
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.



Some musicians refer to their guitar as an “axe.” I dislike that term because it implies a certain bluntness the instrument simply does not have. Sure, the guitar can produce... Read more


Critical Voices: Andrew Bird

If Andrew Bird had lived in the middle of the 20th century, he might have been an American folk legend. Either that, or he would have traveled the countryside wearing... Read more


Critical Voices: Franz Ferdinand

Franz Ferdinand used to be my favorite band. Hell, theirs was the first concert I ever went to (Electric Factory, Friday, September 10, 2004). To my 14-year-old self, they offered... Read more


The Wrestler rams the big screen

Alone, facing a wall, a man sits in a state of palpably deep introspection. All we see is professional wrestler Randy “The Ram” Robinson’s back, his face buried in emasculate... Read more


D.C. gets punk’d

D.C. has lost its edge. A mere three decades ago this city was a hub for the clashing of discordant guitars and politically charged lyricism. This was the city that... Read more


Trippin’: Baltimore fo’ less

Thanks to television shows like “The Wire”, many people hear “Baltimore” and think, “murder capital of the world.” Back in reality, that title actually belongs to Caracas, Venezula, and Baltimore... Read more


Notorious gives Biggie life after death

Over a decade after his death in a drive-by shooting, Christopher Wallace (better known as the Notorious B.I.G.) maintains his storied place in the hip-hop lexicon. His feud with friend-turned-rival... Read more


Inaugural art

As the season for high-end Inauguration balls arrives, the District’s art scene reminds us of both its contribution to the presidential race and the harsh economic reality that leaves most... Read more


Liquid hope

With the Inauguration less than a week away, a plethora of issues press on everybody’s minds—where to go to the bathroom, how to get around the city, whether or not... Read more


Critical Voices: Animal Collective – Merriweather Post Pavilion

Given the incredible anticipation surrounding Merriweather Post Pavilion—the ninth proper LP from the new-primitivist outfit Animal Collective—the album could well represent the second most memorable album release of the digital... Read more


Critical Voices: Glasvegas – Glasvegas

The British music press hype-cycle has gotten behind a number of bands in recent memory, from well-known successes like the Arctic Monkeys and Klaxons to a few, well, stinkers (The... Read more


The Ritz Carlton proves money does grow on trees

While GU students furtively auction off sleeping spaces in their Village A apartments to eager Inauguration-goers (much to the University’s chagrin) or pile friends from around the country into their... Read more


Mirth and murder in Pillowman

Georgetown’s Nomadic Theater has been described as the most socially conscious of the University’s co-curricular theater troupes. Admirable as such sentiments may be, when overbearingly conveyed, they can easily obstruct... Read more


Frost thaws Nixon’s hubristic silence

In the pop culture psyche of many Americans, Richard Nixon’s life and career ends at the moment when his most notorious picture was taken: arms raised in the air waving... Read more


The man with no other name but Clint

For a man who’s been acting in films for over 50 years and directing them for over 30, Gran Torino might seem like a victory lap—a final, self-indulgent opportunity for... Read more


The striped pajama party in Hitler’s Third Reich

Through the innocent eyes of a child, the horrifying injustices of the Holocaust amass a certain  naive surrelity. In The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, director Mark Herman uses this... Read more


Milk, a movie of solid consistency

The standard Hollywood biopic faces a problem of balance. On the one hand, they attempt to tell a true story, to give facts and real information about one (presumably important)... Read more


Critical Voices: The Killers – Day & Age

I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve always had a secret love for The Killers. As one of the first “indie” bands I listened to in my younger days,... Read more


Critical Voices: Jake One – White Van Music

After a lengthy career of making beats for rappers on both ends of the hip-hop spectrum, Seattle-based producer Jake One has enlisted an impressive array of MCs to rap over... Read more


Critical Voices: Guns n’ Roses – Chinese Democracy

In 1991 the Minnesota Twins won the World Series; the Louisiana governor’s race included a former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard; former Soviet states declared their independence; and Nintendo released... Read more