelli was discovered by Georgetown Department of Public Safety officers on land adjacent to University property by Canal Road NW. He was later pronounced deceased of natural causes. He and his friend Joseph Cunningham, along with another person, had been living in the woods between the University and Canal Road for an undetermined amount of time. After the incident, Cunningham said the National Park Police asked him to vacate the woods before the next day.


“The University rolled us”: How the administration got what it wanted out of SAFE reform

In early April 2011, the student spearheading the broad “Bring Back Healy Pub” movement had his first meeting with any member of the administration. Chris Pigott (COL ’12), then a GUSA Senator, met with Vice President of Student Affairs Todd Olson to propose the use of student money to revive the storied bar, which saw its heyday during the 1970s and ‘80s.


Workers unite: GSC organizes around labor rights

In the spring of 2005, 26 members of Georgetown Solidarity Committee staged an eight-day hunger strike as part of their Living Wage Campaign, a multi-year effort to improve the working conditions of the University’s subcontracted custodial staff. At the outset of the campaign, many custodial workers were not even making minimum wage. According to Gladys Cisneros (COL ’04, MA ‘06), then a member of Solidarity and now an AFL-CIO employee, GSC’s ultimate goal was a wage floor based not on the legal minimum wage, but rather on standard of living.


Best of 2011

Movies: Drive, Harry Potter, Bridesmaids, 50/50, Midnight in Paris, Super 8, The Muppets, The Help, Moneyball, Contagion Music: Fleet Foxes, Kanye West & Jay-Z, Adele, The Weeknd, Bon Iver, Coldplay, The Decemberists, The Strokes, Childish Gambino, Tom Waits