
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


Sotomayor strikes balance for women’s health and tolerance

Late on New Year’s Eve, my phone’s New York Times app alerted me that Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor had granted a temporary injunction to a Catholic non-profit group, The... Read more


‘Boys and girls can be just friends­—J.K.,’ says Rowling

As if J.K. Rowling has not tormented Harry Potter fans enough over the years, she recently revealed she “regrets” developing the romantic relationship between Ron and Hermione, arguably one of... Read more


Carrying On: What would Scalia say?

The first time I ever visited the Supreme Court, I ended up talking to Scalia while double-fisting two glasses of wine. To be fair, only one glass was mine. But... Read more


In an ideal world, there would be a vaccination against ignorance

As of Feb. 1, there have been 23 cases of polio reported in Syria as a bloody civil war ravages the country and brings a society to its knees. In... Read more


A penetrating look at V-day: Maybe you’re not so special after all

It’s pretty trendy to hate Valentine’s Day. We’ve all heard the reasons: “It’s a capitalist scam invented by greeting card companies!” and so on. Which is all well and good—trust... Read more


Ballroom Dancing: ‘Temptation in my heart, I’m burning, I fall apart’

Love is a drug, or so the saying goes. Love can be so many other things as well, depending on the popularity of the latest romantic comedy or on trending... Read more


Carrying On: Undercommitted to eudaimonia

Time is a precious commodity, as any Georgetown student will tell you. It is precious not because of an inherent value, but because of how we live in it. But... Read more


No better time for Obama to draw the line with Saudi Arabia

President Obama is reportedly planning a fence-mending trip to Saudi Arabia, but if he does go to Riyadh it should be to draw some lines in the sand and ask... Read more


Carrying On: Financial aid stays within gates

Every year, Georgetown students organize their housing options for the upcoming school year, and, every year, Georgetown housing, through the intellectual miracle that is the points system, sets our fate... Read more


Chris Christie is Richard Sherman, just with worse results

Loud, boisterous, unfiltered. These words can provide an accurate description of both Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Christie spent four years brashly and occasionally... Read more


Catholic school sexual education leads to climactic revelations

If you attend a Catholic school, it makes a statement that extends far beyond the quality of your primary education. It’s a cultural statement. Whether you accept Catholicism or not... Read more


Another glam rock casualty darkens today’s musical horizons

Every Friday night, my Village B apartment begins to shake around 9:30 p.m., and it continues to pulsate deep into the night, usually quitting around three or so in the... Read more


Carrying On: I like big books and I cannot lie

Georgetown students read so much that we end up doing hardly any reading at all. Most classes at Georgetown pack a tremendous number of pages into their syllabi. And they... Read more


American immigration policies draining young talent

The cliques have started to form. With just one last short semester lying between seniors and graduation, the future has been heavy on everyone’s minds. Seniors are scouring their friend... Read more


Carrying On: You do you, and I’ll do me

“You do you.” It’s a phrase I hear often at Georgetown, as students acknowledge and encourage each other in their quirky idiosyncrasies. When my classmate declares that she wants to... Read more


Domesticity that even our feminists friends will approve of

I’m going to tell you something I don’t readily admit to many people: I knit, I bake, I cook, and I make jams and chutneys and butter from scratch. I... Read more


New video replay technology in MLB takes hit at tradition

On Jan. 16, Major League Baseball finally announced that it would be expanding replay technology. Casual observers may question why the decision took so long when other sports leagues have... Read more


Christie’s got 99 problems and Bridgegate’s one

The residents of Fort Lee, NJ aren’t the only ones in a jam after the apparently politically motivated closure of their town’s bridge.  The ensuing bickering, dubbed “Bridgegate” by the... Read more


No Pants Metro riders embrace life, liberty, and the breeze

Boxer-briefs fluttering in the breeze, I stood in Hancock Park just across the street from L’Enfant Plaza awaiting the call to action. Capitol Improv was hosting the seventh annual No... Read more


Carrying On: “Victim” label not an identity

We’ve heard nearly every side of the debate about how to properly treat sexual assault perpetrators and victims, but one. Victim-blaming, slut-shaming, we’ve heard it all. But we shouldn’t press... Read more