Articles tagged: Workers Rights


D.C.’s Shia: The seeds of restaurant worker organizing

After my 12-hour waitressing shift, my feet throbbed, my hair smelled like bacon grease, and my hands were raw from cleaning trays under hot water. As I walked back to... Read more


Ensure Georgetown workers get what they deserve

Student-worker solidarity requires continuous action. This editorial board calls on students to support dining workers in their upcoming contract negotiations with Aramark. The negotiations will begin on March 6 and... Read more


GAGE wins increased wages, improved benefits in new contract

The Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees (GAGE), which represents the over 1,000 graduate workers at Georgetown, ratified their second successful contract campaign on Aug. 18 with 98.7 percent approval from... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Hollywood: the intersection between corporate greed and exploitative labor

In a historic walkout, writers and actors are drawing the picket lines and fighting for higher pay and better protections in Hollywood.


Facing managerial hostility, Georgetown’s facilities workers reveal deteriorating work environment

Many long-time facilities workers consider the last year one of the worst for labor relations in recent memory.


Despite the negatives, D.C.’s restaurant industry needs Initiative 82

The newly passed Initiative 82 will help build a better restaurant industry, but it must tear the industry down to its foundations first.


Georgetown Coalition for Workers’ Rights holds teach-in

The Georgetown Coalition for Workers’ Rights held a teach-in for the community about issues affecting Georgetown campus workers on March 21.


Georgetown is breaching its own contract to treat workers with dignity

Georgetown must listen to workers' demands for better conditions and actually uphold its Just Employment Policy.


Red Square Exhibit Addresses Violence Toward Farmworkers

The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) presented an exhibit entitled “Harvest without Violence” in Red Square on Oct. 23 to call attention to the issue of sexual violence in the... Read more


Remove Power Design from D.C. Apprenticeship Program

The D.C. attorney general’s office recently filed a lawsuit against Power Design, a Florida-based electrical contractor. The lawsuit alleges that Power Design, known for its work on D.C. buildings, is... Read more