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Georgetown doesn’t need another Epicurean

For several months, the Endowment Commission has been in a dialogue with Georgetown’s administration about investing the Student Activities Fee Endowment in a reincarnation of the famous Healy Pub. Despite... Read more


The world changed: Georgetown after 9/11

“I walked past the business center and saw the crawl on the bottom of the television screen that said ‘Flight 77 missing.’ And I did a little bit of a double take.”


Hoyas roll, dismantle Davidson in opener

This season, it’s all about experience for the Georgetown football team. After defeating Davidson by a score of 20-10 in North Carolina last season, the team tore the Wildcats apart in a 40-16 showcase at Multi-Sport Field last Saturday.


Damon breathes life into Contagion

Don’t panic—seriously. In Steven Soderbergh’s Contagion, the CDC proves to handle a horrifying killer virus with blockbuster-defying competence. The lab researchers deftly work towards a vaccine, the World Health Organization pinpoints the source of origin with ease, and only Congress appears to fail miserably in its attempt to convene over Skype.


No.1 Hoyas set pace

After a long summer of hard work and preparation, the Georgetown cross country teams get their seasons running this Friday as the men compete in the Lou Onesty Open in Charlottesville, Va. The women get going the following Saturday in the Harry Groves Spiked Shoe Invitational.


Sports Sermon: NFL unlocked

Forget about nauseating questions of revenue sharing and salary scales—it’s finally time to ask yourself every offseason’s most important question: “Are you ready for some football?”


lez’hur ledger: Crunkcakes: baking with booze

It was a rainy Wednesday, and I felt lucky to stand under the awning of the Rock N Roll Hotel, staying as dry as I could. I was nervous because my contact, Raychel Sabath, one of the two founders of Crunkcakes, was out of the office. She did not pick up her phone when I called, and I was beginning to worry that I wouldn’t get what I had driven across town for.


Doubled Teamed: The value of Verlander

What does it mean to be “most valuable?” When it comes to MVP awards in sports, no one seems to know. Perhaps that is why Major League Baseball American League MVP race is as deep, varied, and uncertain as it has ever been in recent memory.


Georgetown gone Vogue

It seems every day brings another story of natural disasters or global economic catastrophes. While world leaders may be stalling and losing sleep in search of solutions, what better way is there to combat the looming unemployment reports or the ripples of the debt crisis than to engage in the time-honored and therapeutic tradition of shopping? This Thursday, Georgetown will host D.C.’s Fashion’s Night Out, designed by Vogue magazine and the Council of Fashion Designers of America “to celebrate fashion, restore consumer confidence, boost the industry’s economy, and put the fun back in shopping,” according to the event website, with sales and special promotions taking place at over a hundred D.C. stores.


Healy Pub talks to continue between University, students

After working on the design plan and the rough cost estimates for the proposed Healy Pub this summer, students in the Georgetown University Student Association’s Healy Space Working Group will be meeting with University President John DeGioia in the coming weeks to discuss a revised vision of the pub. While DeGioia and Vice President of Student Affairs Todd Olson expressed doubt about the viability of the Healy Pub project due to concerns about serving alcohol to students, the working group says that the revised plan should assuage the University’s concerns about the pub.


Soccer overcomes Stanford

One week after the Georgetown women’s soccer team was handily defeated 4-1 by Stanford, the men’s team entered Sunday’s game against the Cardinal with revenge in mind. After a stagnant regulation period, the Hoyas picked up the energy level and took advantage of Stanford’s lethargy when sophomore Steve Neumann scored in the 105th minute to give Georgetown the 1-0 victory in double overtime.


Crowd control concerns at Club Lau

As hundreds of students waited to enter Lauinger Library for the Welcome Week and What’s After Dark’s “Party at Club Lau” around 11:00 p.m. last Saturday, Department of Public Safety officers tried to corral students into a single line, but some students say that the officers’ actions that night nearly caused a mob scene.


Saxa Politica: Let students serve students

The Healy Pub proposal took a major hit this past week following the Voice and The Hoya’s biannual interview with University President John DeGioia and Vice President for Student Affairs Todd Olson. Despite meetings conducted by the Georgetown Univerity Student Associations’s Finance and Appropriations Committee that solidified the design and space for the Healy Pub, DeGioia and Olson seemed to indicate that the plan to bring back the pub was most likely dead on arrival.


Idiot Box: AMC plays the Bad guy

Imagine a character, one you’ve had three long seasons to grow deeply invested in, aiming a gun at another character. Your guy isn’t perfect, and you’ve seen him act in less-than-lawful manners before, but he’s been through a lot, and it reads in his terrified eyes while he holds a gun to a defenseless man’s head. He pulls the trigger, and the screen goes black. End of season three.


