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Halftime Sports

Rise and Fire: Uncovering Agent Zero

This is a column from the January 30, 2014 edition of The Georgetown Voice. It can be found here Earlier this month, during a basketball game between the University of Arizona... Read more


SOTU vows action with or without Congress

On Tuesday night, President Obama delivered his fifth State of the Union Address. For sixty-five minutes he balanced the retrospective and the visionary, alluding to 2013’s political failures while forecasting... Read more


Academic ineligibility reveals underlying issue

Georgetown basketball Head Coach John Thompson III announced last Friday that center Joshua Smith has been deemed academically ineligible for the remainder of the season. Smith’s case is the second... Read more


GUSA demands more sexual assault education

Following President Obama’s formation of a White House Task Force on Protecting Students from Sexual Assault, GUSA released a list of thorough, practical suggestions for improving policies and services for... Read more


Students Beyond Borders: The story of undocumented students at Georgetown

Standing in her living room, Anna* (COL ‘15) absorbed every detail of her house, neighborhood, and family for, what she believed to be, the last time. While she was exhilarated... Read more


Catholic school sexual education leads to climactic revelations

If you attend a Catholic school, it makes a statement that extends far beyond the quality of your primary education. It’s a cultural statement. Whether you accept Catholicism or not... Read more


Another glam rock casualty darkens today’s musical horizons

Every Friday night, my Village B apartment begins to shake around 9:30 p.m., and it continues to pulsate deep into the night, usually quitting around three or so in the... Read more


Damage Control: Creative destruction hits Hirshhorn

Look straight ahead: it looks like a jar of cookies from afar, but as you get closer, you find them to be a sickly green-blue color. To the right is... Read more


Dear Harvey: Staged reading about Harvey Milk arrives in Georgetown

We’ve all seen the movie. We’ve all heard the story. Harvey Milk was the first openly gay man elected into office. Patricia Loughrey’s Dear Harvey aims at depicting Milk’s life... Read more


Fainting Goat, not all that baaa-ad

U Street has a sexy new attraction and it promises to make you swoon. The Fainting Goat, a new restaurant and bar lighting up U street, will serve you plenty... Read more


Carrying On: I like big books and I cannot lie

Georgetown students read so much that we end up doing hardly any reading at all. Most classes at Georgetown pack a tremendous number of pages into their syllabi. And they... Read more


Reitman’s Labor Day proves arduous

Jason Reitman’s newest film, Labor Day, is, to put it lightly, a total mess.  It is a film that tries too hard to juggle multiple themes of love and innocence.... Read more


Deadbeats: She didn’t ring the alarm

There are few things I enjoy more than counting down the days until one of my favorite bands releases their next full-length album. An album is a snapshot of an... Read more


Eating Out: Tapas: The Spanish incuisition

It’s 1993, and it’s the night of Bill Clinton’s inauguration. You and some pals are strolling, looking for any late night grub other than a horribly smoky, cholesterol and wrinkly... Read more


Critical Voices: Bibio, The Green EP

On his latest release, The Green EP, Bibio doesn’t let lyrics get in the way of his storytelling.  In fact, Bibio’s lyrics sit on the sidelines for much of this... Read more


Critical Voices: Warpaint, Warpaint

“All those moments trying to figure me out never seem to come around.” This lyric perfectly captures the tone of  the eponymous sophomore effort of Emily Kokal’s Los Angeles-based band,... Read more


Georgetown celebrates Jesuit heritage

Georgetown’s 14th annual Jesuit Heritage Week began on Sunday and extended to Georgetown’s campus in Doha, Qatar for the first time. “We are delighted that our friends in Doha are... Read more


New club encourages women to code

GU Women Who Code, a new organization for women interested in learning computer coding skills, launches today. According to co-founder and Georgetown Chief Information Officer Lisa Davis, the club will... Read more


News Hit: Second month of What’s a Hoya

What’s A Hoya began its second month of sessions on Sunday with a theme of “Cura Personalis,” focusing on health and well-being. The freshmen-only personal development program, first launched in... Read more


Veterans bakery opening June

The Dog Tag Bakery, a non-profit organization that will provide education and employment opportunities for disabled veterans and their spouses, will open in June after delays in construction pushed back... Read more


Room rental fees for clubs to be removed by 2015

The Georgetown University Student Association announced Tuesday that the administration has agreed to remove fees for student use of smaller programming spaces by fiscal year 2015. According to a press... Read more


Ryan-Mulledy dorms in design stage

The D.C. Zoning Commission approved the University’s request to utilize the former Jesuit residences Ryan and Mulledy Halls for “residential/campus life/athletic” uses on Jan. 13. The University will renovate the... Read more


Residential Life alters housing selection policy

The Office of Residential Living amended the housing selection policy on Jan. 16, preventing students accepted to fall semester study abroad from entering housing selection. Previously, study abroad applicants could... Read more


City on a Hill: Unemployment’s not everything

If your name is Vincent Gray, you had a good day Tuesday. You had a good day because it was unemployment day, that magical time each month when the District’s... Read more