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DPS, working with GWU, identifies theft suspect

Georgetown University’s Department of Public Safety, working with George Washington University’s Police Department and the Metropolitan Police Department, has identified a suspect in one of the many cases of laptop theft on Georgetown’s campus this semester.


Diversity initiative: Slow, steady progress

Recently, when Georgetown Professor Maurice Jackson went to the University bookstore to purchase a book he had written to give to a friend, he received an unpleasant surprise: the store did not stock his text, African-Americans and the Haitian Revolution.


City on a Hill: Budgeting on auto-PILOT

Georgetown University caught a financial break last month when the D.C. Council approved its request for $90 million in tax-exempt bonds, most of which will fund the new Science Center.


News hit: Campus Plan yet to be filed

With Georgetown’s 2000 Campus Plan set to expire on Dec. 31, negotiations about the controversial 2010 Campus Plan between University officials and neighborhood groups have ceased.

Page 13 Cartoons

Make it New

You open the cabinet, take a mug from the shelf, fill it with tap water and set the microwave to two minutes. Another cup of tea, another late night. You’re... Read more


Fenty budget cuts hit reimbursable cop program

The Metropolitan Police Department’s reimbursable detail program, which regularly provides patrols for Georgetown’s businesses and residential areas around campus, faces significant budget cuts under the 2011 fiscal year budget .


On the record with DCPS Chancellor Kaya Henderson

I’ve been Michelle [Rhee’s] deputy for the past three-and-a-half years, so they are not her policies. They are our policies. I ran our human capital shop and everything that had to do with people, including hiring, firing, professionally developing.


GU ROTC largely avoids DADT debate

From the gay George Washington University student kicked out of the university’s Reserve Officers’ Training Corps to Harvard’s president promising to reinstate its ROTC program if the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy is repealed.


Students survey GU’s core

Starting this week, as part of the University’s ongoing evaluation of its core curriculum, several seniors will attend five seminar-style classes to provide feedback on their experiences in general education classes at Georgetown.


Saxa Politica: Democracy inaction?

Dec. 7 is D-Day for the Georgetown University Student Association. On Tuesday, students will vote on the GUSA Finance and Appropriation Committee’s pet project: Student Activities Fee Endowment reform, or, in Georgetown’s tradition.


The CIFF: No, we don’t show The Boondock Saints

If you only associate Irish culture with green beer and leprechauns, this year’s Capitol Irish Film Festival will surprise you. The largest Irish film festival in America, CIFF opens tonight at E Street Cinema and the Goethe Institut.


Comic nerds are Party Crashers?

D.C. is home to many of our nation’s greatest museums: the Air and Space Museum, the Portrait Gallery, the American History Museum … But if you’re seeking something beyond the National Mall that features an art form less traditional than your Smithsonian staples, then Party Crashers: Comic Book Culture Invades the Art World, a new exhibit at the Arlington Arts Center and Artisphere’s Terrace Gallery, fits the bill.


Parkour turns Georgetown into playground

From vaulting over brick walls to landing perfectly on a railing only a few inches wide, the practice known as parkour encourages one to challenge the limits of the human body. Over the past few years, students have witnessed groups of individuals pull off maneuvers all over campus that appear to defy the laws of physics.


Critical Voices: Curren$y, Pilot Talk II

Besides his unspeakably massive cannabis consumption, Curren$y is best known for his incredible prolificacy. Since leaving Lil’ Wayne’s Young Money label in 2008, he has released nine album-length mixtapes and four full albums, whose subject matter rarely deviated from typical independent rap trope: weed, fly kicks, and fucking.


Critical Voices: Tigers Jaw,Two Worlds

Born in the basements of Scranton, Pa., Tigers Jaw has bucked indie rock trends and blogosphere pressure to create a sound that is patently their own. Their blend of indie rock and pop-punk is musically complex while still being flat-out fun and relatable.


The Sports Sermon: Don’t show me the money

For my entire life, Derek Jeter has been synonymous with the New York Yankees. Jeter’s rookie season was the first season I rooted for the team I now call my favorite in any sport (sorry, Hoyas). I don’t know Jeter without the Yankees, I don’t know the Yankees without Jeter.


Rub Some Dirt On It: You may not go blind, but…

College kids tend to do a lot of dumb things—some of them pretty unsafe. But when we’re not partying hard or gorging ourselves on Leo’s food, most of us spend a good chunk of our time studying. Doesn’t that count for something?


Dream run ends for Hoyas

“Every team but one loses their last game,” Georgetown women’s soccer coach Dave Nolan said. Unfortunately, this year, the Hoyas couldn’t be that one team. Last Friday the Georgetown women’s soccer team’s dream season came to an end when the squad fell to No. 12 Ohio State 2-0 in Columbus, Ohio.


Fast Break: Hoyas take down Tigers in battle of ranked teams

It’s never been a secret that the strength of this season’s Hoya squad lies with the backcourt, but after Tuesday night’s thrilling overtime victory against No. 8 Missouri, Georgetown’s guards may just be the best in the country. The No. 14 Hoyas (7-0) defeated the Tigers (5-1) 111-102 in front of a hostile crowd.


What Rocks: Age matters in the clutch

New is always exciting. But sometimes seeing someone new perform can be a burden. We set lofty expectations, even elevate their performances, to mythical proportions that he or she can’t match on a consistent basis. It happens all the time in college basketball. College basketball has been and will continue to be a veteran’s game.


Crimes of opportunity knocking on our doors

In the last month alone, a string of six robberies in Georgetown’s Village A apartments, an attempted abduction, and at least 12 reports of laptop theft have left students questioning their safety and security. The actions taken by Associate Director of Public Safety Joseph Smith and DPS in response to these crimes are steps in the right direction, but Georgetown students and administrators still have a great deal of work to do to get campus security up to par.


A surplus of city services in D.C.’s budget cuts

Even before he takes office in January, D.C. Council Chair and Mayor-elect Vincent Gray (D) will be a part of the strenuous process of dealing with D.C’s budget problems. Over the next two years, his administration will have to slash 583 million dollars from the District’s ballooning deficit by either raising taxes or cutting popular programs and services. While neither option is likely to win him friends, Gray must take a hard look at next year’s budget to bring services in line with the economic realities of a city still struggling to exit the recession.


The national drinking age is too damn high!

According to the FDA, the mixture of caffeine and alcohol in drinks like Four Loko, Joose, and Moonshot leads to more dangerous drinking behaviors, especially in teens and college students. After many states had already banned alcoholic energy drinks, the FDA ruled on Nov. 17 that the added caffeine is an “unsafe food additive,” effectively forcing drink makers to remove the caffeine from their products. This decision is both shortsighted and impractical.


Department of Public Safety, why do I feel so unsafe?

“I’m off duty in 15 minutes. You can fuck up your lives all you want after that.” That is not exactly what you would expect to hear from a Department of Public Safety officer on a Saturday night—yet I have. Underage partying and subsequent DPS party-busting are regular weekend activities at Georgetown.


Kanye West remains a fan’s beautiful dark twisted fantasy

It’s been just over a week since Kanye West released his latest album, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy , and the verdict is already in: it’s a classic. MBDTF debuted as the number-one album in the country. It has received perfect ratings from Pitchfork, Rolling Stone, and countless other publications.