
Opinions from the Voice’s official editorial board.


Level the Playing Field for College Athletes

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) was founded under a different name in 1906. Its goal was to “protect young people from the dangerous and exploitative athletic practices of the... Read more


Make Georgetown Admissions Test-Optional 

The SAT is supposedly an objective, merit-based assessment; the harder you work, the better you score. But that’s not the reality. Family income and race play too large a role... Read more


Repeal the 2001 AUMF 

As of Sept. 12, 18-year-olds enlisting in the military may be sent to fight in Afghanistan in response to attacks that occurred before they were born. The undeniable tragedy of... Read more


D.C. Must Keep the Circulator Free

Since Feb. 1, D.C.’s bright red and yellow Circulator buses have been free to ride. A sack is slung over the fare box bearing the slogan “Fair Shot”—the name of... Read more


Congress must allow D.C. to regulate legal marijuana

In 1998, D.C. legalized medical marijuana. But in the two decades since, Congress has blocked D.C. from spending any money on regulating marijuana, whether for medical purposes or recreational use,... Read more


Dear Incoming Students,

Every year, we at the Voice write a letter to incoming first-years, welcoming you to campus. The hospitable sentiment generally seems simple enough. But this year, we felt that our... Read more


D.C. Must Renew Disability Assistance Contract

The Department of Disability Services (DDS) announced on May 31 that it would terminate its contract with Georgetown University at the end of August. Georgetown runs the District of Columbia... Read more


D.C. Should Decriminalize Sex Work 

Early this June, D.C. councilmembers Robert White, Anita Bonds, and Brianne Nadeau introduced a bill that would decriminalize sex work in the District. The Community and Safety Health Amendment Act... Read more


End the Disenfranchisement of D.C. Felons

Early this June, at-large Councilmember Robert C. White Jr. introduced the Restore the Vote Amendment Act of 2019. This bill would make D.C. the first jurisdiction in the country to... Read more


Support NASC Petition and Native Students

The Native American Student Council (NASC), the only Native undergraduate student group at Georgetown, submitted a petition to the Office of the President on April 3. The petition reminded the... Read more


Reevaluate Grading Curves, Assess Students Fairly

For the spring 2019 semester, the McDonough School of Business (MSB) changed its undergraduate course grading guidelines. The previous policy, in place since 2009, specified that the average GPA in... Read more


Senior Ball Cost is Prohibitive

Senior Ball is a tradition that many members of the graduating class have been looking forward to since they were freshmen. The event takes place at Union Station on the... Read more


Support GUSA Policy Teams for Change on Campus

The Georgetown University Student Association (GUSA) Policy Teams were established in their current form under the administration of Enushe Khan (MSB ’17) and Chris Fisk (COL ’17) in 2016. The... Read more


Vote Yes on the GU272 Referendum

This Thursday, April 11, students will have the opportunity to vote on the GU272 referendum.  The referendum, if passed, would demonstrate student support for creating a reconciliation fund to benefit... Read more


Support Student Journalists and a Strong Free Press

We live in a time when the media is constantly under attack, whether by right-wing politicians, internet trolls, or the public as a whole when misinformation makes its way into... Read more


Campus Housing Crisis, Deferred Fixes Demand University Accountability

This semester, Georgetown’s housing problems came to a head when one top-floor Village B unit’s ceiling caved in. This prompted the university to inspect the entire complex’s roof. Out of... Read more


Abolish the Selective Service System

When a group of students felt that opposition to the war in the Vietnam needed a platform at Georgetown, they founded The Georgetown Voice 50 years ago. As we speak... Read more


The Voice at 50: Our First Year (1969)

The Voice published its first issue on March 4, 1969. To celebrate, we’re re-publishing articles about previous anniversaries we’ve found in our archives. In this piece, the first editorial board writes a... Read more


Promote Diversity and Inclusivity, End Unpaid Internship Culture

As we make our way through the spring semester, the realities of summer internships become clear: For students not interested in fields like finance or consulting, paid opportunities can be... Read more


Take the Campus Sexual Assault and Misconduct Climate Survey

Georgetown released its second campus Sexual Assault and Misconduct Climate Survey on Feb. 1. The survey, which runs through March 1, allows students to inform the university of their experiences with... Read more