Alexander Ovechkin has it all. Overflowing trophy case? Among a veritable slew of other awards, look to his back-to-back Hart Trophies, deeming him the National Hockey League’s best player. Playoff experience? If you count losing a Hollywood-scripted seven-game series last year against a Pittsburgh Penguins squad led by his two rival superstars, then, yes. A cast of uber-talented young teammates? Let’s put it this way: Nicklas Backstrom, Mike Green, and Alexander Semin—the team’s three best players not named Ovechkin—are all under the age of 25. Money? Try $124 million for thirteen years, the biggest contract in NHL history. Freakish talent? You would be hard-pressed to find an analyst who can describe him without mentioning the names Gretzky or Lemieux. Video game covers? Check. Music video cameos? Check. Supermodel girlfriends? Naturally.
Walker Loetscher
October 7, 2009