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Sports Sermon

America has its sporting priorities all mixed up. News of quarterback Carson Palmer’s trade to the Oakland Raiders dominated headlines and SportsCenter all day Tuesday. The debate raged around whether the Raiders gave up too much and how the Bengals, his former team, were reacting to his departure. All of this on the day before the start of the 107th World Series. Baseball has never been so belittled in American sporting culture.


Nascent film minor looks to begin second act

Last spring, a group of 16 students took part in the first semester of the Georgetown’s Film and Media Studies Program. While Georgetown has a history of alumni involvement in the entertainment industry, the film and media studies minor has set the foundation for students and teachers to focus on media history, criticism, and production with the proper resources and facilities to do so.


Double Teamed: Schwartz’s fighting spirit

Last Sunday, an extremely well played game between the Detroit Lions and San Francisco 49ers concluded with an interesting post-game tussle between Niners coach Jim Harbaugh and Lions coach Jim Schwartz, with both men attempting to fight in a sea of players after Harbaugh’s post-game handshake seemingly offended Schwartz.


Hockey ices opposition

ince participating in D.C.’s first college hockey game in 1938, the Georgetown club ice hockey team has sustained a winning pedigree, drawing talent from around the world to represent the Hoyas on the ice.


Dim sum at Ping Pong pleases

Though it’s not in the heart of Georgetown, Ping Pong Dim Sum in Dupont Circle offers the District the best of traditional Chinese cuisine, with its modern twist on dumplings. Reinventing the ancient Chinese staple, Ping Pong doesn’t disappoint in its aim to fuse Eastern and Western flavors in their contemporary take on these “tiny parcels of deliciousness.”


Soccer battles Big East chaos

For women’s soccer, there’s not another conference quite like the Big East. That was clear last weekend, when Georgetown knocked off defending national champion Notre Dame in a game categorized by typically unpredictable Big East play.


For Millenials, too many choices and not enough options

This week, Georgetown alum (and former Voice editor) Noreen Malone (COL ‘07) wrote a feature story for New York Magazine encouragingly titled, “The Kids Are Actually Sort of Alright: My screwed, coddled, self-absorbed, mocked, surprisingly resilient generation.” I started reading it in the library today and had to leave because I felt near a breakdown (and a breakdown in Lau 2 is just not okay). As if I needed another reminder that the next stage of my life is a complete mystery to me.


Steve’s greatest job: the editor to Apple visionaries

When Steve Jobs, CEO and co-founder of Apple Inc., died a fortnight ago, my dad went out and bought an iPhone. This emotional response was hardly atypical: rock stars, journalists and politicians alike lauded the man whose sense of showmanship had helped him transcend the shadowy ranks of the business world into the stratosphere of celebrity and brought sleek premium electronics to the hands of millions of Americans.


Beyond Ahmadinejad: the Iranians’ democratic potential

Gradually through the years, European and American foreign policies have managed to construct a Western vision of Iran that associated the country with the so-called “axis of evil” states and al-Qaeda. But the Iranian government actually desired cooperation with the U.S. on terrorism. However, the Bush administration did little to foster dialogue. As a result, hardliner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was elected President in 2005, ushering in an era of renewed anti-Americanism.


An imaginary community

When I was a senior at Hill, I felt inextricably connected to the place and to everyone who was a part of it. But when I arrived at the promised land of higher-level academia, I couldn’t help but be let down. Of course it’s natural to feel lost going from being a big fish in a small pond to a lowly first-year guppy. But as a freshman at Georgetown, once the NSO Cheerleaders strip off their neon t-shirts and cease all their “HOYA SAXA”-ing, it is incredibly easy to disappear into gateway class oblivion.


Coulter’s hate speech has no place here

The Georgetown Lecture Fund has brought many respected figures from across the political spectrum to campus for free guest lectures. But its latest invitee, conservative pundit Ann Coulter, is a disappointing and worrisome departure from the Fund’s standard of speakers.


Support medical marijuana for PTSD victims

Luckily for PTSD sufferers, whose ranks have been swelled by veterans returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan, there is a promising alternative: preliminary trials and user testimony point to marijuana as an effective replacement for Risperdal and other drugs.


