
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.


Black Sea drowns in own claustrophobia

Claustrophobia can be a little maddening. At least, that seems to be the overarching message of Black Sea, an anxiety-inducing, modern pirate romp featuring a Scottish-accented Jude Law on a... Read more


Cherry Tree Massacres

This Friday, Jan. 30, the Cherry Tree Massacre will bring together the voices of various Hoyas for the 42nd year. (romantichoneymoonisland.com) Presented by the Georgetown Chimes, Cherry Tree is known... Read more


Under the Covers: In the midst of harsh realities, hope springs eternal

In a slum surrounding Mumbai’s gleaming Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, hope springs eternal, at least when prices for a kilo of compressed plastic bags are high. Katherine Boo’s stunning nonfiction... Read more


Deadbeats: Yes, all women can Punk Rock

Prior to coming to college, almost all of the influences in my life were male. My sole sibling is male. My six closest first cousins are male. 12 of the... Read more


CV: Punch Brothers, The Phosphorescent Blues

The Punch Brothers are not known for conventionality. It’s not often that you find a bluegrass band boasting a frontman with a Macarthur “genius grant.” But this is the enigma... Read more


CV: Sleater-Kinney, No Cities to Love

Band reunions are often a bitter cash grab. As a die-hard Doolittle fan, it pains me to think of the Pixies’ whitebread post-2003 releases. The same goes for the latest... Read more


Touchstone Gallery makes waves with Watercolors exhibition

On the page of her personal website labeled “Artist’s Statement,” Patricia Williams cites a quote from French Impressionist painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir: “To my mind, a picture should be something pleasant,... Read more


OKI Bowl redefines ramen’s reputation

Fifty-cents-per-meal instant noodles have tarnished ramen’s good name. For too many Americans, ramen acts as the gastronomic equivalent of abject poverty; it is fuel of the guttersnipe, the last resort... Read more


Bad Boy El Greco finally finds vindication at National Gallery

When asked what he thought of Michelangelo, El Greco remarked indignantly and controversially, “He was a good man, but he did not know how to paint.” El Greco is the... Read more


Out of Control: Patience is a virtue—even in the digital world

I’ve never pre-ordered a game. I would like to say that is because I’m patient when it comes to snagging the newest releases, but it usually comes down to the... Read more


Reel Talk: Going for (Oscar) Gold

The Best Picture field for the Academy Awards boasts eight strong nominees without any true weak links. Oscar night promises intrigue and excitement with a true battle of titans, from... Read more


CV: Bulldog Alley Alley Cats, Blind Phyllis

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear “the 1920s?” Many think of the great excess of the prohibition era, of the parties, of the wealth, of basically... Read more


CV: Lupe Fiasco, Testuto & Youth

I’ll just come out and say it. I’m in love with this album. Lupe Fiasco’s Tetsuo & Youth has been a long time coming, and despite the controversies and delays—it... Read more


Why Interstellar  Should Have Been Nominated For Best Picture

For many Christopher Nolan fans (or, as they prefer, “Nolanites”), the man can do no wrong. After all, Nolan is an oddity in contemporary Hollywood; he eschews using any forms... Read more


Nomadic’s latest production Sick: the cure for our worst fears

What sort of fear is healthy in our world? How safe can we be without losing our minds? These are among the many questions director Gregory Hans Keiser (COL ‘16)... Read more


Dog Tag Bakery a tasty tale to tell

“Welcome to Dog Tag Bakery! Making it deliciously simple for you to empower the lives of our veterans and military families!” Warmly written on a small chalkboard as you enter,... Read more


Despite Eastwood’s efforts, American Sniper misses target

“You’re going to be a fine hunter someday,” prophesies Chris Kyle’s father at the outset of Clint Eastwood’s American Sniper, an adaptation of Kyle’s autobiography of the same name. Coming... Read more


D.C. Restaurant Week

How many times have you walked past 1789, trudging through the snow on the unfortunate path from Walsh to Leo’s, only to realize you have nothing but fish tacos to... Read more


Under the Covers: Sometimes, bigger isn’t actually better

Your dear scribe spent a hell of a lot of time reading over winter break. I was channeling my inner Juan Garcia Madero, one protagonist of many in Roberto Bolaño’s... Read more


Deadbeats: The “Problem” with Iggy Azalea

To say that the deaths of unarmed black men Michael Brown and Eric Garner—and the subsequent decisions by grand juries to not indict the police officers who were responsible—were a... Read more