Former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil spoke in Gaston Hall yesterday as part of a tour promoting his new memoir The Accidental President of Brazil.
For the past three years, Georgetown University students have invited their peers to participate in the only student-run undergraduate scientific research conference in the Washington, D.C. area.
Two buses and a windy wait underneath a patriotic metro sign stand between Chong and her clients, who are rushing to claim and deduct before tax season ends.
In light of the Danish cartoon controversy, panelists said Wednesday that Western societies must dedicate more effort to closing the growing rift between East and West.
Georgetown officials met with the Living Wage Coalition Wednesday and announced they are not blocking subcontracted workers’ rights to unionize. The decision lifts a perceived hurdle to the organization of labor at Georgetown.
A group of Georgetown Law Center students will travel to the Big Easy next week to provide legal support and clean-up aid for victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Tuesday evening, Carroll Gibbs, lecturer and author of Black Georgetown Remembered, took a retrospective look at the Georgetown community’s black heritage.