September 11 a catalyst for better vets programs at GU

Prior to September 11, 2001, Georgetown was virtually bereft of a military veteran’s presence. The campus was still brimming with anti-military sentiments, remnants from the Vietnam War. Today, a number of organizations and support groups for both soldiers on active duty and veterans exist on campus: Hoyas for Troops, Georgetown University Student Veterans Association, Georgetown Allies, and the Georgetown University Military Association. But that wasn’t always the case.


Throwback Jack: Ignatian seismology

This year’s freshman class literally shook campus with its arrival. The earthquake that struck D.C. during move-in week was entirely unexpected, disrupting orientation events and forcing buildings to be evacuated. In the midst of this minor crisis, University officials employed email, text messaging, and nearly every other conceivable medium to get students updates as quickly as possible.


Critical Voices: Lady Antebellum, Own the Night

Yes, it’s country music. But it ain’t about sexy green tractors, farmer’s tans, or improper grammar. In fact, iTunes first mistakenly labeled all the tracks from Lady Antebellum’s third studio album, Own the Night, as “pop.” Perhaps the trio has begun to head the way of Taylor Swift: cranking out faux-country for a mainstream audience with little respect for true southern rock. Much of the new album, which drops on September 13, is missing the twang of older hits, such as “Lookin’ For a Good Time.” But oddly enough, the group’s transition to an increasingly diverse sound has, for the most part, worked.


GU Farmers’ Market returns

Despite the heavy rain that had been falling all day, Georgetown University’s second Farmers’ Market took place Wednesday afternoon in Healy Circle, as students lined up for everything from Belgian waffles to peaches.


Critical Voices: CANT, Dreams Come True

If anyone in the music industry is on top of their game right now, it’s Chris Taylor. Best known as the bassist and backup vocalist for Grizzly Bear, Taylor has also done behind the scenes work on other well-regarded projects, producing records for Twin Shadow and the Morning Benders. Dreams Come True, the debut album from Taylor’s new solo project CANT, is predictably well-produced, but few of its songs display the songwriting ability that made Grizzly Bear’s Veckatimest an indie classic.


A child’s vocabulary of terror from ground zero

I remember hearing the words vividly, sitting in the cafeteria of my Chappaqua, NY, middle school: “Planes have crashed into the World Trade Center. We don’t know much else right now, but we believe it to be the work of terrorists.” As time went on, hysterics escalated. When we returned to our classroom, one kid broke down in nervous, hiccupping tears. His mother worked on one of the top floors of one of the towers. We didn’t know what to say. We were kids. We tried to grasp the situation and assure ourselves everything would be okay. I remember feeling helpless and having no idea how to feel, what to think, or what to expect.


Crew coach sets sail, rower lays anchor with a new one

When we come to this lovely institution of higher learning, no matter if we shuffled straight out of boarding school or have never spent more than a few nights away from home, we all look for someone to replace the comfort and sense of calm our parents instill in us. Your parents may drive you up the wall, but I have never come across anyone who was not thrilled at the thought of having a home-cooked dinner with a family member they love after months of nothing but Leo’s. For the past three years, my sense of calm has always come from my coach, Glenn Putyrae.


Great Chinese Takeout: Sub-Saharan Africa’s misfortune

By now we’ve probably all heard how China is taking over Africa. But it’s one thing to read about it, and another thing to have your water shut off for three months in your dorm in Botswana as a Chinese firm diverts all of the town’s water to its construction site. Everywhere I went in sub-Saharan Africa, the phantom of China followed me. Scuba diving in Mozambique, I was told illegal Chinese fishing boats had overfished the last tiger shark in the area four months before my arrival. The Chinese-made truck I was hitchhiking in the back of broke down two hours after we crossed the border back into Botswana.


Carrying on: She doesn’t even go here

My name is Emma and I am an overachiever. Last week I went out for dinner with a mixed group: some friends, some acquaintances, and a couple of total strangers. During the chips and salsa course, I was chatting with one of the unfamiliars, following the standard get-to-know-you protocol of a first encounter: who are you, what do you do, etc. I think I was explaining one of my extracurricular activities, when one of my friends at the table butted in, “Yeah, Emma is pretty much that kid Max Fischer in Rushmore.”


University wireless remains inadequate

For years, Georgetown students have been waiting for an expanded and protected wireless internet network on campus, a standard service at most universities. When University Information Services announced the launch... Read more