
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


DDOT cuts upper Wisconsin Circulator

On Monday, District Department of Transportation announced several changes in its D.C. Circulator bus service, including the elimination of the upper Wisconsin Avenue section of the Georgetown-Union Station line. In... Read more


GU to improve safety with grant money

Georgetown University received a half million-dollar grant from the Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools this September. The grant is designed to assist the University in... Read more


City on a Hill: Taxi drivers are people too

“There is power in a union,” traveling musician Joe Hill sang in 1913. Now, with only 12.4 percent of American workers unionized in 2008, Joe Hill’s sentiments seem archaic. But... Read more


Student sues M St. bar for discrimination

Georgetown student and wheelchair user Taylor Price (MSB ’10) has filed a disability discrimination lawsuit against Mr. Smith’s bar, located on 3104 M Street NW, for ordering him to leave... Read more


GUSA restructures Senate

Eleven seats were cut from the Georgetown University Student Association Senate on Sunday, September 13 in an effort to improve the efficiency of the organization. The new system of representation... Read more


GU to launch funding drive

Georgetown University’s largest fundraising campaign to date began in stealth. The mission for the drive was mapped out, top donors were quietly contacted, and, when enough commitments have been secured... Read more


WMATA mulls fare increase

Facing an estimated $144 million budget deficit for fiscal year 2011, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Agency (WMATA) is considering a fare increase, as well as several other revenue-raising and... Read more


Saxa Politica: GUSA: a leaner and meaner legislature

The Georgetown University Student Association is coming back to campus better, faster, and stronger than before. That was the message the student senate sent when it met for the first... Read more


DPS Expands Patrols in West Georgetown

The Department of Public Safety has increased its presence both inside Georgetown’s campus and outside the front gates, in response to neighborhood residents’ concerns about noise pollution in West Georgetown.... Read more


Georgetown sees 50 cases of H1N1 flu

More than 50 Georgetown students have reported cases of H1N1 influenza, also known as swine flu, Assistant Vice President for Student Health Doctor James Welsh said Wednesday. “Now we need... Read more


ICC Flowers prompt student protests

The Colombian embassy has erected a heart-shaped sculpture in the Intercultural Center and given away free flowers this week to bring attention to the country through its flower industry.  The... Read more


Grassroots push for greater student space

The Student Space Working Group, a group of students that began pushing the administration to expand student space on campus last fall, found support for their cause in a survey... Read more


City on a Hill: Mary Cheh, you’ve got TheMail

Councilmember Mary Cheh (D – Ward 3) is a power player in D.C. politics. She has called for Attorney General Peter Nickles to resign, and she’s traveled to wartorn Kosovo... Read more


Two students sexually assaulted in one week

A Georgetown student in Village A was sexually assaulted with digital penetration on September 1, according to a police report, following a sexually motivated burglary in the 1200 block of... Read more


GU finances improving

After seeing its endowment plummet by just over 25 percent and operating deficit projections approach $40 million in the first half of fiscal year 2009, Georgetown closed out the year... Read more


Preparing for H1N1

In an attempt to stop the spread of the H1N1 virus, commonly known as swine flu, Georgetown will ask students with flu-like symptoms to stay in their rooms until their... Read more


On the Record with President John DeGioia

University President John DeGioia sat down with reporters this Tuesday to discuss the 2010 Campus Plan, expanding wireless Internet, the future of the science center, and more. Interview transcribed, edited,... Read more


WMATA expands wireless and cell service

After years of providing phone service to Verizon customers in Metrorail stations, a new wireless contract will allow Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority to provide service from all major carriers... Read more


Saxa Politica: HoyaMail: no one’s perfect

It’s the start of another school year. Time to organize your dorm room, buy your books, and buddy up with an unfamiliar Resident Advisor. But this year, there’s one more... Read more


Hoya independence delayed, again

Sanctions prompted by The Hoya’s 2009 April Fools issue have halted the paper’s two decade-long independence movement for at least another year, e-mails obtained from a former Hoya staffer confirm.... Read more