Articles tagged: SJP


Over 130 participate in SJP march, rally in response to alleged targeting in student group guidelines

Over 130 students, faculty, and community members gathered for a rally in Red Square and subsequent march through campus to support Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) on Sept. 4.... Read more


Students protest, pitch tents at GW President Granberg’s offices after encampment cleared

Around 250 pro-Palestine protesters from the DMV Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) Coalition, Student Coalition for Palestine at George Washington University, and other groups gathered at the intersection of... Read more


Seven GU students arrested in GW encampment sweep

Seven Georgetown students were among those arrested early Wednesday morning when police cleared the Gaza solidarity encampment at George Washington University (GW), according to Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) records. Police... Read more


Arrests made, protesters pepper sprayed as police clear GW encampment

Thirty-three arrests, among them Georgetown students, were made Wednesday morning as the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) cleared the Gaza solidarity encampment at George Washington University (GW).  Demonstrators from eight universities,... Read more


The past three days at GW’s Gaza solidarity encampment

Over a week ago, a coalition of students from universities across D.C., including Georgetown, George Washington University (GW), and American University, established a Gaza solidarity encampment at University Yard (U-Yard)... Read more


GW Gaza solidarity encampment enters week two, organizers remain energized

For more than a week, hundreds of D.C. college students and community members have gathered at George Washington University’s (GW) Gaza solidarity encampment, drawing attention from the District, national media,... Read more


GW encampment grows onto street in third day of protest for Gaza

Saturday marks the third day that students have been camped in George Washington University’s (GW) University Yard, protesting in solidarity with Palestine. Late Friday evening, demonstrators that had been standing... Read more


Students establish Gaza solidarity encampment on GW’s campus; 135 march from GU to join

Students from George Washington University along with students from Georgetown and other schools from throughout the D.C. area established an encampment in solidarity with Gaza early this morning on GW’s campus.


Georgetown Law Zionists host IDF sniper for speaker event, drawing protests

Around 70 students and faculty gathered on March 21 to protest a speaker event sponsored by the Georgetown Law Zionists featuring Rudy Rochman, a member of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).


Hundreds protest as Jewish Life and Israel Alliance host panel with IDF soldiers

Over 250 protesters gathered on Feb. 27 as Jewish Life, a branch of Campus Ministry, and the Georgetown Israel Alliance (GIA) hosted a panel with members of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).


Georgetown students protest for justice in Palestine during Christmas tree lighting

As part of ongoing campaigns to protest Israel’s attacks, and pressure university action, student activists distributed fliers, raised signs, and dropped a banner.


‘Silence is violence’: Students demand university action on Palestine

This article does not include names for the personal safety of Georgetown students and faculty. A walkout for Gaza organized by Georgetown Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) drew  several... Read more


SJP pulls off successful Israeli Apartheid Week, despite organizing troubles

SJP hosted a series of events educating the community about Palestinian culture and human rights issues in the Israeli-Palestinian crisis.