Articles tagged: Debate


Mastering the Podium: Luigi Alcaneses & GU-Q Debates Week | #009

The Voice is pleased to share another episode of GUQ Speaks.    This episode’s message from the hosts: We are kicking off the Spring 2024 semester with a conversation featuring... Read more


Phil me in: Behind Georgetown’s debate societies

On Wednesday and Thursday nights, hordes of 20-somethings can be seen flocking to the MSB or Healy Hall in business attire. Inside, they engage in heated debates about topics ranging... Read more


Photo Essay: Students react to the 2024 presidential debate

On Sept. 10, Georgetown students joined together to watch this year’s presidential debate, featuring Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. This political season was one of national shock and firsts, among... Read more


College Democrats and Republicans argue worker safety, foreign policy, affirmative action, and more in annual debate

Georgetown College Democrats (GUCD) and College Republicans (GUCR) sparred in their annual debate, moderated by the Georgetown Bipartisan Coalition on Oct. 25. Three members represented each club. Asher Maxwell (CAS... Read more


Georgetown students bring down the gavel on inequities in collegiate debate

Georgetown’s positionality as a predominantly white institution translates into the debate world, but students are trying to change that.


GUSA presidential candidates debate approaches to advocacy, GUSA restructuring

GUSA presidential candidates Nile Blass (COL ’22) and Daniella Sanchez (COL ’22) explained their respective tickets’ approaches to advocacy.

News Commentary

The college debate league that won’t shut up

Waiting for a decision with my partner after an intense round is a rush. Debaters bustle around crowded hallways, squeezing past each other to find their team as we pore... Read more


If You Like It, Consider Not Putting a Ring On It

Two Voice writers trade takes. This week’s topic: marriage. Paul: Marriage is an institution of fear, not of love. Since its inception, the institution of marriage has been deeply interwoven... Read more


Candidates for GUSA President Debate Title IX, Mental Health, Role of GUSA

The four candidates for Georgetown University Student Association (GUSA) President, Nicki Gray (NHS ’20), Norman Francis Jr. (COL ’20), Sina Nemazi (COL ’21), and Ryan Zuccala (MSB ’20) took the... Read more


GUSA vice presidential candidates debate student apathy and inclusion

GUSA vice presidential candidates shared their plans at a debate held by the GUSA Election Commission in the ICC on Feb. 14. Casey Doherty (COL ’20), Naba Rahman (SFS ’19),... Read more