
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


GU vets given less aid than peers

Undergraduate student veterans at Georgetown receive far less in education benefits than veterans at neighboring institutions like George Washington University and peer institutions like Dartmouth College and University of Pennsylvania,... Read more


Diverse crowd marches for gay rights

Activists from around the country gathered in Washington, D.C. this Sunday for the National Equality March, where protesters sought equal civil rights for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning... Read more


Midnight madness buys carbon offset

This Friday’s Midnight Madness will emit thirteen tons of carbon, according to an audit conducted by Georgetown Eco-Action. To offset these carbon emissions, Georgetown will spend about $170 on carbon... Read more


GU OpenCourseWare just lifting off

Over the summer, Georgetown made online materials for a handful of courses free to the public as part of the OpenCourseWare movement that grants the public access to syllabi, lectures,... Read more


New Rosslyn circulator considered

Councilmember Jack Evans (D-Ward 2) introduced legislation last week that would allow the Circulator buses, such as the Union Station – Georgetown route to expand into nearby areas like Rosslyn,... Read more


Saxa Politica: GU’s Woes on the World Wide Web

Georgetown’s Communications Department will take charge of giving the University website a badly-needed update, its first since 2002. The project “will redo the homepage and content found just off of... Read more


Student passes away in Spain

On Tuesday evening, Arielle DaCosta (COL `11) passed away in Salamanca, Spain, where she was studying abroad for the year, according to an e-mail sent out by Vice President for... Read more


Philly P “mob scene” angers ANC

Georgetown’s most famous late-night pizza establishment is coming under increased pressure from the Advisory Neighborhood Commission. During a meeting last Tuesday where residents on Potomac Street shared eyewitness accounts of... Read more


$6.75m for cancer center

Georgetown University Medical Center recently received a $6.75 million gift for the creation of a new cancer center. The donation was made by Jeanne Ruesch in honor of her husband... Read more


D.C. Council considers gay marriage bill

On October 6, Councilmember David Catania (I–At Large) (SFS `90 LAW `94) introduced a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage in the District of Columbia. The “Religious Freedom and Civil... Read more


Annual report shows increased crime

On-campus thefts and alcohol violations increased dramatically in 2008, according to statistics released by the Department of Public Safety on Thursday. The 2009 Annual Crime Report, which covers the 2008... Read more


City on a Hill: D.C., are you PC?

On Monday, the District government filed a lawsuit to take over two allegedly substandard group homes for the mentally disabled. It’s a commendable move by a government that sometimes fails... Read more


MPD issues noise violations to students

This academic year, the Metropolitan Police Department has issued at least six 61-D citations to Georgetown students for noise violations, according to an email sent on September 24 by Cory... Read more


4 GUSA seats empty

The Georgetown University Student Association Senate campaigns are well under way, in preparation for elections on October 6, but four of the 25 open seats have attracted no candidates. None... Read more


Eco-friendly trash cans installed

Georgetown has installed twenty environmentally-friendly BigBelly solar trash compactors on campus as a part of an ongoing sustainability campaign. Three BigBelly cans premiered at last year’s Green Fair on campus.... Read more


Circulator saved

At a Wisconsin Avenue-Whitehaven Place Circulator bus stop Tuesday morning, Mayor Adrian Fenty (D) officially announced that Circulator service on upper Wisconsin Avenue will not be cut. According to Fenty’s... Read more


Freshman authors story of abuse

“There are stories hidden inside each and every one of us.” Yaya Chang (COL ‘13) opens her book, Hidden Behind Innocence, with these words. At first glance, the diminutive yet... Read more


Saxa Politica: Diversity Initiative a worthy cause

Georgetown students got an e-mail last week with the subject, “EVENT: Diversity Initiative, Town Hall Meeting.” Most of them probably never opened it. It was easy to dismiss the event,... Read more


Diversity groups prepare for town hall

This week, the three working groups created last spring to address diversity issues at Georgetown, collectively called the “Diversity Initiative,” geared up for their first town hall meeting of the... Read more


GUSA senators point to Angert’s successes

Since their election last spring, the Georgetown University Student Association administration of President Calen Angert (MSB `11) and Vice President Jason Kluger (MSB `11) has gotten off to a strong... Read more