
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.


Exceptional American art at Phillips

It’s fitting that America’s first modern art museum, The Phillips Collection, should exhibit Made in the USA, a rich anthology spanning the enormous breadth of American modern art collected by... Read more


Under the Covers: At night, think about our history

“I was a judge at a recent Literary Death Match in Miami. One of my co-judges was [Tina Fey. The other was] Prodigy of Mobb Deep, who was one of... Read more


Day Tripper: Lost in temptation

The best time of year for gossips and story-lovers are the days after Hoyas have returned to the Hilltop from vacation. People share fabulous tales of their adventures—beaches, gourmet buffets,... Read more


Critical Voices: Tycho, Awake

Imagine a stroll through a perfectly manicured garden, Versailles or Dumbarton Oaks, on a sun-soaked day. It is an experience––grass artfully cropped, Baroque nudes selected with precision. Turn that into... Read more


Critical Voices: Shakira, Shakira

On her tenth album, Shakira, the Latina superstar has relinquished her throne. For the first time, the songwriter and producer has disappointed. The eponymous album was initially set to be... Read more


All the world’s a stage at Kennedy Center theater festival

D.C. has long been a cradle for international cultural exhibitions. World Stages, the Kennedy Center’s International Theater Festival, redefines the concept of the global, however, by shining a spotlight on... Read more


American Art Museum exhibit gets real

Having strolled through a couple rooms of the American Art Museum, I went up to a pair of guards and asked to be pointed to the Modern American Realism exhibit.... Read more


Hilltop Tossers: The Corp tosses our salads with no regrets

The return to campus life from the bliss of spring break is an often sad time in the life of the Hoya. But fear not: this week, the beloved GU... Read more


One Jake Gyllenhaal simply isn’t enough

What would you do if you met someone who looked just like you? No, exactly like you? That’s the question the film Enemy asks us, to no clear conclusion. Enemy... Read more


Eating Out: Doing it in the dark

I slowly bring my hand closer to my mouth, where it pauses, suspended in midair for an eternity. “I can’t,” I say, abruptly pushing away, appeasing my gag reflex. The... Read more


Deadbeats: Festivus for the rest of us

A lot of people I know lose it over summer music festivals. Whether it’s Coachella, Lollapalooza, Oozlelolooza, or whatever the latest trendy festival is, there’s a ton of excitement surrounding... Read more


Critical Voices: La Dispute, Rooms of the House

If every band painted a picture to go along with their work, La Dispute would paint a family van flying off a bridge into an icy river for their third... Read more


Critical Voices: Skrillex, Recess

Love him or hate him, you know his name, and you’ve made fun of his haircut. Three years after dropping his debut EP, Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites, Skrillex’s first... Read more


On the Record: “Passing Out Pieces” with Mac DeMarco

Mac DeMarco, down-to-earth Canadian rocker dude (with a tendency to get a little weird), agreed to discuss his upcoming album Salad Days and his thoughts on the music industry with... Read more


A sad, honest look at the promised land

You wouldn’t be wrong to immediately associate the film Bethlehem with the birthplace of Jesus Christ. But Bethlehem’s namesake is instead the site of violence—cold, calculated and endemic violence that... Read more


Lupo Verde howls into the District with authentic flare

At first glance, because of the cheesy Italian music and the complimentary warm homemade bread with cheese, Lupo Verde appears to be just another mediocre American take on the Italian... Read more


Under the Covers: A conversation with Ben Marcus

Ben Marcus was a philosophy major at NYU grappling with Wittgenstein and Hegel, planning on continuing his studies at the graduate level. Somewhere in between, he found his calling in... Read more


Day Tripper: Do you want some candy?

People often ask me how I ever feel safe as a young woman traveling to such “interesting” places. They remind me to always keep my guard up, to be careful... Read more


Critical Voices: ScHoolboy Q, Oxymoron

Oxymoron is not an album that goes down easily. From the hook of the first track, where Quincy Hanley, known as ScHoolboy Q, repeatedly screams “Gangsta, Gangsta, Gangsta,” to the... Read more


Critical Voices: Real Estate, Atlas

Real Estate has finally waded out of the shallowness of beer-drenched suburbia. While their previous efforts laid the foundations for the dissonant genre of suburban surf rock with flawless instrumentals... Read more