Halftime Leisure

The Voice’s takes on all things media and culture.

Halftime Leisure

Critical Voices: Låpsley, Understudy

There’s something fascinating about individuals who find what speaks to them—what they intend to devote their life’s time and energies to—at a young age. 18 year-old Holly Lapsley Fletcher, the... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Capital Crescent Trail

“Run with me in the snow tomorrow,” my friend said. I looked out the window at the blanket of browning slush covering the sidewalks and felt discouraged. I had always... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Messiah  redeems D’Angelo, Pop Culture and Georgetown

Che hangs on the wall of my dorm, and its not because Latin America’s version of Warhol’s Marilyn Diptych raises the dorm’s aesthetic. Truly, the reason for the poster is... Read more

Halftime Leisure

A Guide To Post-Christmas Holiday Music

Just as the holiday season comes to a close, so too does the window of opportunity to play timeless Christmas albums day after day, without any social backlash. Unfortunately, the... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Top 10 Movies of 2014

2014 has been quite the exciting year for Hollywood. While box office receipts are down from 2013, movie-goers enjoyed a rare coupling of blockbusters that were both critically acclaimed and... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Jurassic World’s High Hopes

Though barely a blip on the geological timescale compared to its 65 million year-old subjects, the Jurassic Park film franchise turned 21 this year—and it couldn’t have picked a better... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Critical Voices: The Memories, Hot Afternoon

The Memories’ Hot Afternoon could not have been more appropriately named. After three self-produced albums from the Portland-based band, Hot Afternoon, their first studio album, contains exactly the kind of... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Thunder Burger vs. Burger Tap & Shake: Burger Week

In the final four matchup of the Halftime 2014 Burger Bracket, Thunder Burger and Bar went head to head with Burger Tap & Shake for the chance to battle for... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Benoy Behl and the Art of Buddhism

From the moment I entered the Benoy Behl art exhibit, I was mesmerized by the colorful contrast of eye-catching art pieces that lined the stark white exhibit walls. The photographs... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Thoughts Running Through My Head

Running the same route squeezed between the Potomac and the parkway to the tourist filled monuments isn’t exactly escapism. It’s beautiful and enjoyable, but it doesn’t remove you from the... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Weekly List: For your EDM friends

[8tracks url=”http://8tracks.com/mkb108/house-indie-peace-treaty” ] You are an Indie Alternative fan. Most people have not heard of the artists you listen to, and you like it that way. Unfortunately, being the one... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Opera Review: The Barber of Seville

Suit up, Halftime. It’s time to get classy and attend a night at the Met. As an aspiring performer and lover of all things classical music, my parents only thought... Read more

Halftime Leisure

National Geographic: "Food: Our Global Kitchen"

Sitting down at a table in Leo’s with friends, I never talk about where my food comes from. Usually the conversation involves the bad feeling Leo’s food leaves in our... Read more

Halftime Leisure

How to Appreciate Brisk Winter Runs

The lower the temperature drops, the harder I find it to convince myself to get out of bed when my 8:21am alarm goes off. I don’t know how some students... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Five Guys vs. Thunder Burger & Bar: Burger Week

Here we have a true set of opposites—the sloppily satisfying casual dining of Five Guys (Burgers and Fries) and the noveau-hip “serious” patty craft of Thunder Burger (& Bar). One... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Mindy Project Highlights Realities of the Modern Sitcom

What does it take to survive as a sitcom in today’s television world? Can we simply not handle several seasons of the same characters anymore? One of my favorite comedies... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Burger, Tap & Shake vs. The Tombs

Welcome back to the Halftime Burger Bracket 2014! We present to you the battle of The Tombs versus Burger Tap Shake. These are two very different eateries with two very... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Black Coal, Thin Ice Perplexes and Excites

Something unusual happened last February at the Berlin International Film Festival. Many films were vying for the festival’s top prize, including Richard Linklater’s 12-year coming of age story Boyhood and... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Farmers Fishers Bakers vs. Black and Orange

We went out on the night of November 15th, 2014 to settle a simple question. Who has the better burger: Farmers Fishers Bakers or Black and Orange? We knew this... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Critical Voices: Cool Ghouls, A Swirling Fire Burning Through The Rye

Listening to A Swirling Fire Burning Through The Rye, the sophomore album from San Francisco band Cool Ghouls, is a blast from the past. A traditional four piece band (two... Read more