Groups seek collective voice through Union

For the past few years, student groups at Georgetown have been held down by near-constant struggles with redundant layers of financial and administrative bureaucracy, forcing student leaders to spend endless hours filling out paperwork. When student leaders should be devoting their time to managing their clubs, they are far too often dealing with the Center for Student Programs and advisory boards. Student life at Georgetown suffers from these oppressive levels of bureaucracy.


Throwback Jack: Ms. Georgetown mishaps

Traditions abound on Homecoming Weekend—alumni return to their old stomping grounds, everyone goes out to see the football game (or at least tailgate for it), and students crown a champion in the annual Mr. Georgetown Pageant. Some of those traditions stretch back over 70 years to Georgetown’s first homecoming. Others have evolved. For example, it wasn’t always about Mr. Georgetown. Up until 1971, it was all about Ms. Georgetown, the Homecoming Queen.


Idiot Box: The renaissance of reality TV

Earlier this week, I kept running into news about the all-important story of the week: Gene Simmons is getting married. Well, not actually—apparently the ceremony already happened on October 1. But on Monday and Tuesday, Simmons’s wedding was televised in a two-night special edition of his reality show, Gene Simmons Family Jewels.


Critical Voices: Justice, Audio, Video, Disco

Do you ever wish you could return to the straightforward goals and limited social interaction of an old-school arcade? If so, the French electro-house duo Justice may have created the album for you. With an overwhelming ‘80s vibe, the band’s second album, Audio, Video, Disco, is crafted mostly from the sounds of the synthesized background music of our video game-playing youth. But while its resemblance to the Pacman anthem may excite quarter machine wizards, the album’s eternally retro quality is frustratingly inconclusive. Though its synthy nostalgia might strike a sentimental chord, its artistic value is significantly less certain.


Critical Voices: M83, Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming

When Anthony Gonzalez, also known as M83, promised to release an album that he described as “very, very, very epic” earlier this year, he was setting the bar especially high. After all, critics had used the term to describe all five of M83’s previous albums’ glorious electro dream pop. But Gonzalez manages to deliver on his promise, making Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming the best M83 album to date, and a huge one at that, clocking in at 22 tracks on two separate discs.


Fall Fashion 2011

Let’s face it, after September, Washington gets cold and rainy. It can be really easy to fall into the habit of bundling up without thinking about what you’re putting on. Colorful wool, patterned tights, and thoughtful layering can look great and stave off drizzle to boot. As we segue from fall to winter, rest assured these looks are impervious to the cold.


Occupy Wall St. movement at a crossroads

Despite the initial disregard of national media outlets, the spreading Occupy Wall Street movement has managed to propel itself into the country’s political consciousness. The occupations are a reminder of the power that members of a democratic society possess beyond the ballot box – to add our voices to a political discourse that has become cluttered with useless rhetoric and endless politicking.


Follow-through necessary for new forum

The initiative raises hope for a more open relationship between the administration and the student body. The open exchange of ideas between students and administrators that happened Wednesday makes the potential of a forward-thinking event like this one clear.


States filling void on immigration policy

In the absence of federal policy, California’s leaders have admirably decided to act on their own. The state recently passed its own version of the Dream Act, which will allow undocumented immigrants to qualify for financial aid at state schools, a welcome step toward a more humane and realistic immigration policy.


Breast cancer research, overfunded and overexposed

This Monday, I sat in a hospital waiting room, anticipating news of my mother’s condition. Her breast-cancer surgery was supposed to take five to seven hours, but the surgery was approaching hour eight. Luckily, we found out that the extra time was due to a delay, not a complication. She asked to see my sister and me only a few minutes after she woke up from the anesthesia.


Gomez looks golden in goal for surging Hoyas

Relying on athletes fresh out of high school is a major gamble for programs looking to compete right away. The college level is a whole new world, especially when it comes to a top Division I conference like the Big East. Luckily for the Georgetown men’s soccer team, their gamble on freshman goalkeeper Tomas Gomez has paid off.