
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


Historic papal resignation opens path to modernity

When Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation I was surprised, to say the least. As most people are aware, the papacy is a modern-day monarchy with its leaders ruling for life.


99 bottles of beer in Tombs; Carrying on

On Saturday night, I made the bold decision to sign up for the 99 Days Club. Initially, I was not entirely sure why I did it. I might as well have gone up to the bartender and written a check for a few hundred dollars and it would have been the equivalent.


Dixie vilifiers not ready to make nice with the South

Growing up in a semi-rural town near Richmond, Va., I was constantly bombarded by everything country, from country music on school buses to Confederate flags on every Southern pride shirt.


Lacking in documents, not lacking in American pride

On Monday, Jan. 28 a bipartisan group of senators held a press conference to reveal their plan for comprehensive immigration reform. The key points of their five page plan include... Read more


A frank portrait of anorexia; carrying on

Those in the medical community will tell you that anorexia nervosa is characterized by depression, a negative self-image, and appearing underweight. I can tell you that there is a paralyzing... Read more


Part-time professors deserve their full-time rights

Our education shapes us. What we learn and how we learn determines who we are and how we think. And while books, newspapers, and the internet are important sources of... Read more


“Defenders of the Faith” betray Islamic history in Timbuktu

Around 10 days ago, jihadists of Ansar Dine “Defenders of the Faith” fled from a remote yet remarkable city in West Africa, leaving a smoldering and spiteful legacy in their... Read more


Carrying On: In search of lost experience

What I am about to say may shock you and shake your morality down to its very core, so brace yourself: We, as members of the Georgetown student body, are an extremely privileged bunch. I’m not talking about the privilege they hammer into our heads from day one, the kind addressed in the convocation speech.


In the developing world, contraceptives save lives

I used to consider myself “transiently pro-choice,” mainly because I didn’t know enough about the issue to restrict anyone’s rights, but I certainly wasn’t comfortable with abortion. Then things started to change as I came to college and, through my studies, came to some startling realizations about women’s health.


Evading etymology eschews the excitement of English

During Senior Disorientation 2.0 the other weekend, I found myself at McFadden’s. As I sipped a rail drink in the roped off, Georgetown-only section of D.C.’s “douchiest” bar, I wondered if my roommates might accompany me to the main area to be among the “hoi polloi,” as I jokingly put it. “The what?” one shot back. While I explained the meaning of the phrase (Greek for “the many” or “the masses”), I was aware that this type of interaction had happened before.


Scandalous Italian politics must become a thing of the past

We Italians studying in the U.S. are emigrants who have left our country with no fixed date of return. We left looking for a better education and a fresh outlook on life. Unavoidably though, the heart still pounds to the beat of the noise of scooters in the street, the smell of good coffee, and the warmth of our customs. We are not nationalists—we are cultural patriots. Yet, we will probably not be able to vote in the 2013 Italian general election, which will take place starting on Feb. 24, after a dramatic decade of poor administrations and economic stagnation.


The wrong conversation about mental health and violence

Whenever a mass shooting or other act of horrific violence occurs, the mainstream media, political pundits, and members of the public are quick to jump to one of two conclusions—the... Read more


In a welcome result, Israel moves towards the center

In many ways, the results of Tuesday’s Knesset (parliamentary) elections in Israel proved a relief to Americans supportive of the Jewish state but concerned about the radicalization of its political... Read more


From caterpillar into cocoon, a social butterfly emerges

By now, I’m sure everyone has seen Mean Girls, considering it’s arguably the best teen movie of our generation. But for those of you who have been living under a... Read more


As print media lay dying: Carrying on

I grew up with Time. Every week, I would find it sitting around the house and either read it at my leisure. There was comfort in knowing it was right... Read more


Sen. Chuck Hagel represents the very best of Georgetown

On Jan. 7 President Obama nominated former Republican Senator from Nebraska, Vietnam War veteran, and Georgetown professor Chuck Hagel to replace Leon Panetta as the next Secretary of Defense. Ever since details of the possible nomination leaked in December, the choice has proved controversial and been attacked by a diverse group of political organizations.


Let’s be honest about rape

Rape. The very word seems harsh, cruel, and reminiscent of something beyond the bounds of civilization. Say the word ‘rape’. Just say it. Do you feel ashamed, like you said something that just shouldn’t be uttered in polite society? A survey of the front page of The New York Times, CNN, Headline News, or even the DPS Crime Blotter makes it seem that way, using euphemisms like forcible fondling, violate, or assault to avoid the abject horror of having to simply say the word ‘rape’.


Psychology student psychologically scarred by psychos

I’m a psychology major and my life philosophy is very simple: people are inherently good. Deep down in the dark corners of the heart, there is the intention to do good and be good. There is love, courage, passion, and all those beautiful things that give you shivers down your spine.


Tornadoes and hurricanes and earthquakes oh my!

The most riveting entertainment, besides the carnal details of Silvio Berlusconi’s life, comes from The Weather Channel. Like any teenage soap, the direction of events on The Weather Channel are somewhat nonsensical and there’s always a plot twist at the end. As a small child who was clearly above the pettiness of morning cartoons, I would spend hours watching the weather and attempting to understand the patterns.


Irrelevance and distortion: Autism and the Newtown shooting

This past Friday, the United States experienced an appalling tragedy: 26 people, 20 of whom were children, were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. The perpetrator responsible, Adam Lanza, is believed to have suffered from Asperger’s syndrome, a more severe autism spectrum disorder that not only hinders social interaction but also limits linguistic and cognitive development. Immediately after the status of the gunman’s behavioral health was revealed, a number of media sources alleged that Adam Lanza committed this massacre because he had Asperger’s syndrome.