Halftime Leisure

The Voice’s takes on all things media and culture.

Halftime Leisure

Harley Quinn’s Craziness Is Outstanding

Character development in the superhero genre is harder than you would think. With numerous writers and artists presenting the cape and cowl crowd over and over again, it’s hard for... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Case for Community: Part I

In the fall of 2009, a series of new pilots from all the big broadcast networks were dropped onto iTunes for free, as they are at the beginning of every... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Submit to the Voice’s Photo Contest

At the end of each year, the Voice likes to take a break from its regular programming of hard-hitting, investigative features to give you something that you’ve loved since your... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Poetic Justice

If I told you that a flower bloomed in a dark room, would you trust it? I mean I write poems in these songs dedicated to you when You’re in... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Weekly Listen: "Mainstream" Indie

Welcome to The Weekly List(en), a curation of the latest and greatest tracks to hit the interwebs in the past week(ish). Didn’t get a chance to peruse the blogosphere since... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert?

David Letterman recently dropped a bombshell on his fans, announcing his retirement in 2015 after being a television host for over thirty years and the star of The Late Show... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Draft Day Dissapoints

Ah, Draft Day. One of the most exciting times of the year for football fans, filled with expectations and hopes for a new year of athletic excellence. This is a... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Touch Me  exhibit not very pleasurable

Enter space…interact. The words are printed on an unassuming white wall at the entrance of of Touch Me, the current exhibit in The Flashpoint Gallery. This new creation from the minds... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Critical Voices: NEEDTOBREATHE, Rivers in the Wasteland

Following the release of four albums and extensive touring, the alternative rock band, NEEDTOBREATHE experienced a crisis of identity under the pressure of their past success. The trio decided it... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Just the Right Mix

Annie are you OK? Will you tell us, that you’re OK? You start nodding your head as you mouth the words to the 1987 hit, Smooth Criminal. But imagine that... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Pop Art Conundrum

I have always associated Pop Art with the critique of our consumer culture. Using bright colors and an impersonal, flat form to draw the audience in, the artists of this... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Swords, Debts, and Dragons, Game of Thrones returns

After a yearlong hiatus, Game of Thrones finally returned with their season four premiere on Sunday night. The show started off with a bang showing many fan favorites including the... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Life and Times of Two Face

Writer Peter J. Tomasi and artist Patrick Gleason’s Batman and Two-Face #28 issue is not only an absolutely fantastic comic in itself, but it is also a stellar conclusion to... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Pure X, Cloud Nothings, Jamie XX

Welcome, once again, to The Weekly List(en), a brief selection of some of Halftime’s favorite new tracks. This week on The List we have an eclectic mix of exciting new... Read more

Halftime Leisure

b/c  is pure magic

“Because I want, if nothing else, for you to understand how much we love.” We all have ambition that drives us. We make the choices that end up shaping our... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Are remakes really that bad?

Every couple of years, there seems to be a rush of articles written about Hollywood’s remake culture, most recently brought on by the upcoming (and totally baffling) Teenage Mutant Ninja... Read more

Halftime Leisure

New Captain America is a mild improvement

Captain America is back! The World War II hero who helped save the world in Captain America: The First Avenger and The Avengers has returned, once again fighting to save the world. Chris Evans,... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Critical Voices: Christina Perri, Head or Heart

In 2010, the world fell in love with Perri’s voice when her debut single, “Jar of Hearts” was featured in an episode of popular TV show, So You Think You... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Critical Voices: Tokyo Police Club, Forcefield

For Tokyo Police Club, the release of their third studio album, Forcefield, seems to mark their arrival as a truly established indie rock band. Though, by “truly established,” I mean,... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Another Modern Family

Modern technology aids and amplifies our relationship to music. We can store, categorize, purchase, and exchange music. We can digitize our instruments and synthesize our voices. This new musical world... Read more