
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


The Sound of Silence: Asking more from GUSA and Georgetown

In mid-November, the GUSA Senate voted against having a referendum on divestment appear on the spring executive ballot. As a non-binding poll of collective opinion, this referendum would have allowed... Read more


The Time of My Life: Managing Expectations of University Life

I learned the value of holding the high ground during battle very early in my life. On any given snow day, my front lawn would become a war zone. Trees... Read more


An Itch You Can’t Scratch: Sweatshop Labor and Fast Fashion

When I was a child, my mother had special scissors to cut the tags out of the collars of my shirts and dresses. The stiff, itchy labels of every garment... Read more


Seizing the Initiative: An Analysis Of Recent Racial Protests

In the past three weeks, multiple college campuses have faced racial tensions on their campuses. Two of those schools in particular, the University of Missouri and Yale University, have been... Read more


Out of the Campus Comfort Zone: A Flight from Classical Liberal Thought

Do our feelings really matter? Certainly they matter to each of us. Emotions, in all their varieties and magnitudes, are an inextricable element of humanity. They can also matter to... Read more


Viva La Vita: H*yas for Choice and All Its Misconceptions

As a former president and current member of Georgetown Right to Life, also known as RTL or Vita Saxa, I’d like to weigh in on an opinion piece published in... Read more

Carrying On

Carrying On: Learning to Define Oneself in a Label-Obsessed World

I have always tried to find a simple way to define my personality. Quite often, I become curious about why I feel the way I feel or why I like... Read more


The Right to a Choice: Understanding the Positions of the Pro-Choice Movement

This past week, The Georgetown Academy, an online forum posted a piece entitled “How Dumb is H*yas for Abortion?” In an attempt to clear the air around this sensitive subject,... Read more

Carrying On

Carrying On: Forcing Hate Out Of Our Lives

I can be a bit of a hater. I always have been, and perhaps I always will be. In middle school, I called myself a “nonconformist” (my sole act of... Read more


SNAP, Crackle, DOPS: Serial Confusion for Off-Campus Residents

For a Friday night, it was a pretty mild party. For one thing, the only music was coming from my iPhone; for another, all the guests were seated around my... Read more


All Stressed Up: Raising the Curtain on a Hoya’s Life

They say that hindsight is 20/20. As my time on the Hilltop began, I wanted to get as involved in campus life as possible. Unfortunately, when I reflect on my... Read more


You Can’t Handle The Truth: The Importance of Free Speech on Campus

We have a duty to offend. That duty does not fall to me, to you, or to any one individual—but make no mistake that it does fall to us. As... Read more


Right To Life, With Conditions: The Hypocrisy of the “Pro-Life Generation”

The day before Kelly Renee Gissendaner was executed by the state of Georgia last week, Georgetown’s Right to Life group, Vita Saxa, held a “Pro-Life Rally” in Red Square. “Join... Read more

Carrying On

Carrying On: The Value of Knowledge for Knowledge’s Sake

When a high school teacher, the marvelous Ms. Hadley Moore, introduced the word “perennialism” into my vocabulary, I immediately thought of perennials, the plants. You know, those plants that come... Read more


Love Conquers All: America’s Reaction to Francis’ Call for Change

It’s 4:15 a.m. Why am I awake? No, I did not spend a night at Lau finishing a paper—instead I was up and getting ready to see the Pope. I... Read more


The $100 Billion Fallacy

Of all the criticisms of the Iran nuclear deal, the “$100 billion” argument has proven one of the most pernicious. Ted Cruz summed it up at a recent rally near... Read more


Boehner’s Penance: Reacting to the Speaker’s Resignation

It was an honor and a privilege to see Pope Francis speak on Thursday. I stood on the West Lawn of the Capitol as Pope Francis called for our government... Read more


Fashionably Great: The Value of Fashion as an Art Form

I never felt more uncomfortable in an outfit than I did on fifth grade picture day. My mother, who I somehow consider my style icon, dressed me in a pink... Read more


House of Farce: Politics in the Age of The Donald

While watching the debate last Wednesday night, I had a flashback to my junior year of high school. I had written a column for my school newspaper deriding a proposed... Read more


Hoyas, RealTalk More: Increasing dialogue about sexual assault

Throughout the summer, and especially since the Georgetown University Student Association and Georgetown’s administration reached a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the topic last week, there’s been a lot of... Read more