Ajani Jones

Ajani is a junior in the college majoring in linguistics. He is the Editor-in-Chief. He is also really, REALLY excited for the Percy Jackson TV show and will not shut up about it (still won't).

Halftime Leisure

Busting down the closet door: the weaponization of coming-out in queer media

For many queer youth, “coming out of the closet” is treated as the ultimate milestone, a crucial step before one is able to truly live their life with pride. The... Read more


After year of isolation, Prison Scholars return to classrooms

Students shuffle into seats on a Tuesday afternoon, chatting as they open their bags. After a year and a half, they’re glad to see their classmates face-to-face, sit in creaky... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Superballs: Nicki Minaj’s vaccine hesitancy leads to unintentional propaganda

Twitter has always been a fun little minefield of surprises.  Each time you log-on to the hell-site (affectionate), it is its own little game of Russian roulette. There are times... Read more