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Soccer opens with new look

When fans arrive at Kehoe Field this Friday for the first game of the men’s soccer season, one change will immediately be apparent. The raucous Hoya student section will be situated directly behind the eastern goal instead of the front row of midfield.


Davis Center café construction stalled

Although The Corp has said that it is not planning to start any construction on a café located in the Davis Performing Arts Center lobby for at least six months, faculty members working in the Davis Center and members of The Corp have denied that plans to build a café have been cancelled.


Sexual assault misrepresented

Last Sunday morning, an unidentified man raped a woman sleeping in Burleith after removing an air conditioning unit from a window in her house and climbing through the window, according to a Metropolitan Police Department incident report obtained by the Voice on Wednesday night. The suspect is still at large.


I now pronounce you Joe and Jane

In Oct. 2005, Elizabeth Grimm (GRD ’10) and Jacques Arsenault (COL ’01, GRD ’07) were married in Dahlgren Chapel. It was a beautiful, intimate ceremony with friends and family, followed by a reception in Copely Formal Lounge. As the night wore on, a group of uninvited guests joined the party.


Bikeshare is coming to Georgetown

Capital Bikeshare, a program sponsored by the District Department of Transportation and Arlington County that offers short-term bike rentals, is slated to begin construction on 100 new stations next week. Three new stations will be located in the Georgetown area, including a location at Prospect and 36th Streets, in front of the Car Barn.


Hoyas start off slow

After a disappointing end to last season, the Georgetown women’s volleyball team came to campus ready for a fresh start and a chance to improve. After going 4-10 in conference play down the stretch last season, the Hoyas are still trying to find their way this year, going 1-3 thus far.


On the record with Georgetown President John DeGioia

On Wednesday evening, President John DeGioia sat down for his biannual interview with representatives of the student press. Interview conducted and transcribed by Emma Forster.


How Gandhi got her groove back

The music on Rhythm & Culture’s new compilation, The Sound of Rhythm and Culture, would be hard to locate in a big box record store like Best Buy or Wal-Mart. Would you look under Electronic or World?


Backdoor Cuts: Just win, baby

Last Thursday, at the end of the second practice of a two-a-day, Georgetown football Head Coach Kevin Kelly was not happy. From the periphery of Multi-Sport Field, bystanders could hear Kelly tell his players in no uncertain terms (and with a few obscenities) that what he just saw in practice was unacceptable.


Look at this effing author

Twenty-seven-year-old Brooklyn author Tao Lin has been labeled a “hipster author” since his first book, a collection of poetry, was published in 2006. This (let’s be honest, slightly derogatory) pigeonholing was not completely unwarranted.


Saxa Politica: GUSA needs perspectives

At the Voice, we have a saying about Georgetown University Student Association presidential elections: “The most articulate bro always wins.”


Animal Aussies

Drugs, guns, and bank robberies abound in Animal Kingdom. But don’t expect an action film. Animal Kingdom, the debut film from director David Michôd, is a slow-burning drama that just happens to involve action tropes.


Critical Voices: Interpol, Interpol

Interviews with members of Interpol preceding the release of their self-titled fourth studio effort may have caused some confusion about the album’s sound. Frontman Paul Banks alluded to something grand and orchestral, while drummer Sam Fogarino saw the album as a reminiscent of their 2002, debut and fan favorite, Turn on The Bright Lights.


Critical Voices: Hostage Calm, Hostage Calm

Most album releases live and die around the blogosphere buzz they generate, so when Hostage Calm missed their July release date this summer, things looked grim.


Rub Some Dirt on It: Not your grandma’s vaccine

In 2006, young women around the country were bombarded by TV commercials, billboards, and glossy magazine ads urging them to be “one less”—as in one less woman to contract human papillomavirus. The method? Gardasil, a new vaccine manufactured by Merck.


Warming Glow: Shut up, Ryan Seacrest

Georgetown, it’s time for a pop quiz. Take out a pen, eyes on your own paper—you know the drill. Your question is: Who won this year’s Emmy for Best Actor in a Comedy Series?


Financial Woes and On-Field Lows

On a brisk Saturday afternoon last November, the members of Georgetown’s football team walked off Multi-Sport Field defeated. They were defeated by account of the scoreboard, of course, having just suffered a 41-14 drubbing at the hands of Fordham, but their defeat also went deeper, as the Hoyas left the field for the eleventh and final time without having won a single contest.


Blaming the victim is not good police work

Early last Sunday morning a woman was raped in her home in Burleith. The crime itself is horrifying. Unfortunately, the misleading responses issued by both Georgetown and the Metropolitan Police Department are seriously dismaying and raise questions about how both organizations treat sexual assault.


SmartBike expands, DDOT spins it wheels

Over the next two weeks, the District of Columbia Department of Transportation will extend and rebrand SmartBike, the local bike sharing pilot program. Dubbed “Capital Bikeshare,” the new program may improve bike sharing’s visibility in new neighborhoods. It will do little, however, to combat the larger problems of traffic and congestion plaguing D.C.


Polarization at Georgetown kindles political fire

The second week of my freshman year at Georgetown, I talked my roommate into attending a H*yas for Choice meeting with me. Not for political reasons, but, clever freshman that I was, so he and I could “meet girls who will remember to take their birth control.”


The 27 levels of compatibility I’m not looking for

The perfect man is out there. He’s dating your best friend. Or maybe they hooked up at Thirds last March and now he’s off-limits. He’s your boyfriend’s much older brother. He’s not your boyfriend. Perfect guys are out there, but for whatever reason, you’ve never actually met one who’s perfect for you.


Power comes from within … the Earth’s crust

I’m a believer in climate change, but I can see why skeptics are hesitant to embrace the science behind it. But climate change or no, one thing about the way we produce energy in the U.S. is certain: all of our major energy resources are non-renewable.


Carrying On: Bringing down a cult of personality

Ayn Rand’s works encourage everyone to act in their own self-interest. Her ideology is a reaction against the statist control of the economy that fascism and communism sought in 1920s and ‘30s Europe. But the American welfare state is far from the totalitarian state of Atlas Shrugged, Nazi Germany, or Soviet Russia.


Catholics for Equality deserves GU’s pride

Georgetown University has a long history of being at the forefront of progressive Catholicism. In January 2010, Joseph Palacios, a Georgetown professor and openly gay priest, continued this tradition by helping to found Catholics for Equality, a group dedicated to “empowering pro-equality Catholics to [support] LGBT community and their families.”


20 years later, East German artists break through

A pair of inviting hands extends from a body, perched above a disordered sea of line and color. Close by, a man falls backwards, plunging downwards towards certain demise.