Articles tagged: April Fools


The objective 100% accurate ranking of the freshman dorms (Not up for debate!)

That's right, this April Fools, the Voice hereby decrees that being normal is a good thing. In a world where Copley girls spit at you and Harbin boys bark at you, Reynolds kids simply nod at you and walk by. Or so we assume.


A definitive list of correct opinions

As the senior most opinionated people of the Georgetown Voice, we decree that the following opinions are correct and final. We will not be elaborating. No arguments.

Halftime Leisure

The completely objective, undeniable list of the top 10 films of all time

Since the dawn of cinema, critics have time and again tried and failed (miserably) to come to a consensus on what truly makes a brilliant film. From timeless storytelling to... Read more


Foraminis in Unum: A proposal for the golf resort-ification of Georgetown

With the massive renovations already underway on Georgetown’s campus, the Voice urges the University to consider the following proposal for building “Foraminis in Unum” (Hole in One), our very own golf resort and spa.