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Shoshanna’s Ache

For a few years now, this had been Shoshanna’s greatest fear, dying utterly alone in bed, having only ever had pathetic, unfinished dreams of what it’s like to be kissed, caressed, held, or loved. Often times this feeling has plagued her; she has a hole in her chest, a vulnerable soft spot aching to be filled, or just touched for a brief moment of eternity.


Warming Glow: Enough cable to hang itself

One evening this summer, my father came home to a disturbing scene: I was sprawled on my couch in front of the television, eating cereal out of the box and too dazed to notice that he’d entered the house.


Cross Country ready to chase Big East crown

Georgetown men’s and women’s cross country teams have both more than justified their top-25 preseason rankings over the course of this season. So this weekend, when the teams head to Syracuse, N. Y. for the Big East Championships, the chase will be on. Both squads are expected to finish among the leaders after very promising performances at Pre-Nationals.


Aramark cooks up healthy profits, but lousy food

Aramark, Georgetown’s dining services provider, has sacrificed both quality and variety to achieve cost savings for itself, a fact that is plain from student responses to the ongoing Campus Dining Survey.For example, of the 690 students that had completed the survey as of Wednesday night, only eight percent were “happy with Leo’s.”


Alarming errors in University’s DMT response

Early Saturday morning, residents of Harbin Hall woke to the sounds of Department of Public Safety and Metropolitan Police Department officers shouting and pounding on their doors. Authorities had found a dimethyltryptamine lab, which contained several highly flammable and explosive chemicals needed to produce the illegal drug, in a room on the ninth floor.


Future funding reform not a SAFE bet for GUSA

The University owes its students $3 million, plus nine years’ interest. That’s the sum it promised to contribute to the Student Activity Fee Endowment in 2001. But it never did, and for the last 10 years, the Student Activities Fee Endowment has stagnated without its support. With that money, the endowment today would be much closer to maturing.


The Sports Sermon: The coolest game in the District

The last couple of weeks before the college basketball season tips off is a tough time for Georgetown sports fans. The long wait is almost over, but we still need something to fill our sports appetite before Jack eats his first box.


Hoyas saving best for last

On Sunday, fueled by a large home crowd, the Georgetown women’s soccer team played an emotional match against No. 4 Notre Dame (15-1-2) for their final game of the regular season. The match resulted in a tie, bringing the Hoyas’ regular season record to 13-5-1 overall.


Soccer set for grand finale

Yesterday, the Georgetown men’s soccer team took to North Kehoe field in an attempt to win their ninth straight game. Unfortunately, the skies turned dark and unleashed a downpour that postponed the game for 24 hours.


Backdoor Cuts: Keeping the faith

When the playoffs began a few weeks ago, I thought the Yankees had no shot of winning the World Series. To my chagrin, and to the delight of the majority of people who root against the Evil Empire, I was right.


Striking out on their own: First-generation college students at Georgetown

At the start of his first year at Georgetown, when most other freshmen were busy partying and meeting new people, Justin Pinn (COL ’13) wasn’t trying to make friends or socialize. Worried that he would fall behind in his schoolwork, he spent most weekends in his room studying furiously for his classes.


There’s no shame in being a Phone Whore

Camryn Moore has a very nice speaking voice. It’s clear, articulate, and engaging, the kind that an acting coach tries to coax out of his aspiring thespians who just can’t sem to vocally grip their audience. So it makes sense that Moore is the star of her own one-woman show, which has won both audience and critical acclaim.


Documentarians explore life after Georgetown

Weeks before graduation, Rachel Shone and Laura Sortwell decided to move to India to explore low-income housing and Bollywood filmmaking. Neither wanted to leave when Rachel was unable to find a job, so they talked Carlee Briglia and Mary Clare Semler, into filming a documentary.


Acting like a Jackass still pays

A lot can change in a decade. In 2000, the highest-grossing movie in the country was Meet the Parents. Nobody knew the name Barack Obama. A “face book” was a printout with names attached to photos. And a group of drug-addled skaters became famous for filming stunts and pranks on MTV. Some things never change.


Critical Voices: Suuns, Zeroes QC

Modern indie music is too often composed of clichéd hooks and replications of once-original devices. The genre’s progression towards artistic homogeneity makes new approaches all the more refreshing to hear. Montreal’s Suuns is one of those bands that surpasses expectations, and has redefined the limitations of the song as a means of expression.


Critical Voices: Stereolab, Not Music

Stereolab is a band that has long defied convention. The lovechild of England’s Tim Gane and France’s Laetitia Sadier, the band has achieved great critical acclaim as one of the foremost members of the mid-90’s electronic indie music movement. Then, earlier this year, they decided to take an indefinite hiatus from their 20-year career.


Literary Tools: Drug addled and dangerous

Counterculture is a dirty word. Instead of diluting the influence of social pressures on individuality, the counter-culture imposes a new hegemony on those who don’t belong to the mainstream. It is composed of its own ideals and standards and, under the guise of rebellion, pushes for an even more rigid social structure than the one it opposes.


Suffer for Fashion: I think he played music too

This month, on what would have been his 70th birthday, John Lennon’s friends, family, and fans gathered to celebrate the life of one of the world’s most admired, adored, and controversial musicians. People placed flowers at the Strawberry Fields memorial in Central Park. The city of Liverpool, his hometown, unveiled a statue of him.


Football falls back to reality as QBs struggle

After taking down league rival Holy Cross on Homecoming last month, the once-hapless Georgetown football team seemed to be in the midst of a renaissance.The team’s record stood at 3-1, surpassing their win total for the past two seasons combined, and the Hoyas were just one last-second play away from being undefeated.


The Sports Sermon: The hits keep coming

The NFL has always been a sport full of bone-crushing hits. The physical nature of the football is a huge reason why so many fans are attracted to the sport—the entertainment value of players crushing each other in almost any way possible is too much to pass up for most American sports fans.


Hoyas on fire in Big East

Just a few short weeks ago, the Georgetown men’s soccer team was in the midst of a five game winless streak, and seemed to be on track for another disappointing finish to the season. But, thanks to senior captain Jose Colchao and freshman midfielder Steve Neumann, the Hoyas have turned the season around, capturing six straight victories.


Soccer earns spot in tourney

This week, the Georgetown women’s soccer team concluded their four-game road trip with three wins, clinching not only a spot in the Big East tournament, but a bye to the quarterfinals. Before they get there the Hoyas will face a couple tough end-of-the-season challenges.


Backdoor Cuts: Die-hards are a dying breed

First and foremost, he was a fan.He would always thwack his pan loudly. His signs always bore encouraging messages and helpful tips.For every Yankee fan, Freddy Schuman, better known as “Freddy Sez,” was a New York Yankee legend.


Ugly edifice of evil of praiseworthy beacon of learning?

We are all lucky enough to attend a school with a truly beautiful campus. And yet, tucked in the corner of our picturesque front lawn, beneath the austere and regal façade of Healy, lies the squat, angular Lauinger Library—a gloomy, gray structure that looks more like a decrepit Soviet housing project than a comfortable place to study.


The social network: Where business is all up in my business

I think I may have told Mark Zuckerberg too much. First, on a sidebar, Facebook asked me, “Do you know this person?” and showed a picture of my father. Next Facebook started displaying “photo memories,” pictures of people I occasionally Facebook-stalk that were taken at events I didn’t attend.