After only a few minutes of conversation with photographer Pete McCutchen at the opening of his newest show, “The Quality of Light,” it is wildly apparent that he is no... Read more
Who’s your favorite musician? Actress? What’s your favorite movie? Book? Almost everyone has a response to these questions. Kanye West. Keira Knightley. Star Wars. Harry Potter. Rarely do the answers... Read more
The last few decades have witnessed the development of a profoundly influential philosophical movement that is tantamount to perceptions of the modern world, but was conceived over a hundred years... Read more
Mollie’s piece is one in a series of articles titled “Love on the Hilltop,” that will run until Valentine’s Day. Whether it’s a bond with a person, place, or keepsake, these articles highlight the... Read more
Whether you wander around a modern art museum with your eyes glazed over or find yourself contemplating the title of Marcel Duchamp’s porcelain urinal, most of us have been confronted... Read more
From the moment I entered the Benoy Behl art exhibit, I was mesmerized by the colorful contrast of eye-catching art pieces that lined the stark white exhibit walls. The photographs... Read more
“A wilderness, in contrast with those areas where man and his own works dominate the landscape, is hereby recognized as an area where the earth and its community of life... Read more
Photographs of a woman wearing a bear suit, black-and-white hands, and a maid floating in a swimming pool all collide in the National Portrait Gallery’s exhibition “Portraiture Now: Staging the... Read more
To establish the Dream of realities…to strive for the pursuit of the Intangible and meditate—in silence—to inscribe the mysterious Meaning.–Henry van de Velde, 1890 Do we dream of realities or... Read more
Windows can be an opening to the outdoors. They can provide glimpses into enclosed, secret rooms or become gateways to unreachable places. But the square or rectangular shape of windows... Read more
DC becomes a ghost town on the weekends, where one can walk for blocks and blocks in its concrete jungle and only pass a few families of confused tourists looking... Read more
We use photography to make a moment concrete, perfectly capture a scene, or preserve the fleeting burnt oranges and deep royal purples of a setting sunset. We are on the... Read more
Beyonce is revered as an idol. But, when paired with Jay Z, she transforms into a goddess. Together, the Carters become a dynamic duo, selling out concerts and creating an... Read more
Final exams are almost upon us, and many times I wish I could escape the tense atmosphere building up in Lauinger Library and spilling across campus. I wish I had a... Read more
We spend a lot of money on big, new, fancy cameras in order to capture perfection: a golden sunset over clear Caribbean waters, a young budding poppy hidden among a... Read more
Brown twisting twigs support white and pastel pink flowers. The blooms’ sweet scent floats in the warm breeze running off the Tidal Basin while, across the water, the flowers blend... Read more
Enter space…interact. The words are printed on an unassuming white wall at the entrance of of Touch Me, the current exhibit in The Flashpoint Gallery. This new creation from the minds... Read more
I have always associated Pop Art with the critique of our consumer culture. Using bright colors and an impersonal, flat form to draw the audience in, the artists of this... Read more
When most people think about a college spring break, they imagine sun-soaked beaches, palm trees, and friends clinking Coronas. They don’t usually picture embarking on a road trip to Montreal,... Read more