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Hoya Court meal swipe program a win-win for students and university

At the beginning of last semester’s finals week, Georgetown Dining implemented a pilot program where students with meal plans could exchange meal swipes for food at Hoya Court, which Aramark... Read more


Practical policies will accomplish new mayor’s goal to end homelessness

D.C.’s new mayor, Muriel Bowser, campaigned on a platform that promised to end homelessness in D.C. by 2025. A report released last month by the D.C. Fiscal Policy Institute, however,... Read more


SFS and MSB collaborate to introduce new Global Business major and fellowship

The School of Foreign Service and the McDonough Business School officially launched the Global Business Major and Fellowship Program (GBUS) this spring semester. SFS and MSB students were first notified... Read more


Aramark considers permanent Hoya Court meal exchange program

After running a pilot meal exchange program at Hoya Court last semester, the Office of Auxiliary Business Services, GUSA, and Aramark are currently working together to evaluate the long-term feasibility... Read more


Government Department establishes new grading policy

The Department of Government enacted a new policy beginning the Spring 2015 semester that limits the percentage of students who can receive an A or A minus grades in undergraduate... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Return of the Funk

Introduced by one the best music videos of the year, Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars’ “Uptown Funk” has been stuck in everyone’s heads since its release. With Ronson’s funk album... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Book Review: The Hope We Seek, Richard Shapero

One day in early October, young entrepreneurs handed out copies of a mysterious novel to innocent passersby meandering through Red Square. Perhaps you picked up a copy, or stopped long... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Critical Voices: Låpsley, Understudy

There’s something fascinating about individuals who find what speaks to them—what they intend to devote their life’s time and energies to—at a young age. 18 year-old Holly Lapsley Fletcher, the... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Capital Crescent Trail

“Run with me in the snow tomorrow,” my friend said. I looked out the window at the blanket of browning slush covering the sidewalks and felt discouraged. I had always... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Messiah  redeems D’Angelo, Pop Culture and Georgetown

Che hangs on the wall of my dorm, and its not because Latin America’s version of Warhol’s Marilyn Diptych raises the dorm’s aesthetic. Truly, the reason for the poster is... Read more

Halftime Leisure

A Guide To Post-Christmas Holiday Music

Just as the holiday season comes to a close, so too does the window of opportunity to play timeless Christmas albums day after day, without any social backlash. Unfortunately, the... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Top 10 Movies of 2014

2014 has been quite the exciting year for Hollywood. While box office receipts are down from 2013, movie-goers enjoyed a rare coupling of blockbusters that were both critically acclaimed and... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Jurassic World’s High Hopes

Though barely a blip on the geological timescale compared to its 65 million year-old subjects, the Jurassic Park film franchise turned 21 this year—and it couldn’t have picked a better... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Critical Voices: The Memories, Hot Afternoon

The Memories’ Hot Afternoon could not have been more appropriately named. After three self-produced albums from the Portland-based band, Hot Afternoon, their first studio album, contains exactly the kind of... Read more

Halftime Sports

Kobe Bryant vs. A Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Kobe Bryant is having the worst year of his career.  He recently broke John Havlicek’s record for the most missed field goals of all-time.  Supporters of the Black Mamba insist... Read more

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

I am writing in response to the anonymous reports of sexual assault [reported by the Voice on Nov. 13]. As Georgetown’s Title IX Coordinator, I am responsible for making sure... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Thunder Burger vs. Burger Tap & Shake: Burger Week

In the final four matchup of the Halftime 2014 Burger Bracket, Thunder Burger and Bar went head to head with Burger Tap & Shake for the chance to battle for... Read more


If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It: Demystifying Net Neutrality

The Washington Post recently published an interview with billionaire technology entrepreneur and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban. In the interview, Cuban rails against President Obama’s endorsement of “net neutrality,” saying... Read more


Best of 2014: The Voice‘s top 10 movies and albums

Movies 1. Boyhood Richard Linklater’s 11-year epic Boyhood is nothing short of a landmark film. Boyhood follows the life of Mason Evans, Jr. (Ellar Coltrane), from his early elementary school days... Read more


RA petition seeks clarification and revision of student employment policies

A group of Resident Assistants submitted a petition signed by over 30 RAs to both Vice President for Student Affairs Todd Olson and Chief Operating Officer Christopher Augostini on Tuesday,... Read more


Out of Control: So much Assassin’s Creed, So Little Gameplay

I haven’t played Assassin’s Creed V  yet… and I’m incredibly nervous for when I finally do. My relationship with the series has evolved over the five years I’ve spent with... Read more


Men’s soccer advances to Elite Eight with overtime win

Surrender an early goal. Tie the game late in the second half. Win in extra time. The formula is not easy on the nerves, but so far it has worked... Read more


Sports Sermon

Sports fans, for the most part, need to relax. Although our passions and dedication to our favorite teams should allow us to make our opinions regarding a player or team’s... Read more


Women’s bball skid reaches five

This past week the Georgetown women’s basketball team (2-6, 0-0 Big East) continued its slow start to the season, as their losing streak climbed to five games. This past Friday... Read more


Men’s bball moves on from Atlantis

The Georgetown men’s basketball team (4-2, 0-0 Big East) returned home from the Bahamas after finishing a bittersweet 1-2 in the Battle 4 Atlantis tournament. Junior guard D’Vauntes Smith-Rivera led... Read more