
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.


What’s a girl to do?

In “What’s a Girl to Do When It’s Time to Put Down the Drink?,” which opened Wednesday night at the H Street Playhouse, sole actress Tara Handron openly explores the... Read more


The heart and fist of a revolutionary

The two-part film Che, an epic biography of Cuban Revolutionary leader Che Guevara, falls short of its expected epic proportions—though it is arguably better for it. In a decisive rebellion... Read more


So you want to catch an Albanian sex trafficker?

At one point in Taken, when told by an old-friend-turned-cynical-police-chief that he’ll never find his daughter, Brian Mills (Liam Neeson) threatens that he will stop at nothing to save her,... Read more


A gallery of Vices

The National Portrait Gallery is an odd museum among D.C.’s many Smithsonian gems. For a hall full of paintings, it isn’t particularly concerned with any particular Art Historical ideas, and... Read more


Z-Burger makes a saucy patty

If you’re craving a burger but you’re sick of the same old places around campus, think about venturing to Glover Park to grab a bite at Z-Burger. An updated version... Read more


Vinyl is better

There’s no denying the economy is in the pits, so what should you do with that last wad of cash stashed in your underwear drawer? Invest in a turntable and... Read more


Good die young

A few years ago, I began to realize that following television was very different from being a fan of most other mediums. There is no chance that when you go... Read more


Critical Voices: Beirut

From eastern European gypsy-folk to French chamber pop, Beirut’s Zach Condon finds inspiration in odd places. Yet he’s always been able to fuse his disparate influences into coherent records dripping... Read more


Vroooooom show

More than just a means for transportation, cars in America have long served as indicators of status and as treasured collectibles. Celebrities always flaunt their auto collections on MTV’s “Cribs,”... Read more


DC Shorts

For the past six years, one festival has been bringing the District’s short film lovers their heart’s desire: The DC Shorts Film Festival. Moviemaker Magazine praised the festival as “one... Read more


Lez’hur Ledger: Valentine 3-D rips out one writer’s ‘Real-D’ heart

I hate horror movies. If you asked me to explain, I’d probably offer all kinds of reasoned explanations as to why most straight-up “horror” films are generally lacking any merit,... Read more


An animated Waltz through post-war trauma

Waltz with Bashir, an animated documentary, follows director Ari Folman’s poignant journey to retrieve his lost memories as an Israeli soldier during the Israel-Lebanon war of 1982. Folman brilliantly taps... Read more


Darwin blooms

“Orchids Through Darwin’s Eyes,” the Smithsonian’s 15th Annual Orchid Exhibit, brings a fresh perspective to the horticulture of the most diverse flowering plants in the world. Their beauty and boundless... Read more


Something’s funny about The Foreigner

Tackling the Klu Klux Klan, marriage, manipulation of religion, and emotional insecurity is ambitious. Trying to make the audience laugh at the same time is an even greater undertaking. Though... Read more


Books for the indigent

Now that everyone is poor, recessionistas have discovered something cheapskates have known about for a long time: libraries. Even Carrie Bradshaw saw fit to snuggle up with a library book... Read more


Drink to health

I had a Russian teacher in high school who told the class that in Russia, the fool proof home remedy for any ailment was a big ol’ shot of vodka.... Read more


The outsider

The exhibition “Looking In: Robert Frank’s The Americans” at the National Gallery couldn’t have come to D.C. at a more appropriate time. The Americans, one of the most important photography... Read more


Critical Voices: Zion-I

Zion-I has always been one of the more schizophrenic California hip-hop groups, as their albums jump from Cali-hyphy style raps to self-righteous hip-hop ballads. On their newest effort, The Take... Read more


Critical Voices: Telepathe

My first run-in (or rather, almost run-in) with Telepathe was this past fall, when they were part of the oddly assembled Mad Decent Tour (dance DJ Diplo, tropical noise-punksters Abe... Read more


Hi-fi sci-fi

Last week, the sixth season of 24 made its long-awaited debut after being off the  air for over 18 months. Much of the talk surrounding the show’s return centered on... Read more