Halftime Leisure

The Voice’s takes on all things media and culture.

Halftime Leisure

Critical Voices: Enrique Iglesias, SEX AND LOVE

SEX AND LOVE – nope, it’s not that Ethics class you were too nervous to sign up for. It’s just Enrique Iglesias, back at it again. In his latest release,... Read more

Halftime Leisure

A Case for the Classics

Your “Intro to Philosophy” paper is due in 24 hours—so, you open a new Word document, grab an M&M cookie from Wiseys, plug your headphones into your ears and click... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Musée des Beaux-Arts presents Montreal’s past

When most people think about a college spring break, they imagine sun-soaked beaches, palm trees, and friends clinking Coronas. They don’t usually picture embarking on a road trip to Montreal,... Read more

Halftime Leisure

‘She-Hulk #1’ is a perfect balance

I got to admit, I love She-Hulk. There’s something ridiculously charming about a female hero that not only is comfortable with herself enough to have a sense of humor, but... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Weekly List(en): Chill Out, Dude

Welcome to The Weekly List, a curation of the latest and greatest tracks to hit the interwebs in the past two weeks. Didn’t get a chance to peruse the blogosphere... Read more

Halftime Leisure

TV Recap: Jay Leno and Jimmy Fallon Say Goodbye, Olympics Begin

Hey! New day, new column! Welcome to our weekly TV recap! Where we talk about what happened this week in TV. (Duh.) Anyways, enjoy! There were many endings and beginnings... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Brick by brick: The Lego Movie is a breathtaking creation

Chris Pratt. Will Ferrell. Elizabeth Banks. Will Arnett. Morgan Freeman. Sounds like the recipe for a well narrated Television crossover Parks and Recreation, Arrested Development special, doesn’t it? But unfortunately... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Deadbeats: She didn’t ring the alarm

This column originally appeared in the Georgetown Voice. The online version can be found here. There are few things I enjoy more than counting down the days until one of... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Under the Covers: Narcoland prosecutes drug war

This column was written for the print edition of The Georgetown Voice. It can be found here. Early in January, 20 men dressed in uniforms of the Mexican Federal Police... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Mercedes-Benz Berlin Fashion Week places new trends on the catwalk

What’s that? Autumn/Winter 2014 collections already on display at the Mercedes-Benz Berlin Fashion Week? But didn’t winter just begin? Huh? Well, I’m guessing the motto of the fashion world is... Read more

Halftime Leisure

Another glam rock casualty darkens today’s musical horizons

This column was written for the print edition of the Georgetown Voice. It can be found on the Voice’s website here. Every Friday night, my Village B apartment begins to... Read more

Halftime Leisure

The Weekly List: Bombay Bicycle Club

[8tracks url=”http://8tracks.com/drvarg01/the-weekly-list-bombay-bicycle-club” ] Hi there! I’m Daniel Varghese, one of the current assistant leisure editors for the Voice. Welcome to Halftime, the new staff blog for Leisure and Sports. It’s... Read more