Articles tagged: gusa


GUSA Senate to reform ethics committee, urges paper-free classes

The GUSA Senate passed legislation to reform the structure of the Ethics and Oversight Committee and approved a resolution urging the university to enact paper-free academic practices at their Oct.... Read more


Proposed Ethics Reforms Will Only Make GUSA More Corrupt

This past summer, the Working Group on Reforms to the Senate Ethics and Oversight Committee prepared a report to propose solutions to many structural limitations that have undermined the Ethics... Read more


GUSA Senate elects FinApp, supports survey petition

The GUSA Senate elected the 12 members of the Finance and Appropriations Committee (FinApp), which allocates the student activities fee to student organizations, at their Oct. 6 meeting. They also... Read more


GUSA Swears in New Senators, Elects Leadership

The GUSA Senate swore in 12 new senators and elected Senate leadership for the coming year during the Sept. 29 meeting.  Sens. Juan Martinez (SFS ’20), and Samantha Moreland (COL... Read more


GUSA Senate Invokes Disciplinary Measures on Hamilton

The GUSA Senate met on Sept. 22 and passed three pieces of legislation concerning CAPS programming, the disciplinary steps for Sen. Peter Lee Hamilton (COL ’20) following impeachment, and the... Read more


Nugent Elected Transition FinApp Chair after Buckwald Resignation

This story has been updated.  Sen. Matt Buckwald (COL ’20) resigned from his position in the GUSA Senate on Aug. 30, according to an email sent the same day by... Read more


GUSA Impeaches but Fails to Remove Senator

The GUSA Senate failed to remove Sen. Peter Lee Hamilton (COL ’20) at their Aug. 26 meeting. The vote was ten in favor of removal to six against—one vote away... Read more


GUSA Senate Lays out Goals for Summer

The 14th GUSA Senate set forth its goals for the transition period in an act passed during its June 3 meeting. The legislation was sponsored by Senate transition leadership, Chair... Read more


GUSA Senate Elects Transition Chairs

The GUSA Senate met to to elect Senate transition chairs and determine representatives for the next day’s Constitutional Council Hearing on April 16. The positions included the transition chairs on... Read more


Constitutional Council Hears 272 Referendum Complaint

On April 17, the Constitutional Council heard arguments on a case regarding the constitutionality of the 272 referendum that passed the student body on April 11. Rowan Saydlowski (COL ’21)... Read more


New GUSA Senate Sworn in, Constitutional Case Brought on Issue of 272 Referendum

The new GUSA Senate was sworn in at the last meeting of the previous Senate on April 14. Other business included the discussion of a Constitutional Council hearing regarding alleged... Read more


Behind the Scenes, GUSA Policy Teams Work for Change

Asked about her GUSA policy team, Macky Grimm (COL ’21) hesitated. “I don’t really have one,” she said. When pressed, she admitted, “It’s just me.” Grimm, the chair of GUSA’s... Read more


Support GUSA Policy Teams for Change on Campus

The Georgetown University Student Association (GUSA) Policy Teams were established in their current form under the administration of Enushe Khan (MSB ’17) and Chris Fisk (COL ’17) in 2016. The... Read more


New GUSA senators elected amidst high turnout

The Election Commission announced the winners of the GUSA Senate election. The new Senate is composed of 18 members, six from each rising class of seniors, juniors, and sophomores.  The... Read more


Claiming a Misrepresentation of Maringouin, This Descendant Opposes the GU272 Referendum

Georgetown students are voting on a referendum to add a $27.20 per semester fee to fund projects benefiting the descendants of the 272 enslaved people sold by the university in... Read more


Vote Yes on the GU272 Referendum

This Thursday, April 11, students will have the opportunity to vote on the GU272 referendum.  The referendum, if passed, would demonstrate student support for creating a reconciliation fund to benefit... Read more


Resolution Calling for Action on Admissions Scandal Fails in GUSA Senate

The GUSA Senate did not pass a resolution that would have called for the expulsion of any students found guilty in the admissions scandal at their April 7 meeting. The... Read more


Students Ask Questions, Debate 272 Referendum at Town Hall

The GU272 Advocacy Team held a public town hall on the GU 272 Referendum on April 3, providing a space for students to discuss and ask questions about the referendum.... Read more


GUSA Senate Approves Budget

The GUSA Senate unanimously approved the budget for student organizations and advisory boards at their Mar. 24 meeting. The budget was prepared by the Finance and Appropriations Committee and presented... Read more


GUSA senate elections, 272 referendum, to be held April 11

The GUSA Senate election campaign period will begin on April 4, according to an email sent to students this week by the GUSA Election Committee, a body tasked with the... Read more