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Crossword 9.23.2010 – “Queen of Pop”

ACROSS 1. Looney Tunes company 5. Ending indications (abbr.) 9. Therefore 14. Lewd look 15. Place between hills 16. Make disappear completely 17. 4% say, on a bank acct. 18.... Read more


Food trucks: Like restaurants, only faster

Fresh peppers, onions, and Cuban roast pork sizzle on the grill, producing a mouth-watering aroma that draws a serious crowd. Could it be? A new grilling station at Leo’s? Not a chance. This is the work of Rebel Heroes, one of the many food trucks that are popping up all around D.C.

Page 13 Cartoons

Spiral (Part 2)

Continued from last week’s edition.. My mom died six months after I was born. Pneumonia, an infection. I’m not exactly sure, I never really wanted to talk with my dad about it. I never really want to talk to him at all anymore. Weird, right?


Dirty old Town

This settles it. With the release of The Town, the gritty Boston crime drama is officially its own genre, comprised of such films as The Departed, Mystic River, and The Boondock Saints. The main reason The Town stands apart, is that it has the dubious honor of being the first of its kind to feel cliché.


Critical Voices: Deerhunter, Halcyon Digest

I was a Deerhunter virgin before I had heard Halcyon Digest. There’s something exciting about diving into a new artist, and when the minimal, ambient sounds of Halcyon Digest first washed over me I was immediately intrigued.


Critical Voices: Ben Folds & Nick Hornsby, Lonely Avenue

Many of today’s most successful pop stars write very little of their own music or lyrics, and they don’t want you to know it. This has never been the case for Ben Folds, who writes the vast majority of his own work.


Soccer can’t find a way to win in Ivy League battles

Last weekend, the Georgetown men’s soccer team took to the pitch for two matchups against Ivy League opponents. Despite their tough play, the Hoyas emerged from the Ivy-clad gauntlet winless. The Hoyas opened the weekend with a Friday night matchup in the Garden State against the Princeton Tigers.


Women lose a pair out west

After winning every game this season, the Georgetown women’s soccer team took to the West Coast for a tougher test against soccer juggernauts No. 2 Stanford and No. 10 Santa Clara. But the No. 19 Hoyas (7-2), came up empty handed on the road trip, though Friday night’s game against Santa Clara was a close battle.


Literary Tools: I dare you to read this book

A novel that is written so that it is a struggle to read is meant for a particular, masochistic literary crowd: fans of post-modernism. The works of classic post-modern authors, like Flann O’Brien and Jorge Luis Borges, abandon convention and required readers to plunge headfirst into a metaphysical world.


The Sports Sermon: Fantasy becomes reality

Fantasy football was born over 20 years ago as a pastime accessible to the public in major regional newspapers. With the rise of the Internet, fantasy football has become one of sports fans’ favorite distractions. Some of the biggest sports websites, which have their own leagues, have even hired fantasy football “analysts.”


Hoyas fall on final play

An undefeated season may have been more of a dream than a realistic goal, but the Georgetown football team will nonetheless be disappointed knowing they were just seconds away from a perfect 3-0 start. The Hoyas surrendered a touchdown as time expired and were defeated by Yale University 40-35.


Joseph Palacios: Keeping faith in the fight for gay rights

Last week, the official founding of Catholics for Equality sent a ripple through the Catholic community. The group, an LGBT rights organization aiming to mobilize Catholics in favor of same-sex marriage, has already been denounced by several Catholic leaders and outspoken members.


Volleyball bounces back

After getting off to a bad start this season, the Georgetown women’s volleyball team knows better than anyone that how you finish is more important than how you start. Luckily, the team took their early season experience to heart in Tuesday night’s game against the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.


Suffer For Fashion: D.C. Fashion Week—NY Who?

The models may have stepped off the runway at New York Fashion Week, but if you’re still hungry for hot new fall fashions, the nation’s capital has what you need. D.C. Fashion Week started on Monday and will be in full swing through Sunday, Sept. 26.


Backdoor Cuts: Nobody’s home

I looked at the Georgetown men’s basketball schedule, which came out last week, and I have good news: you’re not going to need to camp outside of the Verizon Center at six in the morning in the freezing cold. That’s not exactly what you want to hear before you shell out $125 for season tickets.


Fellow Hoyas, you have the right to remain silent

It’s been a long week and you’re at a friend’s townhouse, apartment, or dorm room. Music is playing loudly, conversation is even louder, and people are imbibing. Suddenly, three loud bangs on the door. Then, silence. Someone rushes to turn off the music.


ESPN’s bias boosts Northeast, bullies the rest

With the San Diego Padres vying for the lead in baseball’s tightest division contest, every game is a big deal. And since I’m away from home, I have to rely on national broadcasting, largely ESPN, for any coverage of the team that I’ve loved since childhood. But there’s a problem.


Logophile gives cruciverbialism a try, and she likes it

Crosswords are a dying art. There are some word puzzle enthusiasts at schools like Georgetown, but the truth is, this classic time-waster simply doesn’t get the kind of attention it used to, thanks to the vast catalog of computer and video games we can procrastinate with instead.


Carrying On: GU should prioritize poverty studies

In 1919, Georgetown recognized the United States’s rapidly expanding role in global affairs and established the SFS to train young diplomats. Predating the establishment of the U.S. Foreign Service by six years, the SFS has arguably become Georgetown’s most prestigious institution, and its alumni have affected the course of history.


Leo’s changes, like its food, are hard to swallow

Complaining about Leo’s is a Georgetown tradition, and not without good reason. The management of the University’s dining hall and meal system needs change. Unfortunately, the changes that have been made to Leo’s this fall were a step in the wrong direction. Over the summer, the dining hall was rearranged and restructured. The upstairs salad and fruit bar as well as the “weekly wrap” disappeared, and bagels and muffins vanished from Late Night.


Gray skies ahead for D.C. public schools?

As candidates for mayor, incumbent Adrian Fenty and victor Vincent Gray, who will almost certainly replace Fenty as mayor in November, agreed on many issues. Gray, however, has been clear that he does not want to duplicate the uncommunicative atmosphere in which Fenty and D.C. Public Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee carried out their biggest reforms of the District’s flailing public schools. But, as he undertakes his own education plan, it is important that Gray does not let a more open process interfere with progress.


A DREAM deferred for immigrant students

Six weeks before the general elections, it seems that more often than not politics takes precendence over the common good. Senate Republicans voted Tuesday to filibuster a comprehensive defense authorization bill that would have vastly improved higher educational opportunities for children of illegal immigrants. The “Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors” Act, attached to the same bill that included legislation to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” fell victim to a partisan Congress playing politics in an election year.


Student drumline beats up the beat

If you were anywhere near New North on Monday night and couldn’t study, converse, or hear yourself think, then you’re already familiar with the Georgetown Drumline. From 8 to 9 p.m., the group’s 15 members banged out eighth-notes and bashed cymbals together at a deafening volume on the outdoor patio across from the Davis Center.


Start shakin’ your bacon

Bacon is the great equalizer. Rich or poor, black or white, super fly or rhythmically inept, everybody can get down on some grease-fried pork. So when a group of local DJs set out to create the most inclusive funk and soul dance party in town, there was only one name that could truly capture its essence—Fatback.


Crikey! Everyone’s dancing

Travelling across the harsh continent of Australia can be too much for even the strongest of us. We’re familiar with the wild bands of marauders in the Mad Max series, and witnessed horrific acts of violence in 2005’s The Proposition.