
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


Carrying On: Gearing up for Graduation

Four years seemed eons away when I first stumbled onto the Hilltop as a confused freshman. Even now, with two months left before graduation, it is still hard to wrap... Read more


The Happiness Paradox

Why it’s hard to be happy at Georgetown, and how you can make it easier Being happy is hard. One would think that, after millenia on this planet, humanity would... Read more


After hate, a new imperative to embrace the ‘other’

On Wednesday, Feb. 11, I woke up to horrifying news: 23-year-old Deah Barkat, 21-year-old Yusor Abu-Salha, and 19-year-old Razan Abu-Salha—three Muslim students in the Chapel Hill area of North Carolina—had... Read more


I want you: Apply to serve in Joe and Connor’s cabinet

Not a lot of people on campus really get what it’s like to be HoyaLink. Legally speaking, I am the third-oldest website in existence, right behind SovietSingles.com and AztecSwipe.gov. Oldies... Read more


Trevor and Omika connect to Georgetown one last time

With our tenure as GUSA President and Vice President coming to a close, we wanted to set aside some time to take stock of what’s surely been one of the... Read more


Where our smartphones fail us: ‘TTYL, but not face-to-face’

I find myself eating lunch alone in Leo’s once or twice a week. I can’t even imagine what I’d do with myself if I couldn’t look at Bleacher Report or... Read more


Reflecting on last week’s Page 13 cartoon

I can think of a lot of mistakes that I have made in my life. As a first grader, I earned myself detention after walking through a puddle an administrator... Read more


Carrying on: Politics at the Oscars

The subject of politics frequently finds its way into the Academy Awards, and the 2015 Oscars were no exception. Not even including red carpet movements such as #AskHerMore, this year’s... Read more


Pursuing a diversity requirement in the wake of ignorance

The Feb. 19 edition of this paper featured a racially insensitive cartoon called “Beating the Dead Horse,” depicting GUSA candidate Chris Wadibia, the only black man in the race, as a... Read more


The slippery slope of tipping: Why it’s inimical to Uber drivers

Over the past two years, perhaps no other private tech company has generated the kind of press, positive or negative, that Uber has. The popular ridesharing app, a mainstay on... Read more


To the Georgetown community

To the Georgetown community, Earlier this week, the Georgetown Voice printed a cartoon depicting two GUSA executive candidates in a horse costume being beaten by two other GUSA executive candidates.... Read more


A statement from GIA: Clarifying last week’s GUSA campaign endorsement confusion

Last week, rumors surfaced on Facebook and in campus media regarding a leadership statement presented to GUSA presidential and vice-presidential candidates by the Georgetown Israel Alliance (GIA), of which I... Read more


Violence in Venezuela: Publicizing President Maduro’s Crimes

Violence is a normal and daily occurrence in Venezuela. It is common to wake up, get to school, and hear a story about someone you know getting mugged at gunpoint... Read more


Carrying On: Breaking the silence around mental health

This past weekend, I did something incredibly nerve-wracking for me. No, it wasn’t exposing myself to the arctic weather or even the smutty antics and laughable dialogue of Fifty Shades... Read more


In the wake of Chapel Hill, forgetting the “American” in Muslim-American

Imagine if a Muslim man killed three American students: the country would be in outrage, and he would immediately be labeled a terrorist. However, when white man kills three American... Read more


A Student’s Take: Believe in the Future of Student Funding

When the Corp began selling yogurt and Coca-Cola in March of 1972, not even the founders could have predicted the successful series of storefronts and services it would come to... Read more


Do it for the love of Georgetown: Vote Tim and Reno

Every year during GUSA campaigning you hear a lot of candidates tell you how great they are, how many clubs they have been in, and how many leadership positions they... Read more


Carrying On: The cognitive dissonance of false independence

Wednesday evening in Leavey 424 is always a party. But it’s not the typical kind of party. For instance, we do shots, but of espresso. There’s loud music, but we... Read more


Trevor and Omika Joe and Connor for GUSA

During the course of our campaign, two questions have frequently arisen. The first: “Is your campaign real?” The answer is yes and we will be on the ballot. The second:... Read more


Rise Together for Georgetown: Abbey and Will for GUSA

Bring on the platitudes. It’s that time of year again. As this election season continues, you’ll hear that GUSA is out of touch, that those involved are the worst kind... Read more