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GU Muslims keep the faith

Every year during the month of Ramadan, Asra Ashfaq (MSB ’09) starts her day before sunrise to complete the first prayer of the day, Suhoor. She quickly eats her breakfast before the sun rises, as her next meal will be after sunset. After a full day of classes and work, she will join many of her fellow classmates to break the fast with the traditional date and water, then dinner. This ritual will be repeated daily from Thursday, September 13th until the end of Ramadan on Saturday, October 13th.


Saxa Politica: Add/drop like it’s hot

Georgetown’s add/drop period is speed dating: you are given a brief encounter and forced to rate it either yea or nay. Yet yeas and nays have more important implications when you’re rating classes and not a potential one night stand.


Remembering Sept. 11

The Georgetown community found diverse ways to reflect on the tragic events that unfolded so close to Healy Gates on September 11. University officials and student groups sponsored several events on campus commemorating 9/11, including a memorial prayer service, a flag display and a panel discussion.


Locals no fans of new regulations

Students upset over the University’s new alcohol policies may be surprised to learn that many Georgetown community members are as upset as they are.


“Problem houses” on MPD watch list

The Metropolitan Police Department warned a number of students living off-campus that their houses are on a list of residences to monitor closely and threatened them with arrest in the event of future complaints.


Metro comes down hard in aftermath of the new party policy

The Metropolitan Police Department has increased enforcement of noise and alcohol violations and been arresting violators rather than issuing citations, as in the past.


Switch Hitting: a weekly take on sports

In the winner-take-all world of professional sports a number of people live by the adage, “If you aren’t cheating, you aren’t trying.”


The Sports Sermon

Next to, “nothing good happens after midnight” and “don’t tell your mother about this ticket,” my father’s favorite advisory catchphrase is, “you make your own good time.”


Battle of D.C.

While they might be the team you haven’t heard of, or thought of, they are on the road to making a place for themselves in the status of top teams at Georgetown this fall season.


Dead Beats

Music can be like a bratty child: loud, obnoxious and always demanding your attention. But what if we assigned the medium a more patient role, one that would allow it to seep into our subconscious, cleanse its contents and exit before we even sensed its presence?


Joni loves bocce: lawn bowling Italian style

While most of the country spent last Saturday enraptured by football’s annual television reconquista, a band of sports enthusiasts enjoyed a more peculiar pastime in the shadow of the Capitol: bocce ball.


Film festival not short on inspiration

In an industry dominated by big budget sequels and tabloid stars, the D.C. Shorts Film Festival gives aspiring independent filmmakers hope to find not only an audience but also a venue that encourages collaboration and communication. Unconcerned with press or big names, the festival focuses about the artistic quality of the films and helps deserving directors with grants for future work.



The Lady Hoyas (3-8) were in high spirits after their Sunday night victory against Iona in the annual Georgetown Classic. Though they lost their first two matches against Northwestern and Towson, the Hoyas recovered to defeat Iona in a 3-1 match.


What’s in a walk-on?

Eventually, every college football player is struck—literally hit—with the realization that the speed and physicality of the game is exponentially greater than what they experienced in high school.


Critical Voices: The Go! Team, Proof of Youth

Throwing Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band on the boom box and tromping around, only half listening to it would be akin to musical heresy. But different artists require different media of listening and The Go! Team, particularly with their sophomore effort Proof of Youth, have established themselves as of the boom box variety.


Critical Voices: Animal Collective, Strawberry Jam

At the moment, nothing short of wide-scale environmental catastrophe could stop the creative stampede that is Animal Collective. The NYC-based group has been the apple of many a critic’s eye since the twisted forest romps of 2003’s Here Comes the Indian and Beach Boys-inflected follow-ups Sung Tongs and Feels.


Rating retraction

In fact, Georgetown’s Silver rating in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design System scale is one step above the lower “Certified” rating, and it is a rare accomplisment to earn any LEED rating at all, especially for a science building.


Critical Voices: Kanye West, Graduation

Kanye West’s third album, Graduation, is a blessing in a year that has been abysmal for hip-hop. While Kanye is still a relatively weak MC, Graduation is an original, entertaining and tight album, and though it lacks any true club-bangers, it’s still the best hip-hop album of 2007.


Accident swerves off the road

Amy Ziff, the star and creator of the one-woman show “Accident,” is one-third of the band BETTY—sort of a punkier Indigo Girls. She’s a Jewish lesbian, a blonde with dreadlocks and generally a funny woman. In “Accident,” she’s also dead. Do all these qualities mean she’s worth spending an evening with? Probably not. How about a little under an hour? Well, sure.


Vox around the blocks

Garutachi Presents Underwear Party VI – Rock & Roll Hotel; Sept. 15; $10 or free if clad in undies Admittedly (and ashamedly), this writer has little experience with the Rock... Read more

Letters to the Editor

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”

It’s about time that someone put their foot down on the new alcohol policy on and off-campus here at Georgetown. The University and the Metropolitan Police Department don’t understand that the new ramped-up policies set in place to “protect” the students and neighbors are actually making everything worse.

Letters to the Editor

Voice needs more research on environmental rating

Will Sommer must be joking in his recent article slamming Georgetown’s new science building (“Building blues,” News, September 6). That the University would pursue a LEED rating is commendable on its own, and the fact that this building will be certfied LEED Silver makes the project all the more deserving of our support.


Unpacking your tuition

The season of inundating the Office of International Programs is upon us. Whether you’re slipping into the office between class hours to browse the program evaluations, haggling with the administration to let you go on an independent study or standing in line for an appointment, daydreaming to the pulse of Euro-tech, there’s one universal truth to study abroad at Georgetown: whatever your plans, they’re costing you (and your parents) a pretty penny.


Carrying On

“I asked for salami, not pepperoni! How the HELL do you confuse salami for pepperoni?”

Suffering the preceding comment, smiling and apologizing is one of the joys of being a waiter. This past year I have been a server at a gourmet pizzeria, a Chinese bistro and an American “neighborhood-style” restaurant. Each had its own training system, tip-out schedule and scripted table greeting. After a year of mindlessly asking strangers if they would “care to start off with something to drink,” I’m out of patience.


An education with my Savior

“Oh my God! There’s a Jesus on that cross!” This was my first thought during the journey into the world of the Catholic university. I was prepared to make my college experience an exercise in “living outside my comfort zone,” beginning with my first-ever Roman Catholic Mass the day before my first class at a university I had long dreamed of attending. I was prepared for a tradition that wasn’t my own, for the open discussion of spiritual ideals and their place in modern society. I was not prepared for a large crucifix.