
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.


Critical Voices: DOOM

Mystery man Daniel Dumile (a.k.a. MF DOOM a.k.a. Viktor Vaughn a.k.a. Zevlove X a.k.a. King Geedorah) is finally back. “Can it be I stayed away too long?” he asks on... Read more


Critical Voices: Dan Deacon

Say what you want about Dan Deacon, but he’s nothing if not sincere. He doesn’t wear his often ragtag, Technicolor clothes because they’re ironic; he just likes how they look.... Read more


Critical Voices: Wavves

On his second studio album, San Diegan skater punk Nathan Williams creates a cacophony reminiscent of The Jesus and Mary Chain’s 1985 noise-pop classic Pyschocandy. Yet even the weirder moments... Read more


Bros. J bring the vomit

Tickets to The Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience: $15. A six-pack of Busch Light and a bottle of Jim Beam: $25. The vomit induced by mixing the two: priceless.... Read more


Presidential cuckoldry

Some films make an obvious attempt to fit a certain niche. For example, Dead Poets Society fits the coming-of-age, young intellectual mold. An American Affair, on the other hand, tries... Read more


Trippin’: Delawhere?

If watching your roommates pack snorkels and bikinis has left you wishing you’d booked something other than a last-ditch trip to New York on the Chinatown bus, take heart. You... Read more



Over winter break, I was watching the second season of 30 Rock when my father came into the living room. He was flabbergasted that I was watching a show that... Read more


The rock vixen

According to conventional wisdom, every girl says she wants a sensitive, smart, funny, sexy guy to call her own, but deep down what every girl really wants is a string... Read more


Critical Voices: Cursive

Cursive have come a long way from the raw sound of its earlier years. After the disappointment of 2006’s Sleepy Hollow, though, they’ve found their way back on track with... Read more


Critical Voices: Handsome Furs

Handsome Furs, the Canadian indie-rock duo of Dan Boekner (Wolf Parade) and his wifey, Alexei Perry, has been nudging its way toward notoriety of late, though their fan base remains... Read more


Cherry Blossoms show life’s fleeting nature

Upon first reading the synopsis for Cherry Blossoms, I was less than enthused: “When Trudi learns that her husband Rudi is dangerously ill, she suggests visiting their children in Berlin... Read more


‘Witness’ to true student ability

For many, the words “student-written theater” may evoke thoughts of painful clichés rather than dramatic genius. This year’s Donn B. Murphy One Acts Festival features the winner of Mask &... Read more


Indie scene embraces Watson Twins’ Americana

The last time I saw the Watson Twins, they were playing on Letterman with former Rilo Kiley singer Jenny Lewis promoting their album, Rabbit Fur Coat. Identical twins Chandra and... Read more


Limited space, unlimited concepts

The exhibition “Space, Unlimited” explores various forms and representations of “space,” which unsurprisingly proves an incredibly broad subject to tackle. Environmental habitats, historical landscapes, and personal narratives are among the... Read more


Critical Voices: Neko Case

On the cover of her new album, Middle Cyclone, Neko Case  perches atop the hood of a ‘70s muscle car, wielding a giant sword. Needless to say, it is a... Read more


Critical Voices: …Trail of Dead

I got some badass headphones the other day. Sennheiser HD280s—the big, over-the-head, “look at that music snob” kind. Go ahead, laugh at me in Pierce; at least I can hear... Read more


Prohibit Sobriety

People can’t seem to help comparing our current economic crisis with the Great Depression. Fortunately for this generation, when the Dow crashes 500 points in a single day or you... Read more


Spider Woman

My fascination with the sculptress Louise Bourgeois appropriately began in Paris, the artist’s 1911 birthplace. There I first sighted a picture of the artist, looking classically French in a black... Read more


Engaging theatre

For all the drama kids who can’t get no play, the Folger Center has come up with an innovative way to get your bard on with ENGAGE, a new discount... Read more


Poetic diplomacy

Are you an ambassador for a small nation? If so, you’re probably the only person in D.C. who knows about the Small Nations Poetry Readings, now in its fifth year... Read more