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Letters to the Editor

Voice writer wrong about W. Sahara

I wish to address two points with you regarding this article (“The Woes of Western Sahara,” Voices, Feb. 22, 2007).

Letters to the Editor

Pot endorsed by God

It’s encouraging that students are working to bring sanity to America‘s cannabis (kaneh bosm / marijuana) laws.

Letters to the Editor

FELP actually saves GU students money

I read with great interest your January 11, 2007 editorial, “Making Student Loans Easy.” It encourages Congress to provide more money for student financial aid and suggests that the Federal Direct Lending Program is a better method for providing loans than the Federal Family Education Loan Program.


The Hoya Hood: Trashy and classy on the same block

A few years ago, Perrin Radley was awakened at three in the morning by a chorus of screamed obscenities outside his window on R Street. “Go home!” Radley shouted to the students. At the same moment a cab driver pulled up, and the young men shouted racial slurs and “all the expletives you can imagine” at the driver. Concerned that the fight would escalate into violence, Radley went outside and insisted they disperse. In response, one of the students took off his pants. Uncomfortable voicing the vulgar specifics out loud, the retired Episcopalian priest paused for a moment.


Eating in: late night for the lazy

It’s 2 a.m. and I’m two pages into my 10-page econ paper. My mouth feels like sandpaper and my forehead’s dripping sweat. I can’t leave the room, but I can order from DC Snacks.


Mezze Madness

At some point you have got to ask yourself what’s more important, your stomach or your wallet. If your wallet is filled with your parents’ money, it’s time to check out one of Georgetown’s exotic dining options.


Critical Voices: !!!, Myth Takes, Warp

With eight members and an emphasis on rhythm and danceability, !!! (conventionally pronounced “chk-chk-chk”) have sometimes lacked focus. While the band provides the perfect sound track to running really fast or freaking out, the human touch is often lost in the conglomeration of sounds. With Myth Takes !!! realize that those exclamation points can refer to emotion, not just excitement.


Critical Voices: Arcade Fire, Neon Bible, Merge

The music that tugs most at our heartstrings is often the most divisive. In one camp you have those who prefer their music served raw and doused with emotion; in the other you have vicious detractors shouting labels like “emo” and “over the top” with bitter disapproval. The Arcade Fire’s emotive debut, Funeral, won over both camps by shrouding many of its emo leanings in ambiguity and lyrical imagery.


Indie film: “Love in the Wrong Places”

Besides the frightening presence of Joan Rivers on every entertainment channel, there may be only one thing you can predict about Oscar season. Every actress on the red carpet is thinner than you. You can avoid this strange and recurring phenomenon by exploring the assortment of films offered by the DC Independent Film Fest.


Jack Gilbert says no to Heaven

Jack Gilbert’s collection of poems, “Refusing Heaven”, deserves the second round of attention its paperback reissue has received for its beautiful reflection upon the American poet’s adult life.


Carrying on: One man plays with his Wii

Back in middle school there was always one kid on the baseball team with gangly legs too long for his body and ears too big for his head: that athletic disaster that you didn’t want to see come up to bat, even though you knew that everybody gets to play in Little League. Remember how that kid didn’t really want to get up to bat either? I was that kid, and I excelled more in the field of videogames than on a physical field.


The rhetorical war against Iran

It has been over five years since George W. Bush’s State of the Union address in which he proclaimed that an “axis of evil” that included the countries of Iraq, Iran and North Korea “threaten the peace of the world.” Bush made it clear that he is willing to take action against such “evil” when he invaded Iraq in 2003, and now there is much discussion about what should be done with Iran and its ambition to obtain nuclear technology. Currently, Americans are being led to believe that Iran is a serious threat to their security (and Israel’s), yet this idea is simply false and based on misquotations and exaggerations.


The roaring bears of Brooklyn

As a National Park Ranger last summer, I was often asked what to do if a bear came into the campsite. This might be a standard question for most park rangers, but I wasn’t surrounded by Yellowstone’s erupting geysers or the rocky majesty of the Grand Canyon, but by weedy fields dotted with occasional clumps of pine trees at Gateway National Recreation Area. The park is Brooklyn’s largest national park, located on the southern tip of the borough. I follow the news pretty closely, but the frequency of the bear question left me wondering whether there was a rash of bear attacks sweeping New York that I hadn’t heard about.


The Funny Third: JWall for President

Fellow Hoyas, the time has come to ask not what you can do for your basketball team, but to ask what your basketball team can do for you, and that is to overthrow the Student Association.


The truth about strangers

Unfortunately, it appears that our mothers’ favorite adage about taking candy from strangers is true. Give your amiable bus driver an inch and he’ll take a mile. Chat with the girl beside you in the Safeway line once and she’ll be lying in wait for you by the shopping carts next time you go to buy cereal. Strike up a conversation with the security guard at your office and next thing you know he’ll stop seeing your 30-year age difference as an obstacle to asking you to dinner.


Don’t make Hoyas’ home nicer

Looking to fund $50 million in renovations to the Verizon Center without opening up his checkbook, Washington Wizards owner Abe Pollin did what any sensible man would do: he turned to the D.C. Council.


Step 1: Give students a box

Though we’re well into the “future,” it still feels like campus mail is stuck in the days of the Pony Express.


Pittsburgh tags campus

University of Pittsburgh fans vandalized a street sign between the Leavey Center and the Reiss Science Building before last weekend’s Georgetown-Pitt basketball game. The Hoya Saxa sign on Canal Road was also spray painted with Pitt graffitti.


Barone talks about 2008 elections

Conservative political pundit Michael Barone said that American voting trends are in flux, with voters shifting away from long-time partisan loyalties, last night in Old North. About 25 people gathered to listen to his analysis of the current political situation and the 2008 presidential election.


News Hit: Shaw inaugurated

Closing a refreshingly uncontroversial chapter in the Student Association’s election history, Ben Shaw (COL `08) and Matt Appenfeller (COL `08) were sworn in as president and vice-president at a Student Senate meeting Tuesday night.


City on a Hill: Council is so money and doesn’t even know it

Price of one campaign for the vacant Ward 4 seat in the District Council: $195,395.

Raising most of that money from businesses outside of the wards: priceless.


The life and times of international students

Georgetown ranked number one in a recent survey of international relations programs and prides itself on its high percentage of international students, but faced with tasks like applying for jobs or getting a credit card or cell phone, students from abroad often have to jump through hoops.


Gallaudet’s accreditation woes

Though the protests against Provost and former president-elect Jane Fernandes have subsided, Gallaudet University is still suffering from the long-term effects of last fall’s student strike. The country’s only deaf university may soon lose its accreditation from the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, the same organization that evaluates and accredits Georgetown.


Pac Man J

Why can’t this guy stay out of trouble? Does the utter ennui of his off-season existence drive Adam “PacMan” Jones of the Titans to find ways to make his life more interesting, regardless of the costs? Don’t they have a bowling alley or something in Nashville?


Hoyas drop a heartbreaker

Hoya baseball (2-4) was riding a two-game winning streak going into yesterday’s game against Navy (9-2). The team got another very solid pitching performance from Jimmy Saris, but their bats let down the sophomore righty as the Hoyas dropped the close game 2-1.