Halftime Leisure

The Voice’s takes on all things media and culture.

Halftime Leisure

Critical Voices: Hozier, Hozier

As Julius Caesar once said, “experience is the teacher of all things.” No sentiment could ring more true than this in explaining the skill with which Irish singer-songwriter Andrew Hozier... Read more

Halftime Leisure

A Dreamy Reality: Neoimpressionism at the Phillips

To establish the Dream of realities…to strive for the pursuit of the Intangible and meditate—in silence—to inscribe the mysterious Meaning.–Henry van de Velde, 1890 Do we dream of realities or... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Latest Who, "Kill the Moon," Tries a Little Too Hard

Doctor Who has proven in the past that it can be a scary show. Despite its origin as a program for children, the show has evolved significantly over the course... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Tea in DC: The Caffeine-Rich DuPont Circle

If your are dissatisfied with the lack of proper appeasement of your caffeine addiction in the greater Georgetown area, let me suggest a journey for you. Take an extremely pleasant... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Gone Girl is Mostly Successful

You might know David Fincher, director of such films as Seven, Fight Club, and The Social Network. You probably also know Gone Girl, the 2012 novel by Gillian Flynn that... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Empire Strikes Out: Star Wars loses Expanded Universe

What ever happened to artistry? It’s a legitimate societal concern given the omnipresence of 140-character Twitter screeds and Buzzfeed articles that pare life down to short, consumable, forgettable numbered lists.... Read more

Halftime Leisure

New Hendrix Biopic Emerges from the "Purple Haze"

  Music biopics have a tendency to rear toward hagiography, as the stars they depict often end up falling into the stereotype of tortured genius or underdog who bucked the... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Free in DC: Part II

Midterm season hit in full force last week, so after spending a weekend working on a 10 page paper and studying I desperately needed to get off campus and into... Read more

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Critical Voices: Prince, Art Official Age and PlectrumElectrum

The summer of 1995 saw an ugly divorce between Prince and Warner Brothers Records, with whom Prince had signed in 1978. While under contract with Warner Brothers, Prince released several... Read more

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Craig Ferguson’s Name Game Shows Promise

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Wheeeeel of Fortune! Deal or No Deal? These phrases are etched in our memory from wasting days away on our couches with the flu,... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Whiplash is a Traumatic Reward

There’s a certain set of neuroses associated with playing music that will resonate with anyone who’s ever picked up an instrument: that during practice you’ll out yourself as incompetent to... Read more

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CGI: Computer Generated Indifference?

American cinema has always been defined by its ability to innovate. Westworld, a small sci-fi movie released in 1973 starring Yul Brynner, changed the way movies would be made forever.... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Glover Park Farmer’s Market is a Delectable Basket

As a native Californian, there are few things I find more pleasurable than fresh, locally sourced produce. Just thinking about leafy, fresh-picked collard greens warms my soul; as far a... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Twenty One Pilots Takes 9:30

In the middle of their set, lead singer of Twenty One Pilots Tyler Joseph said, “When you have the microphone you can do whatever you want,” and that’s exactly what... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Weekly List: The 90s are Back!

[8tracks url=”http://8tracks.com/mkb108/return-of-the-90-s” width=”610″ ] Do you miss neon windbreakers, Saved by the Bell, and original Pokémon? Go get your Walkman and get ready for this edition of The Weekly List.... Read more

Halftime Leisure

A Case for the Classics: 12 Angry Men

Courtroom dramas, in film and elsewhere, are generally concerned with lawyers. This makes sense–after all, lawyers are the main actors in the courts, presenting arguments and making cases, locked in... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Square Dancing not only for Squares

Our taxi driver carefully guided us through the maze of cars that lined the dark, narrow street. He seemed a little confused dropping off a group of college students in... Read more

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NEEDTOBREATHE Dazzles at the Filmore

Few concerts are worth going to if they are on a Monday night during a week with essays due and exams looming. The NEEDTOBREATHE performance at the Filmore on September... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Gotham Presents a Fresh Origin Story

Over the last decade, comic book heroes have found their home on the silver screen. While Marvel has created an empire in movie theaters, DC Comics has carved out a... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Erika’s Flea Market Finds: Georgetown

One of the perks of apartment living is, of course, the newfound decorating space. One of the downsides of decorating, however, is the costly endeavor of finding art objects with... Read more