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Schramm’s hat trick leads GU

Sometimes all it takes is a standout performance from your star player. Other times it’s just taking a respite from the rigors of Big East action. And sometimes it’s a little bit of both. Led by senior co-captain Ricky Schramm’s three goals, the Georgetown men’s soccer team snapped a four-game losing streak and trounced on the visiting Howard Bison 5-0 Tuesday afternoon.


Stop torturing the American constitution

Last week, the Senate passed a law, commonly known as the “detainee bill,” to give the President broad new capabilities to try “illegal enemy combatants,” including those who are U.S. citizens. In a legal system anchored so strongly in precedent, this sets a dangerous one.


What we have here is a failure to communicate

Georgetown’s University Information Services is devoted to providing technological expertise; unfortunately, dealing with UIS and trying to understand its policies are frequently frustrating and often futile endeavors.


Run for Rigby keeps giving back

In just two years, the annual Run for Rigby has earned a place of honor in the ranks of Georgetown institutions.


The Voice interviews Cursive

The Voice got in touch with guitarist and back-up vocalist Ted Stevens for a phone interview in anticipation of Cursive’s show at the 9:30 Club on Tuesday, Oct. 3rd.


Vice and virtue in art

The power of contradiction in Erik Sandberg’s latest exhibition, Contrary, is not to be underestimated despite the show’s small size and intimate setting.


Jesus Camp saves

core evangelical Christianity. Ewing and Grady manage the controversial subject with delicacy and keen observational skill, and while the film may fall short of its lofty ambitions, it nonetheless raises important questions about home-grown fundamentalism.


Weekend preview: cultural festivals

Do you frequently find your Saturday and Sunday afternoons sorely lacking in excitement?


All organic cows are equal, but some less equal than others

All I wanted to do was buy some milk, but even at the supermarket, “politics, politics, politics” was all I heard.


Critical Voices

Built on a complex series of metaphors and semi-autobiographical characters, the album is anything but background music.


In Poor Taste

A Weekly Comic


Crossword Answers

Here they are.


Fall Fashion ’06: no frills fall

Another fall arrives, the season when girls shed their “hips don’t lie” attitudes and wardrobes, to don the more tailored designs of crisper weather. This season, we recommend pinning up the likes of Katherine Hepburn on your wall. Or for a more feminine approach, order Rosemary’s Baby on Netflix. We’ve got both looks on display in this issue, and some in between, all inspired by fashions of the past.


GPBs budget woes

In the wake of Saturday’s financially disastrous Fountains of Wayne concert, the Georgetown Programming Board is struggling to swallow its losses and work within a newly tightened budge


Gtown shy on sex, survey says

Georgetown ranked 80 in a pool of 100 universities across the country in a “Sexual Health Report Card” compiled by Trojan Brand Condoms and released on Sept. 19.


Have a heart

It’s hard to feel compassion for those we hate. We cannot possibly conceive of a way to feel the faintest touch of guilt for despising a seemingly selfish and egotistical human being. But sometimes our preconceived notions of a person and our perceptions of their character are purely superficial and keep us from really understanding the person “underneath the pads.”


The Sports Sermon

This week’s Monday Night Football game featured the Atlanta Falcons playing at the New Orleans Saints. For the first time since the 2004/05 NFL season, “playing at the New Orleans Saints” really meant playing at the New Orleans Saints.


Hoyas host Georgetown Classic

Under the leadership of rookie coach Gordie Ernst, the Hoyas marched into a new era of Georgetown tennis.


Comeback, almost

Last Saturday when Georgetown’s football team squared off against Columbia for their second straight Ivy League bout, they were greeted with a decidedly snobby 20-0 run that proved to be too much for the fighting Hoyas to overcome.


An Arthur Avenue evening with my father

My dad called the bartender “maestro” as he led me through the crowd at Dominic’s, a crowded, family-style Italian restaurant in the Bronx.


Women shutout for fourth straight game

Soccer, like many other sports, can be a game of streaks. You win some, you lose some and sometimes these wins and losses come in bunches. The Lady Hoyas soccer team is currently riding a losing streak of four games after a 1-0 loss at Seton Hall this past Sunday.


Props to the Pope, please

Carrying On: A rotating column by Voice senior staffers


Pirates steal win from Hoyas

In what is becoming a theme for the season, the Georgetown men’s soccer team (3-7-0, 2-4-0 BE) dropped their third game in a row, 2-1 in another overtime heartbreaker after failing to put away a number of chances against the visiting No. 21 Seton Hall Pirates (7-3-0, 5-1-0 BE).


Confronting our creeping racism

America. The great melting pot. Or salad bowl, or whatever metaphor is being tossed around nowadays.


Suck it in, zip it up and work it

One pair of jeans in my closet stands out from the rest of my denim collection—my skinny jeans.