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BMDT goes to work: Exploring women’s role in society through dance

Women contribute to every culture, every belief-system and every era, but is there one universal trait that binds them all together? Georgetown University’s Black Movements Dance Theatre seeks to answer... Read more


Saxa Politica: Brick by brick, building our story

It’s time to admit it: Georgetown’s buildings are ugly. With the exception of the main quad, Georgetown wasn’t designed in a unified architectural style. While we have enough soaring edifices... Read more


Under the Covers: Goldfinch soars beautifully

On Oct. 12, 1654, the munitions factory in Delft exploded. More than a quarter of the city was destroyed and there were countless victims, among them the painter Fabritius—Rembrandt’s student,... Read more


Day Tripper: Surviving Montezuma’s revenge

Flu season is upon us at Georgetown. As your classmates and friends start coughing and missing class, you’re either smugly smiling about your responsible decision to get a flu shot... Read more


Critical Voices: Dum Dum Girls, Too True

Imagine the soundtrack to a neo-noir thriller set at an upscale fashion show. Chances are you’ve thought of something pretty close to the Dum Dum Girls’ new album Too True.... Read more


Critical Voices: The Gaslight Anthem, The B-Sides

The Gaslight Anthem’s The B-Sides is like the sand you scoured as a child for cool-looking rocks that occasionally cut you with a shard of sea glass instead. It holds... Read more


U.S. should protect Knox from Italian injustice

An Italian jury found Amanda Knox guilty of murder and sentenced her to 28 and a half years in Italian prison for the murder of her roommate Meredith Kercher. This... Read more


Olympic message lost during Sochi coverage

The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics will commence this Friday, letting the sports, rather than the political games, finally begin. Sochi, a resort town with subtropical temperatures, is far from the... Read more


Housing office must improve communication

Most students discovered changes to the Housing Selection Handbook last Monday after a few students made a Facebook event in protest, not when the Office of Residential Living changed the... Read more


The Sports Sermon: Help is on the way

The Georgetown Hoyas are not out of the NCAA tournament picture, despite what we may have thought last week in the middle of a five-game slide, but it is clear... Read more


Track shines on national stage

After a strong showing this past weekend at the Penn State National Invitational, Georgetown’s indoor Track and Field team seems to be heating up at the right time. On day... Read more


All the Way: MLB lowers transfer fees

Major League Baseball did its part to help reduce the United States’ trade deficit before the end of 2013 by developing and executing a new posting system for Japanese players... Read more


No better time for Obama to draw the line with Saudi Arabia

President Obama is reportedly planning a fence-mending trip to Saudi Arabia, but if he does go to Riyadh it should be to draw some lines in the sand and ask... Read more


Carrying On: Financial aid stays within gates

Every year, Georgetown students organize their housing options for the upcoming school year, and, every year, Georgetown housing, through the intellectual miracle that is the points system, sets our fate... Read more


Men’s basketball shows resilience in back-to-back wins

After a lethargic 2-6 stretch during the month of January, which culminated with a five-game losing streak, the now reinvigorated Georgetown men’s basketball team (13-9, 4-6 Big East) has rediscovered... Read more


Chris Christie is Richard Sherman, just with worse results

Loud, boisterous, unfiltered. These words can provide an accurate description of both Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Christie spent four years brashly and occasionally... Read more


Women’s hoops loses sixth in a row

The Georgetown women’s basketball team fell to a 7-15 record (1-9 in Big East) with a 77-54 defeat against Marquette (14-6, 5-4 Big East). The loss is the most recent... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Under the Covers: Narcoland prosecutes drug war

This column was written for the print edition of The Georgetown Voice. It can be found here. Early in January, 20 men dressed in uniforms of the Mexican Federal Police... Read more

Halftime Sports

Roberts Report: Denver packs a super bowl, misses big chance

Another Super Bowl has been etched into the minds and memories of America as the Seattle Seahawks overwhelmed the Denver Broncos by a score of 43 – 8. While many... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Mercedes-Benz Berlin Fashion Week places new trends on the catwalk

What’s that? Autumn/Winter 2014 collections already on display at the Mercedes-Benz Berlin Fashion Week? But didn’t winter just begin? Huh? Well, I’m guessing the motto of the fashion world is... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Another glam rock casualty darkens today’s musical horizons

This column was written for the print edition of the Georgetown Voice. It can be found on the Voice’s website here. Every Friday night, my Village B apartment begins to... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Weekly List: Bombay Bicycle Club

[8tracks url=”” ] Hi there! I’m Daniel Varghese, one of the current assistant leisure editors for the Voice. Welcome to Halftime, the new staff blog for Leisure and Sports. It’s... Read more

Halftime Sports

2014 Winter Olympics Could be one for the ages

The Winter Olympic Games give Americans an extra chance to come together and celebrate our American-ness while watching athletes representing the Stars and Stripes overseas winning medals in events that... Read more

Halftime Sports

Kevin Durant is the real deal

The ESPN Box Score merely says, “0:01, 109-111, Kevin Durant makes 12-foot two point shot.” Your eyes see a lanky swingman taking a pull-up fade-away jumper over 3 defenders with... Read more

Halftime Sports

Documentary proves Linsanity can’t be cured

Although I call myself the greatest Jeremy Lin fan in the world, I regret to say that I did not take the hour and a half trip to see his... Read more