Halftime Leisure

The Voice’s takes on all things media and culture.

Halftime Leisure

The Weekly List: Travel

[8tracks url=”http://8tracks.com/clibre/to-travel “] Little more than a week stands between Georgetown students and their Thanksgiving break, and, yet, the wait feels interminable. Gathering up the strength to haul oneself to... Read more

Halftime Leisure

One Comparison to Rule them All

Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy is considered one of the greatest cinematic feats in Hollywood’s history. Jackson somehow took one sprawling, epic and practically unfilmable story and transformed... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Big Hero 6 is a humongous success

In the midst of Marvel and DC duking it out over control of the superhero film, Disney has landed a serious blow to the genre with Big Hero 6. The... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Free in DC: Part IV, The Hillwood Museum

Sometimes, you feel the urge to go back in time. Back to the time of grand mansions and artfully kept gardens; the time of opulently shiny wallpaper, pastels, elaborate china,... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Flaming Lips Set Sgt. Pepper on Fire

After thirty years, twenty albums, and tours around the world, The Flaming Lips have proven they are anything but irrelevant with a cover of/tribute to The Beatles’ iconic Sgt. Pepper’s... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Weekly List: A Musical Sweater

[8tracks url=”http://8tracks.com/mkb108/fireside” ] Welcome to the Mid-Atlantic in November. It is cold. I bring you this message of mixed blessings for your Monday public service announcement.The torment of trudging through... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Spy Kids Review: Send in the Thumbs

Memories are so often idealized over time, and become simplified as they grow distant from initial realities. Retrospectives on Robert Rodriguez’ 2001 classic, Spy Kids, fit neatly into this category... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Critical Voices: Haerts, Haerts

In their self-titled freshman album, Haerts crashes 80’s new wave into modern synth sound. However, this crash often comes with the calamity of too many genre-bending, mottled tracks. The majority... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Christopher Nolan Countdown You Deserve

Some may look at midterm election results and their ramifications as the highlight of this week’s news, but something far more important is taking place: the release of Interstellar. Consequently,... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Critical Voices: Damien RIce, My Favourite Faded Fantasy

My Favuorite Faded Fantasy, Damien Rice’s third album, is a refreshing, introspective twist on Rice’s usual, breathy laments on love and heartbreak. His first album since his move to Iceland,... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Also Like Life Highlights Lauded Taiwanese Filmmaker

This past Sunday marked the beginning of the DC run of Also Like Life: The Films of Hou Hsiao-hsien, a retrospective on the work of the internationally admired Taiwanese filmmaker.... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Running through my Mind: A Collection of Musings

When the weather is nice, I like to lace up my sneakers and go for a jog along the Potomac River and Glover Archbold Parkway. If you are ever looking... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Doctor Who Ramps Up To An Exciting Finale

In the age of the Internet, it’s tough to pull off a legitimately surprising plot twist. Everything that writers try to hide from audiences will eventually get revealed, whether it’s... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Critical Voices: Cold War Kids, Hold My Home

About a year and a half ago, I went to a Cold War Kids concert with some of my friends. In one of the band’s most popular songs, “Hang Me... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Weekly List: Free Henle

[8tracks url=”http://8tracks.com/clibre/free-henle” ] Novembers on the Hilltop bring their usual brisk days, and a concurrent increase in time spent indoors and bothersome additional layers of clothing. All of this can... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Supernatural’s new season is abnormal

The CW’s Supernatural, thriving well beyond the average television shelf life, premiered its 10th season on October 7th. Since 2005, the show has followed the lives of Sam (Jared Padalecki)... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Weekly List: Escape

[8tracks url=”http://8tracks.com/carleytucker/the-escape-folk-and-bluegrass” ] The word midterm is definitely a misnomer, especially when the infamous “midterm season” seems to last for about two months. The late night studying, last minute cramming,... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Free in DC: Part III, Roosevelt Island

If you’ve ever been to the Georgetown Waterfront and looked out on the Potomac, you may have been struck with what looks like a forest floating in the middle of... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Youtube’s Cultural Shift

Seven or eight years ago, most people only visited YouTube to watch the latest viral video and, as a vlogger, bringing in one thousand subscribers was a miracle. You could... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Vance Joy is an Awkward Delight

The scent of Halloween fills my nostrils. That same thick, white smoke used for haunted houses pours over the stage and wafts over the heads of concert goers in the... Read more